Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Voices

Chapter 07:I Fell Into Fantasy

by SallyandJack 0 reviews

"I blamed it on you!"

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-01-06 - Updated: 2007-01-06 - 298 words

Bridgette staired at the wall. The tears rolling down her face.

"The thing was...I wasn't running when he pushed me." She said, quietly.

Brendon shook his head. "I know. It wasn't your fault...that..."

She started to crying hystericaly again. "I blamed you for it!"


"What?" He asked.

"She was shoved in the middle of the street. Just so happens her manager found out about her problem..."

"The gay dude? No! He couldn't have done that."

Ryan shook his head. "Well, he did."

Spencer looked at Brendon. "You seriously got her..."

"I guess. And now she's pissed."

Jon sighed. "I suggest you get your ass over there then."

"You're right. I should." Brendon said, he walked out and got into his car.


"I'm looking for Bridgette Reilly."

"Umm...they're still testing her. In a few minutes."

Brendon sighed. "Fine."

It was too much for him to take. His girlfriend, and possibly child if it lived, was in the hospital. Both could be dead or dying. He fidgeted in his chair untill the doctor said it was okay...

"Bridgette?" He asked.

She was awake. Her face looked blank.

"Are you okay?"

"Him. My manager, fired me and pushed me in front of a car..." She whispered.


She started crying. "I'm sorry." She said between sobs. "I shouldn't have blamed you."

"Seriously, you had a right."

"No! I didn't! I don't're right. I need help."

Brendon staired at his injured girlfriend. "What are you talking about?"

"I-Perry. He killed the baby." She said. "One of my best friends!! Hates me!!"

Brendon walked over to her and kissed her. "I thought you didn't want it..."

"I didn't...I just...everything started zooming through my mind and I wanted it."

"It's okay. For 2 hours...I was a dad..."
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