Categories > Original > Drama > On the Outside Looking In

Chapter 3 - Good && Slick

by Lizzerriffic2137 0 reviews

no my wirting isn't bad- its Lenny :D

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-01-10 - Updated: 2007-01-11 - 274 words

I could really use a smoke right now- but Mom'd kill me if she smelt it on my clothes. Wow, now I see why everybody's calling me goodie, and my bro's getting all the chicks. I'm not daring like he is.
It worked, but they were coming closer. I'd have to get that test, and get in pretty darn fast. I went inside Mr.L's classroom with the most convincing "I'm not up to anything" look I could do, even though I ain't known to be too innocent.
"Mr. L, Principal Davis said he'd like to see you right now on stuff that I ain't supposed to know."
"Did he give you any idea as to why he wants me Leonard?"
"No Sir, all he said is that he wants you at his office, and quick. And it's Lenny I ain't Leonard."
"Thank you very much Mr. Matthews, and may I ask why you are here after school on such a beautiful Friday afternoon?"
I panicked for a second, but I'm also known to be slick.
"Drama- I'm gonna audition."
"Oh really, well I'd love to see that. Mr. Davis will just have to wait!"
"Oh no, I'll wait for you to come out of the principal's. I ain't going nowhere."
"You just stay right here in my room, don't move!"
I smiled and waved, and waited till he was a nice distance down the hallway. Good luck finding the principal when he's with the drama teacher! And his office is on the other side of the building, 3 flights up! What a sucker! That'll give me plenty of time. Or so I thought...
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