Categories > Anime/Manga > Gundam Wing > Akuryou


by Lachesis 1 review

The Itemholders decide on a course of action.

Category: Gundam Wing - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover, Humor - Characters: Duo, Wufei - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2005-08-13 - Updated: 2005-08-14 - 1162 words


Yami no Yugi was irritated. This was actually a bit of an understatement, as he was currently trying to send the computer screen to the Shadow Realm by force of glare alone. And the source of this irritation? His newest obsession wasn't cooperating with him, and it had been over a century since that had last occurred.

{Just think of it as a challenge.} Yugi suggested from where he lounged on a couch. {You're the King of Games, aren't you? It ought to be simple.}

{{What do you think I've been doing, aibou, playing computer games? It's not that easy.}} He replied acerbically.

{Is it ever? If it really matters so much to you that you find these people, why don't you ask Kon to help you?} Yugi sat up, watching his yami curiously.

Yami grimaced. Konjaku Kaiba, the latest addition to their host family, had combined inheriting the looks and brains of his great-to-the-dozenth uncle with being twice the bastard that Yami's long-dead rival had been.

"C'mon, Yami, you know he's better with computers than you or I will ever be," Yugi wheedled, speaking aloud for the first time. His yami had been obsessing over this group for months, and he knew that if this puzzle wasn't solved soon Yami really would send the computer to the Shadow Realm. There to join the many others of its kind. Yami was fond of impossible obsessions and had a new one every year.

Although it wasn't like they couldn't pay for the computers, as interest builds up quite a bit over five and a half centuries, but Isis was rather annoyed whenever the Shadow Realm was accessed for something so trivial.

And Isis annoyed was never a good thing.

His resolve reaffirmed, Yugi opened his mouth to continue his manipulati-no, argument with Yami, only to be halted by the rather interesting entrance of a certain pair of white-haired Itemholders. Crashing through the door, the two landed in a tangled, swearing heap as the others burst out laughing.

"At the mall...the Ring...get the fuck off me, Ryou...another Item...I'm /trying/, Yami dearest..."


Both Yami and Yugi turned towards the speaker, the occasional giggle slipping out as they tried to calm themselves.

Gazing at the pile of hair by the front door, Isis gave them the slightest smirk as she walked over to the couch and sat next to Yugi. "Now, what were you two saying before you made that quite amusing entrance?"



Shin giggled. /I think Wu-bear just found the syrup in his shampoo./

His hikari blinked, brought out of his thoughts. Shin, you didn't.

All he received in reply was a mental smirk.

Duo took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he got up. Shin. You /do realize that a katana will kill me just as dead as a bullet would, right?/

/Yeah, but Wu-bear you can outrun. Heero you can't. That's why I only prank Justice Boy. And speaking of running.../

His warning wasn't necessary. The sight of a pissed off Chang Wufei standing at the top of the stairs with a fucking big sword provided more than enough incentive for Duo to leave the vicinity.


There were five grim faces in the room when Ryou and Bakura were through explaining the events at the mall. The silence stretched out as they considered the implications.

Yugi was the first to break it. "Okay, so there's another Item around. Do we have any idea which one?"

"That bastard Shadi around again, maybe?" Yami chimed in.

"Perhaps," Isis said. "Or it may be one of the others."

"The Ring wasn't showing a very strong reaction, so I don't think it could have been more than one." Bakura stated thoughtfully. "And...I think it recognized whichever one it was."

"Well, you only met Shadi the once, but you had the Eye for quite a while. And...we've all seen the Rod." Isis faltered, still saddened by the death of her brother.

"There's still no word on the Eye, is there?" Yugi questioned, moving the discussion forward.

{{I still can't believe the tombrobber lost the bloody thing...}} Yami muttered privately.


"No, but we do know that the Rod chose a master nine years ago." Ryou said, finally joining the conversation. "It could have been its Holder that we sensed."

Yami nodded. "Isis, did your vision show you anything that could give us a clue about who it was?"

She shook her head. "Not really, although I do remember that their eyes were either a deep blue or purple. I couldn't even tell whether it was a man or a woman."

Yugi snickered. "The Rod does seem to have a fetish for those colors, doesn't it?"

"Look who's talking, brat," Bakura laughed. He looked at Yugi and blinked. "You know, you really shouldn't scowl. It just doesn't look right on you."

The scowl dropped off Yugi's face as he sighed. "I really hate being stuck as a sixteen-year-old. I despise being cute. And short."

"You'd think you'd be used to it by now," Bakura said, continuing a centuries-old argument.

"Hey, before you two get into that, don't you think we ought to decide what to do? We aren't going to find this guy sitting around the mansion," Ryou interceded.

Isis nodded. "We'll have to search the city."

"And if he's left the city?"

"If he- or she- has departed the city, then they're not our problem unless they start to make trouble."

"This'll take time. A lot of it," Yami said, frowning.

"And even more than you're thinking, since we'll only be able to search part of the day." Seeing the confused looks of those around her, Isis continued. "None of you look like you're over sixteen. People will want to know why you're not in school. Therefore, you will be."

She waited for the screams of outrage to die down before going on.

"You need a cover. We'll get Kon to hack the school's database and add all of you on as transfer students. Now, Ryou, Bakura, you'll need books and supplies, so you two head back to the mall. And Ryou? Let Bakura have his knives back, he might need them. Yugi? You'll have to go buy uniforms, they should be at the school. And my lord pharaoh, you speak with Konjaku. I'll meditate and see if the Tauk shows me anything." She stood and walked out of the room.

Somewhat stunned, the remaining four glanced wide-eyed at each other before slowly dispersing. Yugi paused at the doorway, looking back at an unhappy Yami.

{Think about it this way. At least now you can ask Kon to help you find those people.} With that thought, he left.

Sighing, Yami rose to begin searching for the boy. He really didn't like asking for favors, but his hikari's ideas were usually good ones.

And who knew, maybe Kon could help him look for the Gundam pilots.
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