Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Love hurts

kiss and make-up....or not

by book-worm 2 reviews

Jay and Theresa get into an arguement. Atlanta gets worried and with Archie's help forms a plan to bring them together (J/T, A/A)

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-01-05 - Updated: 2007-01-05 - 200 words

On a cold november evening, two teens in the

brownstone house were seriously feuding.

" Oh get real Jay," said a really ticked off

redhead, "and stop treating me like I can't take

care of myself!"

" Is that what you think, Theresa?" bellowed

an equally furious Jay, " you know that nobody

can defend themself against a power-hungry god

on thier own. Not even you!"

" Then how come you are always making sure

that I'm safe, and no one else?"

Just then, another redhead entered the room.

She was about to tell the two teens to shut up,

but decided against it, when she saw how ticked

off they were at each other.

The second redhead, known as Atlanta, soon

discovered that Theresa had gone out for a run

and didn't come back till late. Jay, their

leader, had panicked, thinking that thier worst

enemy, Cronus, had kidnapped her or something.

This apparently, really ticked Theresa off,

thinking that Jay thought she was too weak to

defend herself.

The true is, Jay and Theresa really like each

other, but they both don't realize that the

other also likes him or her.

Which is why those two simply couldn't just

kiss and make-up.

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