Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Silver and Cold

Now No One Cares

by Cerediwen 2 reviews

A city, a promise and another stranger

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-01-11 - Updated: 2007-01-11 - 1151 words

A/N: And I'm sorry for all the Frankie-is-kinda-short references in this chapie but I couldn't resist, you all know I love him really pats Frankie doesn't own MCR or AFI or stand responsible for little Frankie's height.

Chapter 12
Now No One Cares

The city was silent and cold but for the few crows that circled high above, looking for an easy meal or two. Kaela stood at one of the few windows that wasn't covered by a heavy velvet curtain and breathed in the fresh morning air, so glad to be away from all the perfume and exotic scents of the palace her mother called home. A light breeze blew her dark hair back from her face, spiralling it out behind her like a mane. Green eyes scanned the horizon as she stared out into the rising Sun as it made its way over the twisted ash that loomed over the sides of the valley; sweeping down to meet her.
Then from inside she heard her mother calling her name and with a sigh that would bring pity to the hearts of all but Melaina she wandered back through the net curtains and into the dimly lit room she'd learnt to call hers. The five flowers that grew, glowing softly in one, dusty corner of the little room brought a fleeting smile to her lips as they insured their human counterpart's safety. Again the call came and Kaela hurried out of the room and back to what ever errand her mother had planned for her.


The great west gate that the band entered through wasn't guarded to their surprise and as they walked, looking around in wonder at the beauty of the stone city they heard not a sound, not even the crows that Kaela had heard years earlier. They passed row upon row of terraced houses, cramped together, the brightly coloured curtains that fluttered through some of the open windows hiding no peering faces. It was freezing cold in that city, mixed with the chill that came with abandonment. Frank kicked his feet as he walked through the paved streets, looking down at the spider web of cracks that ran crazily beneath his red converse. He nearly walked into the back of Gerard as the vocalist came to a halt along with Bob and Ray on the outskirts of a huge square. He felt Mikey stop short of bumping into him as well, guessing the bassist hadn't been paying much attention either. Peering over Gerard's shoulder (which is harder than it sounds when you're Frank sized) he could make out a tall fountain. The statue standing above it, water still pouring from her outstretched palms was a woman, her stone dress and mane of hair billowing out behind her as if she was in a great wind. Her face was cruel and even carved in stone Frank swore there was madness in those eyes that sent shivers down his spine. The silence only added to his discomfort and still Gerard didn't move.
"Mikey?" He whispered what seemed like an eternity later, turning around slowly to face his brother with something in his eyes that Frank couldn't place. "Who is it?"
Mikey screwed his eyes up behind his thick glasses and thought for a minute before it dawned on him, spreading slowly across his skinny features. "It's Mel..." He said carefully with a hint of disbelief in his voice.
"Yeah, it is Melai-" Gerard was cut off by what was almost a wail of "Shush!" From somewhere above them. All of them spun around but Bob was the first to see the speaker, catching a glimpse of her in one of the windows surrounding the square. She was perched, high above them on the edge of the window ledge. Her pale, almost translucent hands gripped onto the sill, her feet slightly behind as she stared down at them, dirty blonde hair bunched back in an untidy ponytail. She almost smiled at their surprised faces as she jumped from the sill, looking for a moment as if she would break her neck, then landing, so perfectly it was almost cat like on the pavement metres away from them. Giving them a nod then a grin that flashed her pristine white fangs she took off at a sprint down an alley to the side of a nearby house. There was a pause for less than seconds during which they all glanced at each other before Ray dashed off after her leaving the others with no choice but to follow.


Sandra Kayleen White stood, her hands clasped behind her infront of a high, oak door waiting from someone to answer her knocks. She sighed as she waited, rocking back on the soles of her simple leather boots, her dark leggings tight around her ankles. She brushed some of her untidy blonde hair behind her ears and away from her unnaturally pale face before attempting to bore a hole in the oak with her yet possibly more unnerving midnight black eyes, not a speck of white gracing her pupils. What seemed like hours later she finally received a call of 'come in' from the huge room and entered, steeling herself against what was to come.
The room was carpeted with crimson and the walls were all wood panelling but there was nothing unusual about that, instead it was the tapestries around the place that freaked her, they were grotesque; of murders and battles and ghosts and the paranormal. It sent shivers up her spine every time she stepped into that accursed room which tended to be as little as possible.
The woman who sat behind the polished desk at the back of the room, her storm ocean eyes regarding the tom-boy with contempt sent as much of a shiver down Sandra's spine as the pictures had, and it was all she could do not to avert her gaze.
"You know what you have to do?" She asked slowly, her voice radiating command.
Sandra nodded slowly "But you promise to keep your end of the bargain? You promise to let the city breathe again?" She asked cautiously, not trusting the Empress as far as she could throw her.
The Empress laughed and it was filled with malice and deceit "Of course, I swore remember. Bring them here and I will set your pitiful little city free." She told her, a slight smile gracing her black painted lips.
Sandra was just about to question further, unnerved by the woman's smile but then thought better of it - the Empress was not a fan of twenty questions. "Thank you Empress." She said stiffly before turning to leave the room, but before she had taken two steps the Empress spoke again.
"And Miss White...betray me and your family will be ripped apart infront of your eyes. You remember that before you even think of saving them."

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