Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Falling Hard

Blue Moon Cafe

by Crimsonsorrow 0 reviews

Myka is conned into singing at the club

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-01-01 - Updated: 2007-01-01 - 462 words

A/N: You know the drill not mine and all of that fun shit and please review

Chapter seven

They were now at the club Blue Moon Café, they were sitting at a table that was in view of the band. "So which two are your cousins?" Gerard asked her.

She pointed, "The two tallest ones are. The shaggy dark haired one is Chris and the blond is Nate." she said.

They sung about three songs and everyone enjoyed them which is a good sign, Nate looked over to where Myka was and smirked. "We have a surprise for you people, I'm not going to sing this last song my cousin Myka who wrote this next song is going to be singing. Myka get up here." Nate said looking at her.

Myka glared at him but reluctantly walked up onto the stage, she shook her head at her cousin but took the mic and began to sing.

Only in your dreams
Only in the darkness

Will you ever be free from this madness

Never will you see me

Scare Me Sober

I saw what happened to you
Nothing good came of it
Death is what's in the future

I cried for days after it happened
Crying so many tears,
So many bloody tears that my hands were soaking with blood

Licking it off of my fingers, so sweet, so coppery

Life was once a beginning and now it is an ending.

For you life is ending.

You poisoned yourself without realizing it.

Scare me Sober

You scared me away from that, away from your lifestyle.

I never want to be you, i don't want to be like you

have you seen what you did to yourself.

It killed me, over and over every time i saw you

Every time you took one sip it killed me

you were saying that life doesn't matter

That i don't matter

We don't matter anymore

To you we are nothing

Scare Me Sober

Is that truly what you think

Are we nothing

Anything but something

Never to be someone

Someone is coming for you

Death is at your door

Knocking on your door

Its coming to take you away

Taking you into the dark abyss

Through the doorway there is a stairway

That leads you to your destiny

It leads you to your ending

Without anyone there

No one to care

Never being able to bare

Is this the end?

You killed yourself

You no longer have a life

Myka shyly smiled at the crowd and walked off of the stage and sat back down with Mikey. All of the others were staring at her shocked, for someone so shy and quiet like her they couldn't believe that she had such a strong and loud voice.
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