Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Life Of Lies

3- Ooo, Got A Crush?

by HauntedTears 2 reviews

The party and things turn out, rather, weirdly, not too mentention a certain meeting with someone in room without any lights on?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-02-07 - Updated: 2007-02-07 - 898 words

Disclaimer: Usual don't know nor own, expect my mere characters!

No comments today, on with the chapter!

I felt like calling Kim and just saying I was ill, but something told me that might just not work this time, note I had used this excuse many times before. Then I felt my phone ringing, uh oh, I was in my room sitting on my bed looking at myself in the mirror on the back of my door, never had I looked so, different?
For a start, I hadn't got my converses on, some black boots that I had never even glanced at, I was actually wearing lip gloss and my hair was done up in a messy bun, okay the bun isn't anything knew, but I don't know, I felt, happy?
So after I found my phone I answered it, sure enough it was Kim, oh what joy.

"Hey Sammy, you ready, 'cause I shall come and pick you up?" she said and I heard keys rattling.
Did I mention her family is loaded?
Well they are and she has her own car, I mean it's not uncommon, but I don't have, purely because my mother makes me walk, whether there be rain or not, yes all that money she got and does she even care about me?
I grumbled, "Yes, I am as ready as I will ever be" I replied in the most nicest tone I could muster.
"Okay honey, I'll be there in like ten? Au revior!" she said and hung up.
Honey? Honey! For heavens sake, I am not a bloody bee!


"Okay we are here!" Kim yelled as we pulled up in front of a large house with a lot of people outside, I gulped and got out the car, I knew this night was asking for trouble. "Well, have fun, call me if you need me!" Kim then randomly said and walked off to some of her cheerleader friends, who glared at me as I walked into the house, like I said, okay it wasn't large, it was fucking massive! The first thing I noticed was the people in there and the music, well put it this way, wasn't something I'd of chosen had I of been hosting it. A few people said the usual 'Hi' or waved, but none of them seemed really in the mood to strike convosation. I really don't know how long I was actually wandering around until I spotted a 'familiar' face, oh shit, it was Frank, I don't know why but I dodged into a side room, which was empty and...dark. I turned around and went for the light switch and I felt someone grab my wrist, I didn't scream or anything, just looked at the hand, okay this is starting to get weird.

"Just a little bit of advice, knock before coming in" they said, or more he said, the voice was deep, I was kinda worried I'd walked in on something, er, gross, not going into detail. "Well sorry, besides, why are all the lights off?" I said, not caring who the hell he was. "What kind of question is that" he said and let go of my wrist. "What kind of person leaves the lights off" I mumbled and flicked the light switch on and then I realized who he was. "Oh great, your one of them, go on then, poke some bloody fun at me" he said, I was basically speechless, between you and me, I'd had a crush on this guy since, well, as long as I could remember, but I never got to know him.
"Why would I do that?" I said, this is getting weirder and weirder. "Because your friends with that bitch Kim" he replied and his pushed his black hair out of his eyes, glaring at me. I shook my head, not this again, "I can assure you that I am nothing like here, I mean, look at me, I'm more an art freak than a plastic" I said and he rolled his eyes. "Whatever, if you say so" he replied and sighed. "Well, should I go and leave you too your darkened room?" I asked, it was pretty obvious that he wasn't too pleased with me being there. He shrugged, "Don't care, I was hiding from Frank, he's trying to hook me up, as usual" he said and looked at the ground. "Boy, does that sound familiar" I replied and then I heard my name being called. "Hey isn't that your name, I mean Sam?" he said and looked up, I felt myself going red, trust Kim to start looking for me at a bad time. "Er, yeah, I better go, nice meeting you I suppose" I said and he laughed. "Suppose, turn the light off will ya, I don't want to blow my cover just yet" he said and I laughed. "Bye Gerard" I said and flicked the light switch off and exited the room, to be confronted by none other than Kim and she was smirking. "Gerard eh?" she said, "Ooo, got a crush?" she added, with that grin still plastered on her face.
I don't know why, but I lost my temper.
"Fuck off you bitch"

I'm really stuck for ideas, lol, so sorry if the whole 'dark room' scene don't make any sense and I'm sick, so meh XP R&&R
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