Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > True Fighter

Chappie 3!!! Finally!

by CompetiveSwimmaChick 12 reviews

Nuttin much, but it is updated! don't go die of shock know...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure - Published: 2007-01-09 - Updated: 2007-01-10 - 624 words

Hey guys!!!! Yep, I'm finally updating. Sorry 'bout the wait... hopefully you haven't forgotten who I am by know!!! LOL... yep... dunno what else to say.... ooohhh! And a new story may becoming out soon.... ya'll know about Atalanta- can run faster than any man ... but do you know the rest? Atalanta - Could run faster than any man UNTIL distracted by love!!!! OMG.. dunno if it really sounds good... would be mostly A + A for all ya'll A+A fans out there... probably some J+T too... tell me if it sounds good! Now to the story..

Theresa's heart was pounding in her chest, her breathing raspy. Her legs felt numb and refused to take another step. Behind her, footsteps crunched on the thin layer of new fallen snow. Suddenly the footsteps stopped. A mocking voice calls out from a short distance of only around 2 meters behind her, causing her heart to skip a beat.

"Well, well, what do we have here." The masculine voice inquires. Theresa peeked over her shoulder to see five shapes looming in the darkness behind her. Reluctantly, she turned her body to face the sound. Five tall, muscular men met her view. The man who seemed to be in charge stood slightly in front of his four cohorts. He could be called handsome - tall, muscular, with wavy brow hair, yet his flashing black eyes gave Theresa a sinister feeling. He was wearing a black T-shirt with ripped, dark blue jeans. The man standing close to him had a folded back and white bandana covering his head and a long, jagged cut running down his left cheek. Seeing Theresa close up, the leader let out a low whistle. "Hello gorgeous!" he said in a deep, slightly flirtatious voice.

"What's causing a such a beautiful girl like you to be walking down a deserted alley like this. Don't you see a storm is coming? Why don't you head over to my place. It's nice and cozy." He drawled, winking at Theresa. He opened his mouth to say more, but the man standing closest to him abruptly cut him off.

"Hey, cut down on the compliments, and..."

"Shut up Morris!" the leader yelled, his face livid as he faced the man. "It's me who runs this game, not you. So you'll be wantin' to shut that trap and let me do the talkin'. Or else..."

Theresa glanced down the alley behind her. She couldn't see where the alley ended onto a busy street. She considered making a run for it, but quickly canceled out that thought. Who knew how fast some of these men could run, and she defiantly wasn't Atlanta. And who knew if these men where armed. Nope, it seemed like she only had one option - stand here and see what these men could dish out. She was a hero after all. But who knew what could happen?

Meanwhile, Neil's teacher seemed to have run out of words to say and ways to criticize Neil. Therefore, the others were heaving huge sighs of relief as they walk out of the doors of the school. Herry walked quickly to his truck and opened the door. He waited until everyone was in, the turned the key. Nothing happened. He tried again. Same result. "Ugg!" yelled Herry as he pounded the dashboard. It won't start!" Jay glanced at Herry's face. It almost looked like he would burst into tears.

"Don't worry" consoled Jay. "I guess we will have to walk. Everyone out!" Everyone filed out, grumbling.

"Man", said Neil." It's gotten colder"

"I guess Theresa was the smart one today." observed Odie.

Chappie completed. GTG! I'll attempt to update soon! And sorry if there is errors... I'll come back and correct them.... =-D
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