Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Lead Me Back

Kissing Brad Pitt

by charmedrequiem 2 reviews

When two strong willed individuals meet from a broken past littered with bitterness, it could only mean one thing. Heartache. Please R & R!

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Erotica, Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-01-17 - Updated: 2007-01-18 - 819 words

I appreciate all constructive comments. Please let me know if I should continue writing this story.
Disclaimer: I do not own Panic, I only own my imagination and of course, Sylvia.

If you want the chapters to be longer or shorter, please tell me. Other than that, enjoy!


"I will not. I refuse."

"Sylvia, there is no room for argument here. Either accept it or I might think twice about your pending promotion."

"Pete, what stuff have you been smoking? It sounds powerful."

"Sylvia." His voice held a hint of warning, "I'm being very serious. Even if you are my best assistant, I will not make any loopholes for you."

"Excuse me, /sir/, but I entered this company without your help whatsoever. My qualifications surpass what is required for this position and what's more, I could always look for another job."

"Look," he sighed, raking his hands through his hair, "this is an excellent business deal we have just struck. I signed them to my label a few days ago. These boys have tremendous potential as a future music band. All I'm asking is for you to act as their manager for the one year tour. We've arranged everything, your transport, lodgings and even your allowance."

"/Allowance/?" she spat incredulously. "You really believe I need allowance? I am a -"

"Perfectly independent woman with the capability to support herself, I am well aware of that."

"How can you expect me to work with him? I mean, after all he did to me? You are out of your mind, I politely decline."

Pete Wentz turned around in his seat and studied her carefully. Sylvia was sitting upright and erect in her seat and her usually sweet face was replaced by one of blind defiance. The mere mention of his name set her on edge and she refused to budge. He would have to try a different tack.

Pete sidled up slowly and planted himself firmly on the plush carpet next to her. He tilted his head slightly towards her, opened his eyes as wide as possible and gave her the best puppy dog look he could muster while Sylvia sat still, knowing what he was doing and refusing to glance down at the man beside her. She fully well understood, and so did Pete, that if she did, her heart would melt like ice on a hot summers day. Her protests would be useless then.

Sylvia was a strong fighter at heart and her determination was admired by many. 15 minutes of sitting tight meant nothing to her. Pete however, no matter how decided he was about changing Sylvia's mind, it was obvious his eyes could not take the strain much longer. Finally, he thrust his head facing her onto her lap. Sylvia reached down to push him away and by doing so, caught sight of his pleading eyes. She relented.

"Fine, I'll do it," she let out a sigh of defeat. "Just make sure he doesn't get too close to me or I will leave this company straightaway and I mean it."

Pete kept his eyes indifferent but his mouth gave him away. It was curved into a knowing smirk. He gave her some time to really look at him and then spoke quickly, "We also need you to act as if you're a couple with him, it generates an enormous amount of heat and will give them a fantastic push in the industry."

"What?!" she rose from her seat and upset his head in the process. "You have got to be kidding me. I just said I did not want to be close to him in any fuckin' way. There is a limit to how much I can take mister, and you are pushing it! You hear me? Pushing it!"

Pete sat up carefully and rubbed the left side of his face which had landed hard on the carpet. "You just gave me carpet burn Sylvia, it can't be good for my image. I know he hurt you alright? Just pretend, while you're kissing him, that he's Brad Pitt or something."

"Brad Pitt?" she directed a withering stare towards him. "I'd prefer Gerard Way, thank you very much."

"Well then, that wraps it up. It seems like you're fine with kissing him and I've got a press conference to go to so I'll leave you to work out the travel details with my secretary." He said in a rush and darted out the door before Sylvia could clear her head and realize what was happening.

Alone in the room, she reflected for a moment, the direction she considered this job would take her once she completed her training as a manager. Of course, it would have its up and downs, craziness, simple flirting or maybe even romance but she never ever thought it would lead her back to the one man she disliked to the point of hate.

Brendon Urie.
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