Categories > Books > Peter Pan > Images of Broken Souls

Meet Nicole

by LightSpinner 0 reviews

A story that questions the meaning of Lost Boys, Peter, and all else on Neverland as Nicole, the latest 'Wendy', returns to the island she wished to forget. A place that causes those who touch it t...

Category: Peter Pan - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: John, Lost Boys, Peter, Tiger Lily, Tinker Bell - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2005-08-30 - Updated: 2005-08-31 - 1007 words

Images of Broken Souls
Chapter One: Meet Nicole

Author: Light Spinner
Disclaimer: I don't own the story.
If it holds any sense of going with any of the versions it is with the original story Peter Pan and Wendy by J.M. Barrie. If you're a fan of one of the other versions, say the latest movie, but haven't read the book I have one thing to say to you. Read it! It's hilarious, and if you've got the time to read fanfics for the story, maybe even write them, then you have the time to read the book. The only thing I don't hold to is Tink dying.
I'm also using one alteration from the recent movie, and that's the Tiger Lily/John 'ship.
AN: Italics = thoughts, /bold italics/ = writing
1/18? It may go a few chapters over 18. It may go a couple less. If I notice a change in the amount I'll be sure to put it down and inform.
Sequel to: Just Another Wendy. However I don't think you'd have to read that to understand this.
Also, Peter won't show up for the first couple chapters.
Open the window and listen to the breeze blow through the pines
Take a deep breath, what more can you do
- Let the Sun Fall Down, Kim Richey -

All alone in a green colored room, lit only by a band of string lights, a twelve-year-old girl with chocolate brown hair and pale green eyes that seemed to have lost their light sat, looking out an open window. She sighed and turned back to her journal.

Her name was Nicole Rictor, referred to as Nikki by her little brother, but when alone she referred to herself as 'just another Wendy.' The reason for her melancholy was that spring had come and she was convinced that Peter had forgotten for the third year in a row.

There are a few reasons why he could have forgotten. One being that he is just a very forgetful boy, and Neverland is always busy. Another was that he had come by, seen how old she was, and gotten a new Wendy. The third of the most likely was that he hadn't remembered her and had just found a new Wendy. The last was her least favorite of the possibilities.

Nicole opened her journal and started writing. /Oh, Peter. It's silly to hope you'd remember me, isn't it? Or any of the girls before or after me for that matter. Wendy really must have been something. To make you so-/She stopped writing as her mother called up the stairs that dinner was ready.

Going downstairs she prepped herself to look like she was feeling normal, regardless of if she was or not. She saw her brother eating in the living room and continued into the kitchen. "Hey Mom, could Mandy spend the night tomorrow," Nicole asked dishing out a plate of dinner for herself.

"I don't know. It may be the weekend, but it could throw off your internal clock so you wouldn't be able to get up on time Monday."

"It's spring break next week, remember?"

Mrs. Rictor shook her head self-deprecatingly. "Sorry. Work is throwing me off. Sure she can. But remember your dad and I are going to be at a business dinner tomorrow night, so you have to make sure Ian is in bed at a decent hour."

"Ok." Nicole had been expecting that. With both of the Rictor parents working full time, and not necessarily always 9 to 5, it wasn't uncommon for her to end up babysitting her brother. He was only 5 after all. Regardless of work schedules the family always had dinner together at least once a week. However, that was last night and thus doesn't hold much importance. The two headed out into the living room and Nicole turned to her brother. "What are you watching?"

"Digimon. It's so cool, Nikki!" He went on explaining the show to her for a few more minutes before she interrupted. Happy though she was that he enjoyed this cartoon, Nicole held no real interest in hearing about children in a foreign world to fulfill some prophecy. And due to her mood about Neverland and Peter she could only think the 'DigiDestined' foolish to believe that they actually were of such importance.

However she did manage to change the subject without Ian being the wiser by asking him if he had plans for over spring break. Apparently he had plenty, baseball games and such in the park. While Nicole was slightly introverted, interested in worlds like those made by Brian Froud and her studies, Ian was much more extroverted, always playing sports and socializing with his classmates or anyone else for that matter.

After a while their mother went to her home office to work, coming down later to get Ian to bed and wish Nicole a goodnight. The girl was still downstairs when her father came home.

"Hey, kid. What are you still doing up," Mr. Rictor asked by way of greeting.

"Nothing much," she replied, continuing to flick through TV channels.

"Are you sure," he asked, taking the remote. Rolling her eyes, Nicole answered that she was fine. "If it's because of Neverland then maybe it's for the best that-"

"Dad. Everything's okay." Regardless of nodding, it was obvious that he didn't believe her. She stayed down a while longer in hopes to convince her dad, and herself, that everything truly was all right.

After going to her room, and getting ready for bed, Nicole went over to the window. The sun had set while she was downstairs. As a light breeze drifted in she suddenly felt a strong urge to close the window. Just as she had to close that chapter of her life. It was over, and there was no point in continuing to reminisce. She turned and went to bed. The window still open.
Reviewer response:
Sindeniirelle: Thank you so much.
melata: Thanks. And I agree on the issue with Tinker Bell. It was horrible that Peter forgot.
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