Categories > Anime/Manga > Pet Shop of Horrors > D is for...


by Eternatis 0 reviews

Somewhere along the line, he should have changed.

Category: Pet Shop of Horrors - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Jill, Leon - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-01-14 - Updated: 2007-01-14 - 135 words

He should have changed. Somewhere along the line, in the years it had been, the bastard should have aged, should have had the grace to look a little different from how he used to.

But this was him/. He /never did what he was supposed to.

Moving forwards, pushing through the crowd, studying him before he noticed. Moving closer, noticing more. The slightly longer hair, the slight crinkles around the corners of his eyes, the wary half-smile on his face. The hurt in his eyes that he hasn't found what he was looking for.

"Leon!" Jill yells, breaking through at last, flinging her arms around him. And Leon smiles, and grizzles, and blushes, and she babbles questions, avoiding the important question /why/.

Because she knows Leon, and she knows that some things will never change.
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