Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Walking with Angels

Happiness is Key

by Tawney 6 reviews

Number 1 on the list.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy, Romance - Published: 2007-01-11 - Updated: 2007-01-11 - 1674 words

A/N - Probably the speediest update i have ever done in my life. Which means that it might take me a while to get another chapter out. (That goes for WWA and ACA im afraid). I go back to uni on sunday so unless my first week back is all chilled and calm (very unlikely), it may be a couple weeks til either fic gets any attention. XX

2 - Happiness is the key

Luckily I didn't go splat on the floor. Imagine the mess. Eurgh.

I think I must have passed out because the next thing I know I'm lying on a bed in an unfamiliar room.

"Get up."

I groaned and rolled over. Opening my eyes I found myself looking up into the same pair of clear blue eyes as before.

"O god." I moaned as I dragged myself up, "How did you get here?"

"Same way you did," he replied with a smirk, "Except with a little bit more grace."

Sitting on the edge of the bed I glared at him and stretched my aching arms and legs.

"I felt like I've just been hit by a bus." I winced as my right leg cramped.

"That's because you aren't supposed to be here." He stated matter of factly, "You clumsily fell through my gate into reality."

"I'm not even going to pretend to understand what you just said." I said as I stood up on shaky legs.

He sighed and dragged a hand through his hair making it stick up at all angles. Looks like I'm getting to him, ha, serves him right.

"Look, I'm sorry about earlier alright? I was perhaps a little rude-"

I snorted loudly interrupting him. He narrowed his eyes at me but carried on.

"I'm just not used to talking to people to be honest; I work alone, have done for years. You just fell through the gateway I use to switch between reality, which is where we are now and the afterlife, which is where we were before. Just take my hand and I'll take us back, we shouldn't be here."

I felt my previous dislike for him softening as he apologised and at least tried to explain what was going on. Perhaps he wasn't the annoying jerk I had him down as.

Walking towards him I reached out to take his hand but stopped suddenly as I heard movement outside the door to the room. We both froze, our eyes fixed on the door.

"Just stand still," he whispered to me, "Keep your movement to a minimum and lower your voice."

"Why?" I whispered as I moved closer to him. It must be a hotel we were in as I could hear the door beeping as the card was slotted in the mechanism.

"Because whoever it is will be able to see and hear us if we aren't careful./ The gateway you fell through is a more direct link to reality than the way you were using before. People who are more sensitive to spirits will be able to see you now and even those that aren't will still spot you if you try anything." /

I nodded in reply and he wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. Backing into the corner of the room we waited as the door finally opened.

"Yeah later man, night."/ /

I watched as a short, blonde figure entered the room and switched on the light.

"O My...." I started to say but found a large warm hand clamped over my mouth.

Mr annoying from earlier glared at me and hissed for me to shut up. Yanking his hand from off my mouth I glared back.

"But that's Patrick Stump," I said in a hushed voice, "He's the lead singer of Fall out Boy."

He gave me a blank look and I looked at him in disbelief. How could he not know who he was? How could he not recognise him?

"I don't really follow modern music." He said with a shrug of his shoulders.

I shook my head at him and turned my attention back to Patrick.

He had dumped the duffle bag he had been carrying by the bed and was now sat down. He was hunched over, his hat lay discarded next to him on the duvet and his fair hair fell in strands over his face. His light blue eyes were dull and listless, his mouth set in a small frown.

"He looks exhausted," I said looking up at my companion.

"He's weary of it all. He feels as if he isn't being true to himself anymore." He said solemnly his gaze fixed on Patrick.

"How do you know that?" I asked surprised.

"I'm good at reading people." He stated as he turned back to look at me, "It's my job."

An awkward silence ensued.

Well awkward for me anyway. Here I was. Dead. Yet standing in Patrick Stump's hotel room watching him with another dead person as he had a possible nervous breakdown. Though actually come to think of it I don't know whether this guy next to me was dead. I mean he did mention the afterlife so I just presumed he would be but then I'm pretty sure that ghosts don't work the 9 to 5. Or maybe they do, I guess I am new to this after all.

"Are you dead?" I asked suddenly and perhaps a little louder than I had wanted.

Patrick who had lain down on the bed stirred slightly and rolled over. Mr annoying raised an eyebrow at me and smiled.

"Yes I am," he said quietly, "You are too."

"Yes, yes I do know that," I said impatiently. What did he take me for? I'm not a complete idiot. "Who are you then?"

"My name's Gabriel," He said as he suddenly took hold of my hand. The room began to fade out and Patrick's still form disappeared from view. "For now that's all you'll need to know."



I'm not really one for words, you were always the wordy one out of the 2 of us, but I thought I'd better at least try to explain to you why I've done what I've done.

I want you to become the person you always wanted to be. I want you to realise that even though I'm gone now you aren't alone. Clichéd maybe but true never the less.

I've made you a list. I want you to follow it obviously, though I clearly won't be there to kick your ass if you don't!

This is my last gift to you May.

Love Ellie


I was sobbing so hard I couldn't see the computer screen anymore. I'd been reading Ellie's letter over and over again for the past 2 hours. I felt so numb I couldn't move.

She'd made me a list. I didn't know what that meant but it meant something all the same. I wiped my eyes on the towel that was still wrapped round me and stared at the screen once more. I wasn't sure I wanted to know what was on the list, what if I couldn't do something she'd wrote down. Then I'd be letting her down, I'd be failing her.

The chiming of the grandfather clock made me jump. Ellie had bought it at an old thrift store about a year ago. I'd point blank refused to let it in the flat, I hated old things, they were dirty and smelly but Ellie had put her foot down and for once I had had to let her win. It was noisy and constantly broke down but I'd for some insane reason grown to love it.

For the past week as I'd lain in bed, I'd listen to the clocks metallic ticks and hear the hours fade away. It was something else that reminded me of Ellie, something else that had kept me confined to me room.

I wish I'd never come out. My room was mine, it didn't have anything of Ellie's in it, and she couldn't haunt me there.

The towel was started to itch, I would have to move soon. Reaching out I moved the mouse and clicked on the print button in the corner of the screen. The printer hummed to life and began printing Ellie's letter. Minimising the document I looked cautiously at the other files Ellie had saved for me; they were numbered 1 to 9. So there were 9 things on her list? That didn't seem too bad I guess.

I positioned the curser over the files numbered 1 and clicked.

Number 1

Don't worry! I know that you're probably thinking 'o god what's she going to make me do' right now but just have a little faith. I wouldn't put you through anything I didn't think you could handle.

Go to the clock and look inside.


I clicked print once more and looked over to the clock. Getting up I winced as my knees cracked; adjusting the towel I walked over, opened the glass front and peered inside.

It was dusty and dirty in there, I really didn't want to put my hand in but I could see something white at the very bottom of the case. Making up my mind I reached a hand in a grabbed whatever was sitting discarded at the bottom. Ellie's list was more important than my dirt phobia.

As I pulled my hand out I saw that I was clutching something covered in a plastic bag. Quickly unwrapping it I let whatever was in it fall into my hands.

It was chocolate. More precisely it was my favourite type of chocolate.

There was a note too.

Simply because it makes me happy. X

Instead of tears I felt the urge to do something I hadn't wanted to do in a long time. Looking at the note and then back at the chocolate I started to laugh. I laughed so hard I felt the tears running down my face in thick wet streams again. For some reason though it was different this time.

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