Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans

Worlds best storie

by LittleSlut 11 reviews

For liitle kids. best for under 12s

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-01-17 - Updated: 2007-01-18 - 253 words

Once upon a time there was a happy pony, kitten and puppy. They lived i a happy town called happyvile. Everyone was happy.

One day the pony said to the doggie "lets go and make everyone more happy"
the kitten then said
"yes like licking them and giving them rides"

So they made themselfs a happy lunch witch was fairy bread and smily biscuts.YUM.

so they walked all around happyvile. Everyone had a smile on heir face.

But there was ONE person they had not visted. ONE who was mean and crule. ONE known as..... CROUNUS!!!

so they walked down a rainbow road smiling and sing. then they arived at CROUNUS'S HOUSE!!!

He made his house look happy and colourful from the outside. But it was BROWN in the inside.

Crounus was wondering who he shall use on his newest mechine.

He then herd he knok on his door. "Its my lucky day"

"hello" said the happy animals.

"hello" he said ofering for them to come in.

They sat down in a bathtub(A/N dont ask) but what they didnt know was that aboth them.'THE SMASHING AND PULVERISING 2000'.

2 minutes later they were getting grimded up. Bloody and vain sluttered all over the floor while guts when all over the walls making a new colour of brown.

Soon the house overflowed with blood. Then happyvile did.

Soon happyvile became Deadvile because everyone drowned in blood and the smell was so bad that if you went there you would die.

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