Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Baby Sister

Holly Jolly 2

by pinkkissypetefreak 6 reviews

The master of my panties freaks out his mother, while Ray overhears an interesting conversation...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-01-14 - Updated: 2007-01-14 - 678 words


Gerard stood in the huge living room window, staring outside. "A baby..." He whispered to himself. He just could not believe it. Here he was, about to set off on one of the biggest tours in My Chem history, and his secret girlfriend, a.k.a. his best friend's little sister, was having his baby. "Fuck!" Gerard cursed, then began biting his nails.

"Gerard? Honey, what's bothering you?" He heard his mother's concerned voice ask from behind him. He figeted, jamming his hands into his trademark black jeans, but still managed to plaster a small smile across his face for her benefit. "I'm fine, just, you know...Getting antsy. I need caffeine."

"Ok. I'll put a fresh pot on now." Donna replied, knowing full well that something else was wrong with her child. She stole one last glance at him as he turned back to the window.

"Mikey?!" Donna called when she returned to the kitchen. Moments later, a giggling Mikey tumbled into the kitchen from the basement, where he and Alicia had been watching tv, hair askew. Donna raised an eyebrow. "Having fun sweetie?"

"Sorry mom. What's up?" The younger Way brother asked his mother, wrapping a skinny arm around her shoulders. She gestured towards Gerard, who was still staring out of the window. "What's up with that?" She asked, then continued whisking in her mixing bowl.

"Aw, he's alright. Don't worry. He's a little stressed. Add that he's alone for the holidays this year, and..."

Donna nodded. "Yeah, I suppose if you tell me that's what's wrong. That's what's wrong.." She sighed. "He just seems really upset about something Mike."

Mikey kissed his mother's cheek. "It's ok. I promise." He grinned, and began to back away.

"Oh, and Mikey?"


"Still too young and beautiful to be called 'Grandma'. Remember that, you and Ali down there." Donna said without turning around.

Mikey froze, widening his eyes and raising his eyebrows behind his mother's back before looking down at his open fly.

Stephanie was lying across her old bed, listening to her brother and father cheer on one of the basketball teams that were playing, when her phone began to sing. She knew it wasn't Gerard, who hadn't called her all day, he had his own ringtone, so she used caution when answering.



"Mikey? What's up? What's wrong?" She asked him.

"Nothing..I actually was calling to see how you were doing." Stephanie hesitated, but she trusted Mikey, and she knew that Gerard would not keep something like this a secret from his little brother, expecially since he and Alicia already knew about them.

"Pretty good actually," She said, while staring up at the pink canopy over her bed. She suddenly remembered how she begged, and begged her parents for it when she turned 10. "Pretty damn pregnant, but ok." She added, trying to sound cheerful, but failing miserably. Mikey paused.

"Gerard told me..." He trailed off. Stephanie gave a nervous chuckle. "He did?"


"Where is that brother of yours? He hasn't called me all day you know." "Right now? Staring out of the living room window, creeping Mom out. She's worried about him." Mikey sighed.

"He didn't tell her?"


"He hasn't said much to me since I told him about the baby last night..." Stephanie said sadly.
Mikey silently wished that the both of them would just get it over with, tell Ray what was going on, and live happily ever after. It would save all of them a lot of grief.

"He's just...accepting it, I guess Steph. Everything's going to work out. Wait and see."

"Hold on, hold on...." She whispered, and Mikey heard another voice sound in his ear. It sounded like it could have been Mrs. Toro at first, but as he struggled to make out what was being said, he immediately recognized the voice of one of his best friends...

"Who hasn't said anything to you? And what baby?"....

-sorry guys. i'm really having a hard time getting creative this weekend....update soon i promise.

next: Ray's reaction....

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