Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Love will come through the Dark

The little things

by flower123 0 reviews

This story is my take on how Lily and James get together. There is language in this story that make it R but thats in later chapters. This story will have heart break, blackmail, fights, drugs, dri...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Romance - Characters: James, Lily, Lupin, Sirius - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-01-22 - Updated: 2007-01-22 - 1853 words

Love will come through the Dark

The little things

Ok as I will say it again I do not own Harry potter. But I do own the characters that you all know aren't in the actual Harry potter books.

As they made their way to the castle in the carriages, Lily and James had to share one because they were head boy and girl. Lily had a thought; well I could yell at him all year and make myself miserable or I could just suck it up and make a packed for being civil but nice to him. At the same time James had thoughts of his own on his mind; during the summer when the guys were over the house Moony had said that he should try a different approach this year with Lily, he should try to first become her friend and then try being her boyfriend. Well he had thought about it since then and he realized that Moony was right he needed to get Lily and this was their last year and what better way to get her then to start out slow then get to what he really wanted.

Soon the ride ended all too quickly for the two riders. They were out of the carriages and up to the castle in no time. Soon the sorting was done and Dumbledore made his speech of the year.

"This year we are happy to present this years Head boy Mr. James Potter and Head girl Mrs. Lily Evans. (Around of applause went through the hall). And now on to further announce as you all know the Dark Forest is off limits to all students, even though some students do not abide by this rule.(here he glanced at the Gryffindor table to the marauders) And now this year we are happy to present the New Years Ball being brought together by our head boy and girl this year. But now let me stop talking and let you eat your great feast."

This said Dumbledore sat down and the food appeared on the table.

Sirius soon looked at James and said, "Is it just me or does Dumbledore get weirder every year? No its not you I see it too Padfoot."

After that little conversation the feast went back to normal with little conversations in between but soon it was over and before everyone left Dumbledore had one more thing to say.

"Now prefects lead your first years to the dormitories and if the head boy and girl could come up here before they leave I would wish to speak to them about this year. Thank you and Pleasant Dreams."

As Lily and James made their way up to Dumbledore they were wonder what he would want to tell them.

"Well Mrs. Evans and Mr. Potter if you two would follow me I will show you to the heads rooms." Dumbledore said as they arrived in front of him

"I'm sorry sir but the heads rooms I didn't realize that we got our own rooms", said Lily

"Yes you do Mrs. Evans and that is where you will be sleeping for the rest of the year, I assure you that the common room is quiet nice and that your bedrooms can be changed the way that you prefer. But mostly the rooms offer privacy to the head boy and girl for their duties and since usually we don't have heads of the same house it gives them time to work together on projects during the year. Aaa here we are. (Soon they were standing in front of a portrait of a young women swinging on a swing) Well Melanie I have two new students for this year may I introduce you to Mrs. Evans and Mr. Potter."

"Well how do you do, so happy to have new students to let in. Well if you two need anything at all don't hesitate to ask me ok."

"Well the password is Victory and now I shall leave you two to get settled in."
And with that said he left to do what ever Dumbledore does in his spare time.

"Well I guess that we should go in, go ahead Evans" said James

Lily went ahead of James and when she walked into the common room she stopped dead in her tracks the room was so big and it was decorated just like their old common room. But this room was different from her old common; this room had two desks in the back of the room on both sides and on the back of both chairs stated their names in graved on the back.

"Hey Evans why'd you stop, come on now I want to get to bed some time to night", James said from out in the hall way.
As he saw Lily set aside he went into the room and he looked but didn't say anything but went over to the stairs and went to his room. He left Lily standing there wondering why he didn't act the way she did when he say the room. So she decided to find out.

(Lily is standing outside James room) ' Knock-knock', "YES" she heard from inside the room. "Hey can I ask you a question?" She answered him. Soon the door to the room was opened and James was leaning against the door waiting for her to ask her question.

"Well have you been here before?" She asked

"Why yes I have my Lily flower. Come on now how can you not expect me to have been here, I'm a marauder and I know ever room in this castle and every passageway." He answered with a little smugness "Why do you ask anyway"

"Oh, I was jus wondering you just didn't see surprised about how this place looked. Well goodnight Potter." She said then went to her door but before she closed the door she heard James say "Ya, goodnight Lily."

When she looked around her room she saw that it was just like her dream room. It was decorated with light pink sheets with a four poster bed with light pink hangings. And the walls were a nice cream color. While the floor was a black hard wood floor and in the corner stood a full length mirror and a nice Bay window with pillows. She walked in and readied herself to go to sleep tomorrow was the first day of classes and she needed the sleep.


The next day

James was now sitting in his first class (Charms) he tried to listen to Professor Flitwick teach about Household charms. But he couldn't get his attention into the lesson he was starring at Lily and thinking how beautiful she looked in the sun light.

'Hey Prongs" Sirius said poking him in the head with his finger

"Ya Padfoot what ya want" James said now looking at Sirius a little irritated that he didn't keep his eyes on Lily.

"When are we going to pull our first prank you know we need to its tradition. And for once in your life could you stop thinking of Evans we have work to do."

"Hey I was not thinking about Evans!"

"Ya sure you weren't James, you can tell that to anyone else but when its me I know. I can see it, it's written all over your face."

"Hey will you too keep quiet some of use are trying to take notes here" Remus whispered next to James. (Peter was to dumb to take NEWT charms)

"Hey Moony you're a marauder you should be helping us plan this little prank of" ours Sirius said to Remus

"How about not right now Sirius it's the middle of the lesson maybe at lunch ok" and with that said Remus was back to copying down his notes

"Hey Sirius he's right we should pay att...." But James never said his sentence because right then Professor Flitwick came over.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Black, do we have a problem here because as I see it we do. You haven't copied any of your notes and talking on top of it. That will be 10 points from Gryffindor for your lack of attention in my class. And I expected a little more from the Head Boy, back to work boys and no talking this time."

From across the room Lily shot James and Sirius a dirty look and looked at her friend Emily Prewitt and said

"How can he do that he's Head Boy for goodness sake. He needs to learn to grow up and take things with responsibility", Lily said in a huff

Emily turned and looked at Lily with sadness in her eyes and said, "Lily, James is very responsible he has no one but Sirius, Remus, and Peter as family now, everyone else is gone. He just tries to act as normal as possible and having fun the way he is now gives him that."

Lily looked at her friend and said, "I didn't know that his parents died?"

"Well his mother died when he was young but his father is an auror and is hardly ever home to be with him. He has a sister but she is older than him and has her own family to take care of. So he mostly has the guys or a house elf to talk to during the summer. So when he's here he likes to act normal with having fun."

With that said she turned back to copying her notes from the board. She left Lily to think to herself maybe I had James all wrong? No he's still immature, a toe rag, and a Pratt. And since when do I call him James it's always Potter and will always be Potter

The day went on as always with James and Sirius getting in trouble and Lily shooting them dirty looks. But after dinner they went to the headmaster's office to see when their head duties would start.

(Lily and James are standing outside the Phoenix)

"Blood pops" Lily said and she and James made their way up to the office 'knock-knock-knock'

"Come in", they heard from the other side

"Aaa, Lily, James you must be here for your head duties"

"Yes sir" they answered

"Well you will be patrolling Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday I hope this won't be a problem."

"No sir it's perfectly fine" Lily said

"Well that's it, and I hope the room is working out very nice for the both of you. Now off to bed it has been a long day."

"Yes sir, goodnight" Lily said while James nodded

And with that they made their way to their rooms. But before they made it to their rooms James stopped Lily in their common room and said

"Hey Evans since we are going to be working together then can we call each other by our first names?"

"Well I guess your right it would be wrong of us to keep calling each other by our surnames."

"Ok well goodnight ...Lily"

"Ya goodnight..... James"

So I hope you like the chapter, PLEASE REVIEW PLEASE!

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