Categories > Original > Drama > On the Outside Looking In

Chapter 4 - Approaching Darkness

by Lizzerriffic2137 0 reviews


Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-01-10 - Updated: 2007-01-11 - 299 words

I tried to tip toe while I ran in the nearest door as they rounded the corner- my test whizzing behind me. My all stars are nosier than the drama teacher! (Who's another nut job if you ask me.) Combined with the crinkling of the test paper, it attracted attention.
I skidded across the tiles as I sprinted towards the double doors out of this nightmare. After a while I took of my sneakers and slid across the newly waxed floors, but the riot didn't last.
I saw the principal and Mr.L rounding the corner nearest me. Out of desperation, (another fancy word I learned from Mr. Loser) I leaped into the nearest janitors closet. And, of course, I ain't no thinkin machine for my age. I drop one of my shoes in my sad attempt to hide myself from the starving lion hunting for prey.
Ain't no turning back now. I squeezed in the cramped closet, trying to reach for my sneaker when I thought the coast was clear.
After a while, I looked down the dead silent hall. Too quiet, I thought. I knew I shouldn't have let Dave talk me into watching that scary movie at the drive-in! Least it made me look tuff, I guess, goin with the gang and all.
Still in a daze about last Friday night, I reached out to grab my sneaker. Suddenly, something fell and hit me right in the head! I rubbed my head, cussing quietly to myself. Next thing I knew, a whole avalanche of junk came hurling at my head! It sent me flying out of the closet, test and shoe in hand, sliding on my stomach right to Mr. Loser's feet. Just my luck I thought, and helplessly lay, awaiting death from the predator.
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