Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Silver and Cold

Kill All Your Friends

by Cerediwen 3 reviews

A begining to the violence (P.S This is Silvana posting)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-01-23 - Updated: 2007-01-23 - 901 words

Chapter 23
Kill All Your Friends

It was midnight by the time Gerard stumbled into the camp, it was pitch black and the moonlight still refused to break the canopy of trees above them. The rest of the band were lying around the ashes of the fire and it could have been like nothing at all had happened, but for the space where Ray had laid the night before. Gerard threw himself down on the ground next to one of the trees, huddling against the trunk as another shiver ran up his spine. He bit his lip and screwed his eyes tight shut as his began to lose consciousness, the world slowly spinning out away from his tortured mind.
The first thing that hit Gerard that next morning was the stench of burning flesh and as he shrunk away from the horrible smell a tiny whimper escaped his lips. Even with his eyes screwed tight shut he could still sense people coming towards him and the thought of that terrified him yet more. He scrambled blindly back from them until he felt a hand on his shoulder "No!" He yelled "Leave me alone!" The hand retracted from his shoulder almost immediately. "Gerard?" Came a voice he was sure he knew but couldn't fit a face to but the images from last night were still fresh in his memory so he guessed it was another trick. "Get off me!" He almost screamed "Leave me alone!" There was a shuffle as the people in front of him seemed to move back, this only confused and frightened him more, and unable to help it tears began to cascade down his cheeks. "Go away..." He whimpered "Get away..."
"Gerard?" The voice was back again "Gerard its Mikey...Gerard please?" With these words something inside Gerard's whirlwind mind seemed to click into place and he slowly opened his eyes to see the others standing around him, all looking confused, concerned or just scared. "Mikey...?" Gerard whispered, and then he laid his head in his heads and began to sob. Mikey looked across at the others and shook his head, kneeling down next to his hysterical brother and draping an arm around him "Shh Gerard," He whispered comforting "Shh you're're okay."
But he wasn't okay and the images floating around his petrified mind showed him why.


Gerard screamed in agony as the red hot brand was laid onto the bare flesh of his back. The hiss of burning skin whispered towards him as he called out in immeasurable pain, followed by the stench of smouldering tissue that worked its way around the cavernous, stone room that marked the entrance to the dungeons. His finger scrabbled for a hold on the wall to vent his agony on, the chains around his wrists that held him prisoner clanking hard against the stone. Biting his lip so hard that it began to bleed, crimson droplets running out of the corner of his mouth, he tried to stop the tears from spilling. Never in his life had he been in so much pain but the nagging worry on his conscience was the over shadowing fact it was going to get a hell of a lot worse. He laid his forehead against the cold granite as he heard footsteps approaching him and he didn't need to see who it was to know. Seconds later he felt nails dig into his right wrist as it was roughly unchained and then slammed hard to the rest of him so he turned around to face her. Growling in agony as his burnt flesh collided hard with the wall he looked up at her as she chained his hand back to the wall on the other side now. She was smiling almost angelically and he hated it - he hated the fact she had so quickly changed from the woman he had loved to the monster that killed his best friend but there was nothing he could do about it. Her long hair was braided back from her face and there was a bead of sweat running down from her forehead as the temperatures in the room began to soar from the roaring fire in one corner. Bringing her hand level with his cheek she slapped him hard, sending his head flying back into the wall, groaning in agony he just had to watch as she walked over to the fire and picked up the red hot piece of iron she'd just caused him so much pain with. Slamming her hand into his right shoulder she stopped him from moving as she jammed the red hot metal onto the soft skin just by his collar bone. She was rewarded by a scream of anguish as the pain shot through every nerve in his body. When she removed it the mark was as clear as day and black as charcoal, she laughed as she looked up at him and let the guard next to her take the metal. His eyes were closed and his black hair was matted and hung down in tangles around his face; he looked like he was going to be sick.
She smiled up at him and then taking great care to put as much pressure on the brands as possible leant on him as she reached up and kissed his cheek. "I love you Gerard." She whispered venomously "I'll always love you."


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