Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > With You


by UbiquitousOranges 0 reviews

In which Roxas can't sleep.

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Romance - Characters: Axel, Roxas - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-01-07 - Updated: 2007-01-08 - 1041 words

OK guys... here we go. My first attempt at a multi-chapter fic. OwO Let's see how this turns out...
Disclaimer: These characters don't belong to me, they're Squeenix/Disney property, I do this for /free/. If I wrote the game, there would be a lot more AkuRoku. Not that there wasn't a lot already. XD
chapter o1. dance
Roxas padded silently down the hall. It was dark and cold - the castle always seemed to be cold, year in, year out. He had thrown his black Organization robe on over his pajamas, but it was doing little to keep him warm.
Roxas' destination was denoted by a door, friendly yellow light seeping out from under it. He knocked quietly, and waited while the person inside walked over and opened the door a crack. Spiky red hair, a green eye, and a blue, diamond-shaped tatoo showed through the gap. When Axel saw that it was Roxas outside, he pulled the door open the rest of the way and brought him inside. The redhead was wearing jeans and a black shirt with some sort of abstract design on it. "Another bad dream, huh?"
"Yeah," Roxas said, looking around at the room almost as familiar as his own. Axel had a tendency to decorate in reds and oranges - bright, vital, fiery colors, that matched his powers as well as his... volatile personality. The light was off, but a lamp on the nightstand was on (as was the bathroom light), making it just comfortably dim. The walls were painted a cinnamon color, and the sheets were orange under a dark red bedspread. A bookshelf stood in one corner, stuffed with magazines - skiing, skating, surfing... Roxas had a feeling that Axel had never done any of the things his magazines talked about, at least not in his current life. Various items of clothing were scattered on the floor, and a pair of chakrams leaned in one corner. A table against the wall near the door held Axel's stereo, a laptop (they all had them, as Organization members), and a wooden statue of - as Roxas thought of it - a New Years' dragon. He patted it on the head.
"So... what was it this time?"
"Drowning in darkness. Same as last time, and the time before that..." Roxas rubbed his eyes tiredly.
Axel came up behind the little blond and put his arms around him. "'S alright," he said softly. "You can stay here for as long as you need to. Any time. Got that memorized?" He kissed him gently on the top of the head. Roxas leaned back against him, slowly relaxing.
"Hey... What were you doing up at two in the morning?" Roxas asked, after a while.
"Hm?" Axel said, absently rubbing Roxas' shoulders. "Oh. Demyx made a CD. I was listening to it."
"Is it any good?" asked Roxas, as close to "curious" as a Nobody could get.
"Yeah, actually. It's all sitar instrumentals, of course, but I guess he figured out how to get drum tracks in there and some of the remixed ones are pretty awesome. You wanna hear it?" Roxas nodded, and stood up straight, letting Axel get a Walkman off the bed. He flipped the headphones so that both earpieces were facing out, then, sitting down on the bed (Roxas sat down next to him), put one to his left ear and the other to Roxas' right ear.
Roxas had to admit, Demyx knew what he was doing with a sitar. They listened to one hard-rock song all the way through before Axel jumped up. "Let's dance," he said.
"Come on," he said, turning the headphones right-side-out and flipping the Walkman open. Roxas caught a glimpse of "Awesome Songs By Demyx!" (written on the disc in permanent marker) before Axel put it in the stereo. A dance beat started, and Axel pulled Roxas to his feet and started moving to the music. "C'mon, Roxas," he said. "Loosen up a little!"
"No. I'd look ridiculous."
"Are you saying I look ridiculous?"
"No! Just - Augh!"
Axel had grabbed him by the hand and started dancing along with him. "See, isn't this fun?"
"Oh, fine..."
It was half an hour later that the CD wound down. Axel and Roxas collapsed on the bed, Axel laughing, Roxas actually smiling. Axel reached for Roxas' hand and ran his thumb over each knuckle. "Feel better?"
"Yeah," said Roxas.
"What did I tell you." Axel smirked, that self-satisfied look that he wore so often around Roxas.
"You didn't."
"Beside the point. It worked."
The CD player clicked over to the next disk. A band started up and a smooth male voice began singing.
"Somewhere, beyond the sea...
Somewhere, waiting for me..."

Axel got up again, offering Roxas his hand. Roxas took it, looking into smiling green eyes. They started to dance again, slow this time, Axel leading him in the foxtrot or something. (It wasn't Roxas' field of expertise.)
"My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships
That go sailing..."

"I didn't know you liked this kind of music," said Roxas. "Didn't know you could dance like this, either."
"Yeah, I listen to everything. I didn't know about the dancing, either, though," Axel replied. "Must have been from... before."
"Yeah," Roxas said, and then he was quiet, enjoying the feel of Axel's warm, solid presence under his hands. He was skinny, sure, but in a wiry way - Roxas could feel the firm muscles of his shoulder. It was... nice, just being together in a way that they usually didn't have time for.
The song ended, and Axel pulled Roxas in close to him for a kiss. "Fun, huh?" he asked.
"Mm-hm." Roxas traced the blue diamonds under Axel's eyes with a finger. "Never would have guessed that dancing and facial tattoos went together."
Axel chuckled. "Learn something new every day."
A pause. "Hey Axel... would you mind if I stayed here tonight?"
"Not at all. Let me find you another blanket..."
"Um. If you don't mind... could I sleep in your bed?"
Axel thought he would have to be some sort of idiot to turn down that kind of request.
"Yeah, no problem," he said, as nonchalantly as possible. "I've got an extra pillow here somewhere."
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