Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Silver and Cold

Just Watch the Sky, As Stars Go Out

by Cerediwen 3 reviews

The end of yet another line

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-01-31 - Updated: 2007-01-31 - 1268 words

A/N: Yeah I don't know how you play Dungeons and Dragons in five minutes either but I wanted to put it in and it was a pretty Frankie like thing to suggest me is thinking... Oh hard chapter to write sighs I hope you like and again I am really, really sorry I didn't get an update in yesterday.
Disclaimer: I don't own...the normal drill...

Chapter 29
Just Watch the Sky, As Stars Go Out

The room was silent as Bob Bryar stepped in, Tiberius ushering his men out as he did so. None of the band were looking at him and Bob knew they'd been told, Frank sat cross legged on the floor, Mikey not far away from him but Gerard stood with his back to them all, staring out of the window into the dark.
"I'm sorry guys." Bob said, more confidently than he felt into the tension buzzing room. "I wasn't quick enough." The two bite marks on his arm had swelled while he had been waiting and they itched like hell but the drummer knew better than to scratch his arm.
Gerard spun around away from the window at his words, green eyes almost blazing "They're not gonna take you." He whispered "You can't leave us as well."
Bob looked at him sadly, calm still reflecting out into the room as both Mikey and Frank moved their heads to look up at him pleadingly. "I'm sorry," He told them "But I have six minutes left to live and that's that."
Gerard closed his eyes but Mikey just got up from the floor and hugged the drummer hard "Thanks." He whispered hoarsely; bit his lip to keep back tears. As Mikey stepped back Bob was nearly knocked off his feet as Frank bowled into him, the small but still amazingly energetic guitarist throwing his arms around Bob as he attempted to give them all something to remember.
"It's been cool Bobsy boy." Frank grinned as if the drummer was only moving away - not going for good.
Bob smiled back at him "You too Frank." He nodded.
Gerard opened his eyes seconds later and taking a shuddering breath looked at the drummer "I guess we'll see you in Hell." He murmured. Bob nodded "Yeah," He began and then stopped, walking the length of the room to hug Gerard tightly "Hey," He grinned "Don't give up Gee...the world's not gone yet."
Gerard smiled at him "Yeah, I'll tell Bert you're sorry you dumped him shall I?"
Bob barked a laugh "Yeah you tell him Gee, I never loved those motherfuckers anyway!" But he was grinning while he said it.
"I know," Frank piped up "Come on, we're gonna play D&D." He grinned as he wandered over to where he bag had been thrown in one corner and fished out the pretty battered version they all had of the game. "Five minute style." He added as he began to set up.


"Kaela Walker! Stand up this instant!" The voice of Kaela's Geography teacher broke through her thoughts as she absentmindedly scribbled with her favourite pencil all over the front cover of her workbook. The little girl jumped as she looked up at the woman, her hawk like face contorted in disbelief as she looked down onto the nine year old's desk to see her graffiti covered book. Kaela nodded sadly and slowly got to her feet, ever so conscience of the fact all of the other girls that sat in the dully decorated classroom had their eyes on her. The scrape of her chair on the floor broke the silence horribly and she inwardly flinched as some of the girls began to snigger.
"What," Mrs White started coldly, pacing over and picking up the book, her heels clicking on the wooden floorboards. "Is this."
"My geography book Miss." Kaela answered slowly and quietly.
"Speak up child! What is it?" The teacher snapped.
"My Geography book Miss." She repeated, her little voice not doing much to piece the heavy silence.
"And what, Miss Walker is one of the first rules of looking after your school equipment," Mrs White asked, interrupting Kaela before she even had time to start "A rule I may add, you were informed of on your very first day at St. Margaret's."
"That I must not graffiti my books Miss." Kaela recited to the teacher, the sinking feeling growing in her stomach.
"Yes Kaela, that was the rule and I believe this is the fourth time you have draw on your books in my lessons!" She scolded, her voice rising as she jabbed her finger onto one of Kaela's rough but incredibly well drawn for a child of her age, sketches. She then held it up so the rest of the class could see. "What is this Kaela?" She asked the child, sounding disgusted.
"It's a pentagram Miss." Kaela answered simply, her eyes fixed on the heavy black lines as she took in the other drawings she'd started, one of a grave, one of a flower and then the one that sat in the very centre of the pentagram that covered the whole front of her book - a man, he wasn't tall and he wasn't short, his skin was as pale as paper and carefully coloured with her chalk, he was wearing a black suit with the red of her front page for his tie but he had no face, only long black hair to show part of his features.
"You know that is a symbol of witch craft I presume Miss Walker? Probably your mother for I must declare never have I seen a woman so shamefully dressed as she is and what she listens to! Honestly it can hardly be described as music..." Kaela's mind blanked as she heard the teacher's words, a cold fury rising in her heart like the blush over her cheeks. The other girls were sniggering properly now, their pretty little faces contorted with sneers, they all knew about her mother and the fact she had no father, her dark existence was common talk among the citizens.
"My mama is an amazing mama." She whispered so coldly that Mrs White stopped in mid flow. "My mama is more of a woman that you ever were Miss." She added, her little face shining with pride.
"Huh," The woman tutted, looking down her nose at the defiant child. "I suppose," She muttered, earning a giggle of scorn from the other girls. "This is what comes of having no good father, a drunk I'm guessing."
Kaela looked at her teacher with horror and pure burning hatred in her green eyes "Motherfucker." She swore as the rest of the room gasped in shock that this little child knew such language. Then she stormed out, her long black skirt swirling around her ankles as she dashed from the room. It was only when she was outside and away from the cold grey building did she start to cry.


They were four minutes into the game when Bob felt himself beginning to slip, half a minute later and the rest of his band were crowded around the stop where he lay as the poison began to close his eyes. No one spoke and not a word was uttered until the drummer's dying breath. "I'll see you in Hell guys; I'm going to find Ray." He whispered as the breath slipped from his mind and Bob Bryar was no more.
Frank turned to Gerard, his eyes echoing everything the vocalist felt.
"Oh how wrong we were to think immortality meant never dying." He murmured.

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