Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Silver and Cold

Rabbits are Roadkill on Rt 37

by Cerediwen 4 reviews

Having the mental age of a five year old is a wonderful thing...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-01-01 - Updated: 2007-01-01 - 799 words

A/N: Hey guys...yeah I'm back again and laughs evilly I'm like 5 chapters ahead of what I'm posting grins I know what's gonna happen, I know what's gonna coughs Okay that'll do for now...
Disclaimer: strokes white cat You see as I am the supreme ruler of the world I actually do own MCR but they don't know it yet...I just have to say I don't to keep the U.N happy sighs

Chapter 2
Rabbits are Roadkill on Rt37

It was a couple of hours later by the time Frank Iero wearily climbed the stairs to the landing above, light blazing from all the rooms downstairs which had been lit and discovered on the band's hunt for the kitchen and pizza and chips. For the whole of two and a half hours Gerard had stayed locked away where ever he had chosen his room and Frank was getting slightly worried - and his pizza was now stone cold.
As soon as the guitarist hit the landing it was like he had entered into a different world. Here shadows still ruled most of the two corridors that branched off in either direction, shrouding them in darkness. But Frank could hear music, and despite the lack of light from under any of the doors along either corridor it told him all he needed to know. Sighing to himself he wandered down the corridor to his right and knocked on the second door he came to and for a couple of seconds there was no answer, just music faintly blaring on, till the vocalist's familiar if not tired voice echoed through the oak door.
"Come in." Gerard told the guitarist quietly.
Frank gently pushed open the door, and stood for a minute looking around the room Gerard had chosen. It wasn't really huge unlike the domed ceilings and grandeur of the rooms downstairs but it was still pretty big. Already scattered over the floor were CDs and sheets of paper from the vocalist's suitcase which lay in the centre of the room, illuminated by the full moon which shone in through the bay windows in the wall opposite. Gerard sat, cross-legged on the bed, which was propped up against a wall which in the half light Frank found it impossible to work out the colour of. From the stereo which sat on a desk by the side of the bed, 'Rabbits are Roadkill on Rt37' by AFI was playing, quietly enough so it was only really clear when you stepped into the room.
"Gerard," Frank said slowly as he stood in the doorway "Are you pissed at for being freaked out by the house?"
Gerard shook his head, dark hair falling across his pale features, which looked almost haunting in the moonlight. "No," He murmured quietly "I'm just tired."
Frank shook his head and wandered into the room, picking his way over numerous piles of stuff and slumped down in a chair by the back wall. "You've been up here since we came. We're all scared shitless by this place and you locking yourself away isn't helping. Oh yeah, and your pizza's gone cold."
Gerard smiled despite himself at his friend's positive out look on life "Thanks Frankie." He murmured, reaching over to turn the stereo off.
Frank shrugged "Hey, I have to do something useful round here and as you guys are all being dark and pessimistic I figured I needed to be happy..." he paused for a minute then with a huge grin on his face added "Wow...big word!"
Gerard laughed "Woo," He smiled "My little Frankie's growing up and using big words now. How does it feel to be old Frankie?"
Frank stood up and chewed his bottom lip for a minute then shook his head "Nah," He beamed "Not great." And with that he bounded over the piles of junk and out into the dim hallway "I'll beat you Gee, and then I'll eat your pizza too!" He yelled back sounding for all the world like a five year old.
As Gerard followed Frank at a half run, have walk across the landing, from downstairs came Bob's yell of "Hell guys your mental age hasn't change since you were five!"
And so for once, all was right in the world, even if they were going to be stuck in a creepy old mansion for three months, but looking down over the banister at Frank, who was being chased around the hall by Mikey while triumphantly waving the last piece of pizza Gerard realised that no matter what happened next, it would be ok. He had his stupid childish friends and band mates and a little brother to look after and nothing would break them up.

But never ever is a stupid thing to say.

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