Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Between The Good and Bad

The Epiphany's of Gerard Way.

by Silver_moon46 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2007-01-13 - Updated: 2007-01-14 - 767 words

It now almost 8 everyone has eaten and you were now all spread out on the floor, Mikey and Cassie, Frank and Caren, Bob and Mia, Ray and Nia and last but not least Gerard and yourself. You push play on the remote and the movie starts..(okay like before I'm not in to righting pointless scenes but I will try for you my friends). Nia is an okay chick you don't really no her yet but she fits in, She has long straight
Bright blue hair that goes down to her knees crystal blue eyes and a nice figure, with really BIG BOOBS!!!!!. She's a little weird but hey you all are. "Gee" you whisper he looks at you "do you want some popcorn?" you ask he smiles and nods getting ready to stand "where you going" you ask yet another question. "To get popcorn" he reply's, "but I was going to do it" you wine. He just laughs and walks down the stairs. A few minuets later you hear a soft popping sound down stairs. Then you hear a Ding!, Gerard cursing, and Mrs. Way yelling at him for swearing. And then the popcorn arrived. After a while you get tired of sitting up and a little cold but since everyone else has a date but Gerard you scoot over to where he sits and look at him he lets you sit down so that your back is to his chest and wraps his arms around you, now with another girl he would be like HAHA!!! She's scared what can I do to freak her out more (Diabolically looks at girl and then laughs evilly) but he knew Kate and she wasn't scared just comfortable and cold. He sets the popcorn in your lap, and rest his chin on your head. You snuggle back into him and watch the movie.

It's an hour later and Frank , Nia and ray , Mia and Bob, and Caren and Frank and Cassie are going home. You gather your night cloths from the night before and change. Gerard's already in bed when you come back in after saying good night to David , Danna and Mikey. you jump on to Gerard and tickle him tell he is giddy with laughter "Stop it" he gasps trying to catch his breath. You laugh but roll of him for fear that he'll die of suffocation, snuggling into the pillow you gleam with happiness when he warps his arms around you and rests his head on your shoulder. "Good night Gerard" you yawn, " Good night K" he says, his cool breath running over your smooth skin. And it was then with you in his arms he knew you were the one....the one he could fall in love with, and fall hard. He also realized that if you would take him, he would love you for eternity and then some.
The next morning was Monday!!! (Sarcasm) You awoke to Gerard gently shaking you "Five more minuets Gee" you say turning away from him "Now come on get up or you'll be late" he sighs exasperatedly why he just had to have the stubborn one...oh shit not that again she's not mine......yet. He thought as he picked you up took you to the bath room were a hot shower was running and dropped you in. "What the fuck, Gee I'm ganna kill have at kill ya now" you say stepping back out to get undressed after pushing him out the door. Gerard took this as an opportunity to make his move ( key word from 4 lines up Yet) "Let me make it up to you" he says and pulls you to him for a passionate kiss. When his lips touched yours you almost fainted. He's lips were perfect, and his kiss was sweet not the I want to fuck you tonight but I wont remember who you are tomorrow kind. You warp your arms around his neck and when you finally pull apart he picks you up and swings you around a bit. "Kate Smith will you be my girlfriend?" he asked his voice just barley above a whisper "I'd love to!" you say happily hugging him tighter "You should probably get ready" he says putting you down, you nod you can't wait to tell Mia she's your new best gal pal and you love her like a sister(okay showering getting dressed doing hair and make). You jump into the passenger seat and put on your seat belt ready for the day ahead.....

YES I DID I GOT THEM TOGATHER!!!!!!! Jumps up and down gleefully!!!!!!
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