Categories > Original > Fantasy > Leaving of the shadows

i'm sorry

by girloftheshadows 0 reviews

Carine and Timeus talk (if you havn't noticed i'm not good at summaries) i'm not that good at story writing so please review with hints (no your story sucks or anything like that) R&R tammy...

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Romance - Warnings: [?] [V] - Published: 2006-12-30 - Updated: 2006-12-30 - 459 words

Ok, this is chapter 5 this is the chapter where the first couple comes in. I think its cute how Timeus is blushing and he doesn't even know her name. This is really short I wrote more for this but it made it long so I split it.

Now I'm going to describe Carine and Timeus

Carine Kaycee Afex
(Kaycee was her original name before I decided to give the names meanings)
name meaning: friend
Age: 7
Hair colour: blonde
Eye colour: blue
Race: human
Weapon of choice: her mothers pink bladed Kanata (sp?) that has a lightning bolt
Magic abilities: fire and water though she can't use them well yet
Normal clothes: pink dress with purple apron over it
Family: none

Timeus Siarah (funny story I'll type it later) SelesLkanka
name meaning:perfect
Age: 10
Eye colour: light green
Hair colour: golden brown
Race: human
Weapon of choice: sword (tilted to the left)
Magic abilities: weak magic spells of lightning, wind, water, earth, ice and fire
Normal clothes: white shirt with blue sleeves and hood, blue pants and blue shoes with blue socks. (Dresses different at first meeting where he wares all black)
Family: not known at first but then Garron tells him.

Chapter 5

"I didn't know that girl was the one I saved" Timeus said sadly. "You saved her?" Garron asked "yah, I hope she's not too upset" Timeus voice seemed to change to be a bit higher. "Well you should go talk to her then" "yah I should" Timeus said concerned.
~ ~~

Timeus walked around a bit until he saw Carine. He walked over and sat beside her. "Hay are you ok?" "I'm sorry I understand that you don't really care to remember me its ok." Carine said sadly "no, no I'm the one that should be sorry. I remember you but I never thought that you would look so different form when you where 3 years old." "Really wait what do you mean by that?" "I mean you where well you looked like you where poor, now you look like a fine young lady" Timeus said started to blush a little. "Thanks your nice uhmm what's your name?" she asked embarrassed "Timeus" "oh my name is Carine Kaycee Afex?" "I guess my last name is SelesLkanka. Carine that's Armenian right?" "Yep both my parents were Armenian" "that's easy culture I don't know my parents back ground but my names Greek meaning perfect, Garron is English meaning guardian and Tammy is Hebrew which also means perfect." "Carine means friend but it doesn't suit me. I have no friends expect Tammy and I only known her for a day." "I'll be your friend" "really" "yep I have no friend either, we'll be friends." Timeus smiled and blushed a little darker than before.
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