Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Baby Seasons Change But People Dont [[Dont Pretend You Ever Forgot About Me]]

Tonight Is All About We Miss You; We Miss You

by xxlaurenxx 5 reviews

When Pete returns to Chicago after touring, he'll realize what he really left behind

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Published: 2007-01-18 - Updated: 2007-01-18 - 1325 words

[[UPDATE]] yayyy runs and screams you guys are awesome and i love the reviews and ratings, please keep it up =]

A few weeks had passed since my little run-in with Pete. I assumed he just got up and left Chicago and went back to his little Barbie dream house in LA, like he had done before. I was sitting in the old coffee shop with Gage and Kay, all three of us huddled up close sipping down our lattés; Me and Kay reading the latest underground gossip over the internet while Gage messed with his ipod. We were all pretty much tech nerds.

As I scrolled down the internet-page, I herd the distinctive ding of the front door opening. I raised my eyes up over the screen surprised to see an old friend stroll in. I stood up quickly taking another long glance, making sure it was him, and began running towards him. "Patty-Cakes!" I squealed as I leaped into his arms.

Wrapping his arms around my back, he lifted me up off the ground and twirled me around a few times. "Courty-Pie!" He squealed back surprised, in an obviously less high pitched toned voice as he set me down. Patrick was the only person that I ever had a pet name for, and we made them for each other when we were six; I guess the names just stuck.

be jealous

I glanced back at Gage and Kay who looked completely puzzled. "Oh my God Patrick!" I must have stood there and hugged him for a good thirty seconds, refusing to let go. The way he smelt, the way he looked, heck, even the way that he felt was all so familiar to me; almost like a piece of my childhood. After leaning out I looked at him and hit him hard on the arm with the side of my fist.

His expression cringed and his hand quickly covered the stricken spot on reflex, "Ouch!" he exclaimed. "What the hell was that for?" he asked.

"That would be the punishment for not giving your bestest friend in the whole wide world as much as a phone call while you were off having the time of your life getting famous!" I exclaimed. "Please don't tell me that you let the stardom go to your head too."

"Pfff..." he began as we walked over and sat down on the empty couch across from the fireplace. "I could never do that to you." He smiled as he wrapped his arm around me, pulling my body in close to his. "And besides, fame is totally overrated. If it weren't for the pay check, I'd be back in the basement in a minute."

God I loved that kid so much. "It's nice to hear that from someone", I exhailed as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Court, I herd all about you're little surprise chat with Pete, the other night. He told me you know", Patrick said. "He said that he's worried about you."

I lifted my head, somewhat surprised. "Oh, so he really gives a shit about anyone other then himself?" I asked sarcastically. "That's surprising." I took a pause as I carefully picked out my words. "That boy, I just wanna fucking strangle him. He's such a jackass, thinking of himself and no one else. I just wish he would have even tried to get back into my life, just left things alone."

"Court don't say that", Patrick said. "You know that by going there he had the best intentions. He may be a jackass, but he wouldn't intentionally go there to piss you off."

"You don't get it Pat; it's not even about coming here or any of that", I quickly bit down hard on my lip to prevent me from saying anything I would regret. "Pat I wish I could make you understand. Hell I even wish I could make Pete understand. But it's just not possible. Not with his thick headed, hair sprayed up, man whore, penis exposing... jerk!"

I suppose my last remark was rather unintentionally funny, seeing as it made Patrick laugh a little. I glanced over at Gage and Kay, who still sat on the other side of the shop, staring in shock. I released a grin as I motioned for them to come over. Both of their eyes seemed to bug out as they immediately stood up, fighting to get there first.

Patrick lightly chuckled to himself as the two finally got over. The both expressed the most nervous smiles as they slowly sat down, as if they had to impress Pat or something. "Patty, this is Gage and Kay, my friends", I giggled. "Gage, Kay, I'm taking you know, this is Pat."

"And that's Patrick to you", he joked as he shook both of their hands. By the way their faces looked, it seemed as though they didn't get the joke. Pat and me both looked towards each other and smiled.

Gage opened his mouth and began speaking at about a cagillion miles an hour. "Okay so I've herd all of your song. I mean like all of them. And like I've got all of the albums, not to mention all of them on my ipod here." He said swiftly as he held it up to Patrick. "And I probably know them all by heart, the songs I mean. The lyrics are amazing and wonderful and everything I wish to be able to do. Oh and the music, god it's really insane." He took a moment to catch his breath as stole the computer off of Kay's lap, as he made a few mouse clicks. "This is some of my stuff.... I would like really love your opinion. Writing... it's totally like a...", He was cut off by Patrick laughing.

"Wow... Gage, it looks like you're quite a fan." He laughed as he glanced over at Kay, who just stared with wide eyes, as if amazed. He smiled as he winked over at her, causing her face to turn twenty thousand shades of reds and pinks. "So you guys mind if I steal my Courty-Bear for a while?"

They both nodded intensively as we smiled and stood up. "Thanks guys, I'll call you both later, okay?" I said, both still nodding as we stood up and began making our way out.

Patrick placed a hand on the door, and then looked back, "Nice meeting you two", he waved as he opened the door, insisting I exit out first. I glanced back, noticing Kay and Gage both waving dramatically as we left. As soon as we rounded the corner, out of their sights, we both broke out into laughter.

"Did you see the way that Kay was looking at you", I giggled as I leaned against the wall to hold me up, fearing that my knees would give out sometime soon from laughing so hard. "Batting her eyelashes!"

"What about that Gage kid, going on and on about our music", Patrick laughed. "I thought he was going to just keep going and going on and on."

A few minutes later after composing ourselves we started walking down the sidewalks to a location that was nonexistent, seeing as we really had no destination. "So... how long have you known those guys for?" Pat asked somewhat out of the blue.

It took me a few moments to answer, having to think about it, "Well... I know I first met them when I started that whole deal at the record store. So probably about a week or so after all of you left for LA in that little white kidnappers' van of yours", I smiled.

"That van was awesome and you know it", Patrick snapped back jokingly.

I snaked my arm with his as we began down the wet sidewalks, "So where are we going Patty-Cakes?"

"Well Courty-Pie", Patrick smiled. "I was thinking we go and see a few old friends."
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