Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > FIGHTS KISSES AND MUCH MORE

The Call

by fluffypup 14 reviews

what happens when you decide to invite youre boyfriend to see youre father and everything turns out to be a total disaster

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure - Published: 2007-01-13 - Updated: 2007-01-13 - 421 words

written by fluffypup

help by ace_fan_12

It had already been 3 years they had defeated cronus.They had decided to stay in the brownstone.Archie and Atlanta were dating for 2 years now and since they were dating Atlantahad moved into Archies room.

It was Saturday and no one was home except Archie and Atlanta.Theresa and jay were out on another date,Herry was visiting Granny,Neil had another photo shoot and Odie was visiting his mother.

Archie and Atlanta were in their room having a make out session.Archie lay on top of Atlanta (dont worry only Archies shirt was taken off and Atlantas but she is wearing a bra lool)

"finally alone time"-said Archie between kisses

"ya nothing can rouind this moment"-said Atlanta between breaths

and thats when her cellphone rang.

"did you have to say anything"-said Archie a bit annoyed but not moving from his position.
"hello"-said Atlanta a bit angry
"DAD??????"-she yelled accidentally pushing Archie off the bed "owwwwwwwwwww" "sorry"-whispered Atlanta and started having a conversation with her dad and this is all you heard

"really?.... id love too.. bye dad... love you too"-she answered hanging up.
"Arch,guess what!!"-she sais wrapping her arms around his neck
"what??"-he said with a grin on his face.

"my da invited me and a friend to stay with him at my house for 2 weeks,and im taking you but...youre mu boyfriend"-she said smiling.Hearing this Archie laid back on his bed (by the way they were standing up)

"yore dad HATES ME !!!!,Atlanta,remember last time??"

"ya, that went very bad anyway i dont think he even remembers,and i dont care what my father says about you!! i love you k!!!!so it will be fine i mean its not like he is gonna tie you up and try to make you break up with me ha imagine"-said Atlanta laughing

"ha imagine"-said archie

by now the others were back."its gonna be fine"-said Atlanta kissing Archie.then their door busdt open with Neil entering

since Atlanta was with a bra she quickly covered herself and Archie burst out yelling "NEIL GET OUT"
"leaving"-said neil running downstairs."lets go and kill Neil"-said Atlanta going downstairs but a while later poking her head through the door saying "you comming???"

"ya be right there"-said Archie still thinking about what her father will do to him...

hope you like it i will update soon r/r
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