Categories > Games > Fire Emblem > love of an angel


by angel_of_death2345 0 reviews

Matthew lef. Now Eliwood is turning to Erk and Pent for some insite on the mysterious words Angel had said

Category: Fire Emblem - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Humor, Romance - Characters: Lucius, Priscilla, Serra, Other - Published: 2007-01-12 - Updated: 2007-01-13 - 515 words

Matthew was already out of camp by the time Eliwood left Angel's tent. Marcus confirmed this for him on his way to his own tent.
"he seemed to be in quite a hurry. I could not get him to stop to explain were he was going. Do you know Milord?" Marcus asked. Eliwood thought for a moment.
"He left to run an errand for Angel. I gave him permission to do so." Marcus nodded in appruvel. Eliwood walked on when he spotted Pent, Erk, Serra, Lucius,Canis, and Pricilla talking near a tree. Eliwood desided to see if they knew what the words Angel spoke ment. Serra was the first to notice him, unfortunatly for poor Erk who was standing right next to her.
"HELLO LORD ELIWOOD!!!" the yell probably could have been heard from miles around. Eliwood could swear he heard Angel laughing somewere behind him. The other five magic users turned to face him.
"Yes Milord?" Canis was the first to say anything.
"I was wondering if you could translate something for me." Eliwood said in the nicest voice he could muster after Serra's outburst. Pent looked at Eliwood a moment before speaking.
"What is it that you would have us translate?" Eliwood hesitated for a moment.
" 'kyrie' 'christe' and 'eleison'. What do those three words mean?" He asked to the grou[ of magic weilders and their respons was imediet. Each and everyone of them inhled sharply. Serra, the normal chatterbox, was even silent an serious looking. It was Canis who replied.
"Those word are none that we can translate. But I know that it is an anceint language, only those who are great friends with the lords of the elven clans across the seas can translate it. Whoever said this is a ver powerfull person. Maybe even stronger than Nergal, Athos, and all of us combined." Eliwood looked at them all in shock. Angel? A powerfull magic user? Eliwood was suprised, even though he should have guessed it from her extensive knowledge on magic, fighting skills, and the like. A tactition should know these things yes, but she knew them at an even higher scale than most. Even better that the ones using the weapons at times. Eliwood noticed that Erk was about to speak but Pricilla beat him.
"The language is latin. However I am unable to decipher it. Who did you hear this from?" All six magic users looked at him expectantly. Should he tell them the trueth?
"I heard Angel say them after sending Matthew out on an errand." Eliwood was completely puzzled. Angel a friend of the elves? What could this exactly all mean? Pent looked to serious for a moment.
"I am going to have a talk with Angel. You should get some rest Milord. You look tired." Pent was right. Eliwood was suddenly so exausted. Eliwood nodded weakly as he walked off to his tent. He didnt even reach it before darkness took him and he could hear someone scream.

this took for ever! ohwell. so what could be the trueth about angel? find out soon!
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