Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Between The Good and Bad

Dinner with Frankie

by Silver_moon46 1 review

Kate goes to dinner............with Frankie???

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2006-12-12 - Updated: 2006-12-13 - 705 words

After leaving the Movie store you and Frank jumped back into his car and started
driving to his favorite restaurant you now sat across from him in a both for two eating
pepperoni pizza with extra cheese. "So I have this thing were I can't sit still
for a long time and the Dr. said it wasn't add but something else" he was saying and you laughed "Is anything about you normal?" you asked jokingly. He faked hurt
and then nodded his head no making you laugh harder then before. "well I guess
I can't talk ether can I?" you ask looking at the food in front of you
"What do you mean,
K you're the most normal one of us all" he asks being serious, "Its just well
I moved here after my Dad got put in jail for drinking and.....child abuse and
well I just feel normal" you said not realizing until it was to late that you
had just told him your secret. He looked at you shocked from your admission
"You don't have to worry K, I wont tell anyone if you don't want me to" he looked
at your scared face, "I know Frankie I trust you but I just don't know why I said
that, and it was a bad time for me, I guess I never really got over it" you sigh
before smiling at Frank again.

"But on the up side I have great friends now, and I'm happy" you
smiled to prove your point, "I say we get back to Gee's house and take the pizza
with us, then we call your girlfriend, Bob and Mia and Ray and Nia so that we can
have a movie night....again" you look at him and he nods laughing at your eagerness
to meet Caren. So you hoped back into his Black Subaru XT and went Back to your
should be home. Gerard was (what else?) drawing and didn't notice when you entered
his room, so you walked over to him and laid down on you stomach next to him until
he felt the shift in weight "Hey K your back!" he exclaimed "So I need your opinion
on this" he held out the picture he had been drawing. It was of a pretty vampire
maiden with black roses woven into her hair like a halo and the rest of it cascaded
to her feet. "Holy shit Gee I love it!!" you say tracing the figure nicely with a finger, "really?" He asked. You nodded admiring the delicate pattern on the
of the dress she was wearing. "then its yours" you looked at him shocked, "I cant"
you say meekly "Yes you can I insist he laughs you nod making note to bye a frame.
"Sooo what did you do all day?" you ask looking at the floor next to his foot to
find a can of beer on the floor. "Well sleeping, drawing, eating, sleeping, watching
movies and did I mention drawing?" he smiles at you. "Yes I do believe you did" you
say setting the picture on nightstand next to the lamp. "I think my parents have
moved into your house" he says after a minuet. "Yeah well I think I've moved into your house" you laughing as he nods his agreement. He looks at you think and then says
"Well I don't mind if you don't" smiling you push him over "No I don't mind, but
we have on more person to ask" you say standing and walking into the living room
"Hey Mikey do you mind if your parents move out, and I move in?" you ask looking
at him with inquiring eyes. "Nope as a matter of fact I kind of like it this way
better" he says looking at you briefly, then back down at his book. "Me to" you
mumble and walk back to Gerard's room.


Okay well this is another chapter and I'm sad to say that I'm not getting reviews =-( so I know have to resort to the if you want me to continue you better R&R or I'm not going too. And I mean it!!! So R&R if you wan the next chapter.
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