Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Inuyasha meets Inuyisha

chapter 3:Surprises

by Inuyisha 1 review

Day and night is full of surprises

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Kanna, Kikyo, Kirara, Miroku, Rin, Sango, Shippo, Other - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-02-06 - Updated: 2007-02-06 - 3208 words


I'd love to think my friends who helped me with the idea.And Diamond who LOVED it in its first form.I do not owm INuyasha or the other charaters execpt Inuyisha,and silver fang,and some others.

Everyone is just staring at Inuyasha and Inuyisha.

"Are you two sure that you're not related?"Kagome asked while looking from one to the other.

"We're sure!"Inuyasha and Inuyisha yelled at the same time.

"Inuyisha,have you encountered Naraku?"Miroku asked.Inuyisha turns her head away from them.

"Umm....Naraku's my uncle."She said while bushing a little.Everyone stares wide-eyed at her.

"What!?YOU'RE NARAKU'S NIECE?!"Inuyasha yelled.She nods.She let out a long deep sigh.

"Inuyisha,what happened to your hand?"Kagome asked.Inuyisha quickly hid her hand behind her back.

"Nothing."She said while getting up.

"If it's nothing,then why are you hiding your hand behind your back?"Sango asked.

"Hey I didn't ask you why you carry aroung a big behind boomarang."Inuyisha said a little defensively.Inuyasha snuck up behind her.She punched him in the gut."Idoit.Did you forget that I can catch your scent?"She asked him.

"Inuyisha,why don't you just show us.Please."Shippo said in a really cute voice.Kagome knew Inuyisha could'nt resist that.

"Alright.But will it shut ya'll up?"Inuyisha asked.They nodded.She showed them her hand.

"What the?What happened to your hand Inuyisha?"Miroku asked.

"It kinda got burned."Inuyisha said.

"How?"Kagome asked.

"Saving a little girl."She answered.

"How?"Kagome asked again.

"Just like old times.You what to know every last detail.Well a villiage was attacked by wolves,and everyone evalcuated,execpt her.And when she tried to excape it,she tripped and lit the house on fire.I shooed away the wolves and got her out.She fought a couple of times,but I got her."Inuyisha explained.Then Inuyisha walked to a tree,and started to cry alittle.

"Inuyisha,what's wrong with you?"Kagome asked.She took one look at Inuyisha and instanly knew what was wrong.

"My parents are dead."Inuyisha said.

"How?"Miroku asked.

"Me."She said.

"Protecting you?"Shippo asked.

"No,I killed them."Inuyisha asked.

"Wait a minute,you killed you own parents?"Sango asked her.

"I didn't mean to."Inuyisha said while tears poured out from her eyes."And if you want,I can tell you what happened."Inuyisha said while wipping the tears away from her eyes.

"Of course we would like to hear the story."Kagome said her sad and sorry for ya tone of voice.Inuyisha told them what happened.When she'd finished,everyone had their mouths wide opened.

"What happened to your brother?"Miroku asked her.

"I don't know."Inuyisha said.

"Inuyasha,Inuyasha."Kagome said while moving her hand in front of his face.Inuyasha was stunned.How could Kikyo be her mother?He just had to make sure.

"What did you say your mom's name was again?"Inuyasha asked her.

"Kikyo."She said.Inuyasha looked as he was going to kill her.Inuyisha hear a cry.

"Dragon Strike!"And bolts of lightning came.

Inuyisha pulled out her sword and said,"Barrier Defense."Then a barrier appered around her and the others.When the barrier disappered,Inuyasha drew out his sword.

"Inuyasha,I see you have a twin."Sesshomaru said while walking out the jumble of trees.

"Sesshomaru,what do you want now?"asked a ticked off Inuyasha.

"I want to show Inuyisha that I have what it takes to destory you,and take her with me."Sesshomaru said with a nasty smile.

'Why am I getting the my big brother's going to try to kill me feeling?'Inuyisha thought.Everyone turns to Inuyisha.
"Earlier I..I..thought he was my older brother."Inuyisha said while feeling helpless.Inuyasha ran to attack Sesshomaru,only to be sent all the way back.'Idiot.'Inuyisha thought.She ran to Sesshomaru,jumped in the air,disappered,and almost got him from the side.

'She almost got me.She's way smarter than Inuyasha.'Sesshomaru thought."You know,I wouldn't mind having you as my wife."Sesshomaru said before Inuyisha jumped back.

'Did he just said he wanted me to be his wife?'Inuyisha thought.

"Windscar!"Inuyasha yelled.

"Backlashwave!"Inuyisha yelled as a red ground tornado mixed with Inuyasha's yellow ground lightning.Sesshomaru was too stunned to move,and got hit with the attack.Sesshomaru fell down to his knees,spitting out blood."You guys,I'm going to try to see if I can at least get that scar off his stomache."Inuyisha said while walking up to Sesshomaru.

"Inuyisha,we just defeated him and now you're going to heal him?"asked a very confused Inuyasha.

"Yes,we my have given him a fatal wound.If he dies Inuyasha,you'll find that you'll miss him more than you care to admit."Inuyisha said while knealing by Sesshomaru's side.Seeing the deep gash across his chest she felt both sorry and guilty."Sesshomaru,can you hold still for just a moment please."Inuyisha asked as she pulled off his armor,and reached for his wound.

"Get away from me,Wench.!"Sesshomaru yelled before he punched her.Inuyisha kissed him on the lips for about a minute,and broke.Much to everyone's surprise,Sesshomaru didn't do anything.

Inuyisha whispered a healing spell;"So with my sword I slash,to his stomache is a gash,so heal this in a flash."And in a matter of seconds,it was healed.She smiled at her,and he returned it.

"Thank you."He whispered.

"You're welcome."She whispered back while helping him put the armor back on.She got up and turned around to leave.Sesshomaru got up behind her.He turned her around and kissed her.She was too shocked to do anything for awhile,before she pushed him away.She was blushing an extremely deep red.

"Sesshomaru,what the heck were you thinking?!"Inuyasha asked furiously.Sesshomaru walked up to Inuyisha and leaned to her ear.

"I'll be back for you later."He whispered before licking her ear and disappering.Inuyisha ran her fingers through her hair and found a jewel shard.She walked up to Kagome and gave it to her.Kagome saw that it was already purified.Kagome had to ask Inuyisha something that was running through her mind all day.

"Inuyisha,are you a preistess?"She asked her.

"Dunno.Why?"Inuyisha asked her.Kagome handed Inuyisha her bow and arrows.Inuyisha shot her friend a perplexed look.

"Shoot an arrow.It should glow if you a preistess when you shoot it."Kagome explained.Inuyisha got an arrow,placed it in the bow and shot it.It glowed a very deep purple before hitting a tree.Inuyisha handed Kagome back her bow and arrows.Inuyisha reached into the sky and caught an arrow.Inuyasha took it from her and sniffed it.

"It's Kikyo's arrow."He said.Inuyisha gave him a look that said "My mom's dead.How can that be her arrow?".Kikyo stepped out the trees.

"Meshoieon mecon Inuyisha Gonoe?"Kikyo asked.

"What?"Everyone but Inuyisha asked.

"Haina.Meoin Inuyisha."Inuyisha said while Kikyo hugged her.

"Inuyisha,I thought you'd be dead by now."Kikyo said.

"No mom.You know that Naraku could never kill me.Anyway,I thought you were dead."Inuyisha said while hugging her mother back.

"No,before the attack your father made us play dead while he protected us."She said while getting out of her daughter's hold.Then Kikio looked up at Inuyisha."My,my Inuyisha.You're taller than Inuyasha,but shorter than your Father."Kikyo said with a big smile.

"Kikio,what the heck were you thinking?!Having a Kid?!"Inuyasha asked feeling both ticked-off and confused.

"Before I met you,there was another in my life.A full fledged demon to be exact."Kikyo explained.

"But how could you have there to care for Inuyisha,and fall in love with me?"Inuyasha asked.

"When Inuyisha was a baby,she cloned me."Kikyo explained to Inuyasha.Everyone looks at Inuyisha.

"I have many powers.Multiplying and cloning things are just one of my many powers."Inuyisha explained.While Kikyo explained some of Inuyisha's childhood past times,Inuyisha set up camp.

"Bye Bye Nesue Mesue Hime."Kikyo said before going.

"Bye Bye Kikyo Mecono Hime."Inuyisha yelled after her mother.

"Master Inuyasha!I've learned that there is a female half-demon that looks like you.And once we find her we can kill her."A flea demon said in Inuyisha's ear.

"Inuyasha."Inuyisha called while walking up to him."I think your flea wants you."Inuyisha said.

"What flea?"Inuyasha asked.

"Master Inuyasha.There are two of you?"The flea demon asked him.

"No Myoga."Inuyasha said while plucking Myoga off Inuyisha's sholder.

"Who wants to help me and Olala go hunting?"Inuyisha asked.

"That's not neccery."Kagome said.

"Okay."Inuyisha while sitting down on a log,that she had made into a deep chair.For awhile they sat there in silence before Inuyisha started laughing.

"What are you laughing about?"Inuyasha asked her.

"Kagome,do you remember P in the hole?"Inuyisha asked her.

"Pheo in the hole?"Kagome asked while laughing.

"Inuyisha.why don't you tell us stories about when you lived with Naraku?"Sango asked.Inuyisha turned her head away.

"He really wasn't there.He left copies of himself to take care of me.And I can tell which are the fake and which one is the real one."Inuyisha said.Inuyisha threw a sharp stone to her right,while drinking some water.It hit something,and bounced right back.

"Inuyisha,is that you with Inuyasha?"A familiar voice asked her.

"Kaguya."Inuyisha said while getting up and drawing out her sword.

"I thought that she was back on the moon."Inuyasha said while getting up and drawng out his sword too.

"And wasn't her mirror broken?"Miroku asked.Inuyisha dropped her sword and dropped down to her knees.She was being forced to bow to Kaguya.

"I see your dead half of the family is still loyal to me."Kaguya said.

"Shut up Kaguya."Inuyisha said while getting up off the ground.Inuyisha grabbed her sword and ran for Kaguya,but was tripped.Inuyisha got up and looked Kaguya straight in the eye.

"What do you want now Kaguya?"Inuyisha and Kagome asked at the same time.

"I want the selesteral robe."Kaguya said.

"It's gone."Miroku said.

"No it's not.It's here some where."Kaguya said.Inuyisha got up.

"Inuyisha,you know."Kaguya said to her.

"I don't even know what your talking about.I've been pinned on a tree for the past 50 years."Inuyisha said.

"You know."Kaguya said.Kaguya said a spell and Inuyisha was in the air.

"How many times do I have to tell you:I don't know where it is."Inuyisha said while strugging to get out the air.

"If you won't tell me,you'll help me."Kaguya said before saying another spell.Kagome shot an arrow.

"Inuyisha.Don't listen to her,and do not look in the mirror."Kagome said.Then some spirts appered.They grabbed Inuyisha's face and forced her to look at Kaguya.Kaguya was trying to turn her into a full fledged demon like she tried on Inuyasha.Inuyisha dropped her sword.

"Ne shoneo mecano Inu."Inuyisha chanted.Kaguya chanted harder."Ne caeono Meshinoe no Inu Inu Inu INU!!!!"Inuyisha yelled at near the top of her lungs.They kept chanting,neither was giving up.The spirts covered Inuyisha's mouth,but Inuyisha kept chanting.Kagome shot another arrow and it hit Inuyisha.It knocked Inuyisha from the air.Everyone looked in the mirror.It had Inuyisha and saw her and her familiy.It hada blurry figure for the mom,Inutaisho,Sesshomaru,and Inuyasha.

"Who is that?"Inuyasha asked her.

"It's her family."Kaguya said.Purple beams surrounded Inuyisha.Inuyisha tried getting,out with no aval.She barked and growled.But instead of turning into a full fledged demon,she turned into a human.She fell hard to the ground.

"Inu...Inu...YASHA!"Inuyisha said.Her eyes turned red.She squeezed her hand making it bleed."Blades of Blood!"Inuyisha said while swinging it to Kaguya.Inuyisha walked out from the purple beams."You monster..."Inuyisha said while picking up her sword."First you take my familiy away from me.Then you you try to kill me.Then you try to turn me into a demon.Now you're trying to kill my friends."Inuyiha said as her sword grew wider and bigger,and glowing red."Backlashwave!Windscar!Dragon Twister!Flamed Swordarang!"Inuyisha yelled while letting those attacks go.The Flamed Swordarang mixed the attacks,and they hit Kaguya.The mirror fell out her hands."Scar of Emotion Strike:Anger and Love!"Inuyisha yelled.The a red and pink tornado destroied Kaguya.

"Inuyisha?"Inuyasha asked.

"Don't worry,I won't do that if you get me mad."Inuyisha said to all of their looks.She put away her sword and hopped in a tree,on a branch and fell asleep.

Meanwhile while all that was happening,Sesshomaru was thinking of ways to snatch Inuyisha away from them under everyone's nose.Rin came running and tripped in the water with Sesshomaru.She looked up then closed and covered her eyes.

"Sorry Lord Sesshomaru.I will leave now."Rin said while walking out the hot springs.A few minutes later she came runinng back.

"Rin,what is it?"Sesshomaru asked while standing up.

"Wolves."She said while hiding behide him.

"Posin claw."Sesshmaru said while slashing at them.He cut them into little bitty pieces.Inuyisha's eyes popped open and she sniffed the air.

'Silver Fang!'.Was the name that rung in her head.She went to the blood scent and found Silver Fang cut into pieces."Who did this?"Inuyisha asked Rin,who was hiding behind the tree.

"Slaid what?"Rin asked.

"Silver Fang."Inuyisha said while yanking her from behind the tree.

"What silver fang?"Rin asked.

"Silver Fang.The wolf."Inuyisha said while bending over.

'What a suitilbe postion for a Wench.'A thought rushed to Inuyisha.Inuyisha picked up Silver Fang's broken body.She said one word and Silver Fang was back together and wagging his tail.

"Lord Sesshomaru slad it."Rin said at last.

"Sesshomaru!"Inuyisha yelled.No answer."I know that you're there."Inuyisha said.Inuyisha's eye caught the sky.It was a full moon.Her heart beat once and she turned into her human form.Inuyisha bent over to look at herself in the water.Then she felt somone behind her and bump her,and they just kept at it.She didn't smell Silver Fang,nor did she smell Rin.They pulled her hips closer to themself and increased their speed.

'Now.Let's pull down her pants.'She heard the thought.She turned her head to see that it was Sesshomaru.

"Don't be scared little Miko."Sesshomaru said while moving her hair away so that he could see her face.Inuyisha's heart was beating so hard with fear,that she thought it was about jump out her chest.

"Inuyasha."Inuyisha said.

"That pathic Half breed of a demon,will not interfere."Sesshomaru said while tugging at her pants.

"Inuyasha!"Inuyisha yelled.Sesshomaru turned her around and smacked her good across the face.

"Shut up."Sesshomaru hissed in her ear.Then he licked it.

"INUYASHA!"Inuyisha yelled,enough to ring Sesshomaru's ears.This time,Sesshomaru smacked her so hard that it was like a TKO.Inuyasha popped out from the bushes and hit Sesshomaru.

"Get off her."Inuyasha said while pulling out the Tensuiga.Sesshomaru gently put Inuyisha down and pulled out Tokijn.

"Dragon Strike!"Sesshomaru said.

"Backlashwave!"Inuyasha countered.The attacks missed each other and hit Sesshomaru and Inuyasha.Inuyisha batted her eyes open.Sesshomaru and Inuyasha let out the same attacks as last time,but this time they mixed and was about to hit Inuyisha.She pulled out her sword.

"Barrier Defense!"Inuyisha yelled while putting her sword in the ground,and a barrier appering around her.It split the attacks in half.After a few minutes Sesshomaru had almost kill Inuyasha.Inuyisha zipped to Inuyasha,snatched him up and left Sesshomaru behind.Inuyisha healed Inuyasha in the process of going back to camp.

"What happened to you two?"Kagome asked them.

"Nothing."Inuyisha said while putting Inuyasha down.Myoga jumpped on Inuyisha.

"You're human,but yet you can carry Master Inuyasha."Myoga said.

"I've carried heavyer things than Inuyasha in my human form."Inuyisha said.

"Master Inuyasha,your sword is shaking."Myoga pointed out.Inuyisha checked around herself,and couldn't find her sword.

"Sonseisaiga."Inuyisha said while holding her hand in the air.Then a sword out of nowhere flies to her.

"Dance of The Dragons!"Said a voice.A tornado like storm came near them.

"Backlashwave!"Inuyisha and Inuyasha yelled.It missed and the dance on the dragons hit Inuyisha.She flew into the air flat on her back.

"Inuyasha,I see you've met my niece."Kagura said while dodging the double backlashwave.

"Kagura,you need to place me on her chest."The infant whispered to Kagura.Inuyisha tried to get up,but couldn't.Kagura walked up inuyisha and was about to place the infant on Inuyisha,when Inuyasha snatched it away from me."Put me down you stupid half breed!"The infant yelled.

"What have you done to Inuyisha?"Inuyasha asked angerly.

"I'm fine,can't move,but fine."Inuyisha said from the ground.Then Kagura started to cut Inuyisha in the same spot.

"Stop it Kagura."Kagome said while shooting an arrow at her,but it missed.By then,Inuyisha had a gash slanting across her stomache.

"Then give me the infant or I'll kill you."Kagura said while running to Inuyasha and giving him a gash on the stomache and taking the infant in the process.Inuyasha fell down on his back.Inuyasha and Inuyisha started to pulsnate.They sat up.Their eyes were red,they both had an identical stripe on either side of their face.The only way to tell them apart was by their stripes.Inuyasha'a were purple,while Inuyisha's were a blood red.They both got to their feet.

"Blades of Blood!"Inuyasha yelled.

"Lovescar!"Inuyisha yelled.Kagura dodged that.

"Iron-Rever Soul-Stealer!"They yelled.Instead of moving,Kagura took the hit.When it hit her,she was all bloody,yet the baby was unharmed.Inuyisha and Inuyasha pulled out their swords.Inuyisha grabbed Inuyasha's left hand with her right.When they were about to kill the baby,it cried,and they stopped to look at each other.

"Kill it already."Sango yelled.

"You two know you'll regret it if you kill me."The infant said.

"I wish they would sit."Kagome whispered and Inuyisha and Inuyasha went plowing into the ground.Inuyisha sprung back up.Seeing that Inuyasha was knocked out,Inuyisha grabbed the infant and decided to hug it to death.

'Stupid half breed.'The infant thought while seaching her soul for darkness.He found it,but he and Kagura burst into black flames and disappered.Then everyone passed out.
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