Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Between The Good and Bad

What is she DOING?????

by Silver_moon46 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2007-01-13 - Updated: 2007-01-14 - 564 words

You walk to biology unaware well its more like spacing to much to be aware that Mikey was in your next class. You sit down just in time for the bell to ring. Mikey is already there and is sitting in the seat next to yours. "hey K how's your day been so far?" he asks cheerfully and you being just as, if not more happy, then he is say "It's been great! The best day ever!!!!" you laugh and he laughs with you. When all the sudden Mikey started to look really sick, "Hey Mikey what's wrong?" you ask looking worriedly at him. "Um nothing its just I have to give a speech today" he replies "On what?" you look at him " Oh you know genetics" he smiles wistfully he reached into his blazer and pulled out an inhaler, shook it up then bring it to his lips inhaled. "Okay I'm ready" he whispered and as if on cue Mr. O'riley called him to the front of the class. You could only stand so much and when some wise cracking asshole made a comment about Mikey that wasn't very nice you could take no more and lets just say you weren't they one who was limping after words. "Miss. Smith I realize that Mr. Way is your friend but for attacking Mathew I must send you to detention" he said while holding out a pass to you. "Fine with me hey Mikey I get to eat out" you say hugging him before walking out of the class.

Five minuets and two hallways later and you were finally in the detention room. "Hi Mrs. Elsie" you say handing her the note. "Kate I'm surprised by you, but then Mikey sure gets teased a lot and you two do seem close" she noted as you sat down in the ridiculous pastel pink chair and took out a piece of paper and started to draw. After an hour passes without incident its almost lunch time and in waltzes( come one Janet guess okay then I'll tell you) the godly figure of Gerard in all his glory to save you from DETH BY DETINTOIN!! (okay overly dramatic). He walked over to you and handed you a red rose "My dear I'm here to save you" he laughs and you look to Mrs. Elsie "may I go?" you ask looking at her "Yes go have fun" she says smiling and you jump up and run over to him. He wraps you in a hug that makes the earth move. He grabs your stuff and walks out with his fingers loosely intertwined with yours. "Where to for lunch?" he asks "How bout to the local Diner" you suggest he nods. After a calming lunch and and a few kisses you find your self back in his car "It's time to go back to school" he says with a frown "well how bout we go to the lake" you ask and he smiles and nods.(okay driving to lake, and arriving at lake). You sit on the hood of his car your head on his shoulder for five minuets before you make up you mind, you slide to the ground ignoring Gerard momentarily "What are you doing" he asks looking at you like your crazy "I'm going swimming" you reply and begin to strip.

That's it for now
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