Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Silver and Cold

Bring Your Secrets To Me

by Cerediwen 1 review

Rach will threaten you if you don't read *laughs* *goes serious* *glares*

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-01-13 - Updated: 2007-01-13 - 1080 words

A/N: Heya...back again...and yeah this is early be happy!!! hides under rock to stop spork coming her way Long...ish random chapter...runs out of things to say Okay Rach can talk now...hello fans, so your still reading what im typing, good start. My don't the minions look happy today????? And that...oh evil cronies was my dear friend Rach...who is currently ruling the world...and Alabama.
Disclaimer: Quote via Rach ok as Frankie doesn't want to make the marriage official yet, for the time being I can truthfully say I don't quite own MCR (yet)

Chapter 14
Bring Your Secrets to Me

"Ray?" It was all silent until Bob broke the quiet, the darkness was almost haunting as the drummer sat up into the dusk and looked across at his friend who was still leant up against the wall and reading through a book Sandra had given him. Ray seemed to jump, evidently thinking that he was still asleep.
"Yeah?" He yawned, turning to face the drummer who was shivering, the blanket he'd been provided with wrapped tightly around his shoulders.
"You like her don't you." Bob asked, typically blunt and looking straight at Ray, making it harder for the guitarist to lie.
Ray let out a sigh and then nodded "Yeah and I don't know why." He started to say something else then trailed off "Guess I kinda pity her as well."
"That mean you trust her?" He asked quietly, trying not to wake Mikey who was curled up in a ball not a metre away and looked like he was having a nightmare. Waking people who are having nightmares was the worse thing you could do for them - superstitious yes, true? Very.
Ray nodded again, noting the concern in his voice "I trust her; there's gotta be a reason that she helped us, we could have walked into anything."
"Or," Bob reasoned "We may have walked into something. None of the others trust her." He told Ray, not without a little pity "They all think we should get out."
Ray bit his lip "But we could walk into worse if we get out, anyway I promised I'd help her." He looked across at Bob "Do you trust her?"
The drummer shrugged "I trust no one but you guys so if you all decide we stay then I'll stay. But Gerard and Mikey are edgy, even Frank is and that's not normal."
Ray sighed "I s'pose," He agreed "But I'm staying, if you guys go out on your own heads be it."
Bob decided to be blunt yet again as he said, quite pointedly seconds later "But that's not exactly fair on us, we wouldn't leave you here if we reckoned it was going to screw up."
Ray looked surprised "Well yeah but..." He started then trailed off realising that Bob was right, they wouldn't leave him here. "I guess you're right but seriously Bob, you saw how she was crying earlier, she wouldn't hurt us."
Bob raised an eyebrow "Seriously? Even if it meant she'd get her wonderful city back? No doubt this 'Empress' is the looney Gerard reckons wants to kill us so you make a deal. She gets us, Sandra gets the city." He told Ray sceptically, "Don't mean to be pessimistic or anything but either way we're screwed."


The screams that echoed from the nine year old's lips were chilling to the bone and filled with agony. Her mouth opened for the third time that night in a plea of anguish and pain as the whip landed hard on her back. "Mama!" She whimpered, but when she wasn't begging, she was screaming, an unnaturally dark shriek echoing around the tiny little darkened room.
Melaina finally threw the whip to the ground minutes later and grabbing the child by either side of her paper pale neck spun her around so she was inches from her mother's face. "You don't care. Understand? You don't care."
Kaela bared her ivory white teeth "I care Mama!" She snarled, despite the tears that were pouring down her cheeks from the pain "I care about them Mama! Just because you hate him doesn't mean I have to." She growled, her little face contorted with hatred and agony.
Melaina raised her hand and slapped her daughter across her tear stained cheeks, black painted nails leaving their mark with the bruise that would soon form. "No!" She scowled "You shouldn't care! He never cared for you! He doesn't care you exist, the bastard probably has kids he cares about by now!" She whispered, cold and deadly but she didn't realise what she'd let slip till it had dripped like poison from her lips.
Kaela stumbled back, her emerald eyes filling with fear that spilled as tears over her waxen cheeks, then she raised her head and gave her mother a look that was capable of making even Melaina feel like mud under the child's feet "You would kill my Dada?" She whimpered with something like venom and disgust in her trembling voice "You would do that?"
"He was a bastard." Melaina spat, getting up from where she'd knelt to speak to her daughter.
"I hate you." Kaela whispered, hurling it like poison through the air at her mother "I HATE YOU!" She screamed and turned around and ran, ran up the stairs and along the landing to her room where she threw herself down on her bed and sobbed as the ting little flower on her table gently glowed a pure white, only one of it's petals stained with her blood.


Sandra sat in her room at the top of the house, the whistle that would call Melaina's guards clasped in her hand. She brushed her hair from her eyes as she stared hopelessly out into the darkness of the silent city. She couldn't do it...they were innocent - what had they ever done to her? If they'd hurt the Empress that was a good thing and she should respect them for it not send them back to her. A single tear ran down her cheek as she remembered what the city had been all that time ago, laughing and beautiful but it wasn't worth these men's lives...was it? In seconds she made her choice and gritting her teeth she pressed her lips to the cold metal of the whistle and blew and as she did so the boulder that would kill them all began to roll.

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