Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Silver and Cold

Under The Summer Rain

by Cerediwen 6 reviews

Kaela and Gerard

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Fantasy - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-02-04 - Updated: 2007-02-04 - 1026 words

A/N: Okay as on request this chapter's gonna be mainly about Gerard and Kaela (see I do listen to you guys!) To make a change and...well so I can work out what's gonna happen next!! laughs Anyway, enjoy the happiness while it lasts!
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone but Kae and Melaina and all the other random extras in this fic giggles Bert McCracken style....Okay that wasn't right...

Chapter 32

Gerard was still standing in exactly the same place as he had been ten minutes ago when there was a soft tab at the oak door. He hadn't stirred his mind in turmoil as it reeled at what she'd asked him to do - it broke all the rules in the book and even if he did she would kill Mikey anyway; and what about Frank? But despite that the little voice still taunted him with the possibility that his little brother would be freed and it was driving him mad. The knock on the door seemed to wake him from his thoughts though and for the first time it dawned on him how strange it was that Penny hadn't appeared yet.
But the small figure that almost humbly pushed the door open after waiting a few seconds wasn't the chatty servant that Gerard had been expecting - it was Kaela. The little girl seemed to do a double take as she saw her father standing in the middle of the bedroom, her little spider web gloved hand still wrapped around the door handle. Gerard's breath caught in his throat as he finally had the chance to see her properly, her long black hair braided back from her face perfectly and her green eyes shining in shock at seeing her father there.
"Dada...?" She asked slowly seconds of buzzing silence later. He looked down at her and then smiled, properly and so full of wonder that it was hard to stop himself grinning. Kneeling down he held his arms out and the child ran to him and she didn't know why she trusted this man she'd never met before so completely but he just felt right like this was how it always should have been.
"Hey Kaela..." He whispered, his heavy New Jersey accent laden with emotion as his daughter beamed up at him. She almost laughed and she couldn't have told you for the lives of both of them why but she did, her emerald eyes mirroring his as they shone.
"Why are you here?" She asked him quietly, not accusing him - just wondering.
He shrugged "I guess I was meant to be." He told her simply "Like...destiny or something." He grinned at the last bit and Kaela wasn't sure if he was being serious but took it that he was.
"Can you tell too then?" She inquired curiously, her head tipped to one side as she wondered.
He looked confused "Tell what?" He asked slowly, his pale fingers still entwined with her small delicate ones.
"Tell the future." She answered proudly "Master Tiberius taught me too when I was little but don't tell Mama." Here she smiled conspiratorially "She doesn't know."
He smiled at the amazing child in front of him "No," He said shaking his head "I can't do anything like can you?" He wondered, his curiosity getting the better of him.
"With my" She decided after struggling with the word for a couple of seconds. "They whisper to me when they know but I can't tell everything...just little bits." She told him, smiling at her achievement as if she'd come home to tell him she'd won a merit at school.
He hugged her "You're a clever kid Kae." He whispered to her as she hugged him back. She blushed "But it must be you who's the clever one cos of...of...genies..." She told him matter of factly.
He laughed "You mean genes?" He corrected her and she nodded knowingly but he just shook his head "Nah, your Mama was always the clever one."
She stuck her tongue out "But Mama says you can sing...she can't sing she sounds squeaky!" She grinned at him, her eyes sparkling.
He smiled "Well...she's not that bad..." He began and then wondered why he was standing up for the woman who was destroying his life.
"But you can sing!" She prompted "Will you sing something for me...?" She asked "Mama used to watch when you came on the TV before I knew you were my Daddy, she would watch you and My Chem and then she'd smile when you preformed."
He looked shocked for a minute as his brain tried to digest what she'd just told him but he covered it up with a smile seconds later. "Okay then..." He began "What you want me to sing?"
She grinned happily at him, stepping back for a minute as she considered it "Umm...sing...sing...sing I'm Not Okay..." She beamed at him as she sat down on the floor and crossed her legs.
He nodded and sat down next to her, his voice rising right to the domed ceiling as he began to sing but it brought back a torrent of raging memories that battered against the flood gates of his mind as if the hounds of hell were after them. Gerard just took a calming breath though and looked down at his daughter and all the memories were lost on him as she smiled back at him with her perfect green eyes, her whole pale complexion a mirror of his. As he reached the last chorus he looked down at her "Sing along." He grinned and she did, her small voice entwining perfectly with his. But as they reached the end she smiled as he sung the radio edit and she carried on with the lyrics. He almost laughed as 'I'm Not O-fucking-kay' echoed out of his wonderful little daughter's mouth.
"Why didn't you sing properly Dada?" She asked as the last notes had died away. He just shook his head and took her hand "Because I forgot who your mother was." He told her simply.

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