Categories > Anime/Manga > Pet Shop of Horrors > D is for...


by Eternatis 0 reviews

Over the years, D has given Leon...

Category: Pet Shop of Horrors - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Chris, Count D, Jill, Leon - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-01-14 - Updated: 2007-01-14 - 164 words

Over the years, D has given Leon:

* Tea - strange tasting, always with too much sugar, even when he swears he's not put ANY in.
* Headaches - of the kind that that require at least twelve beers to soothe.
* Plants - A gattolotto, very rare and almost addictive, flowered and died on a night when Leon was in hospital and unable to see it.
* A convenient place to leave his brother - What? It's not like D does anything apart from sell killer pets and sit on his ass eating sweets all day.
* A butterfly, which Leon will never, ever mention in public lest it ruin his image.
* Amnesia - He knew it'd be a bad idea to drag the Count on vacation with them.
* Someone to talk to, confide in, and trust - which doesn't mean Leon likes him or anything. Just that D doesn't laugh at him as obviously as Jill does.
* A black eye - which, all things considered, is the most normal thing D's ever given him.
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