Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > China Patters, Wedding Rings, and Infidelity

The end. . .

by Meg2005 3 reviews

Brendon tells a love story . . .

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-02-07 - Updated: 2007-02-08 - 983 words

Meg here:
So I'm sorry to say that this series has come to an end. It's been great, probably one of the best I've ever written. I'm in love with this story completely that's why I've decided to write a sequel and maybe a prequel. Thank you to everyone who gave me a review on it, and thanks to everyone who gave me more then one! Y'all are so awesome! Check back soon for the sequel, I can tell you this already, if you loved this one you're going to die for the sequel. Thank you again, keep the reviews coming and I'll talk to you guys in the next story!!!!

Chelsea and Brendon got up and ran to the back of the bus where Jon held a naked Thomas laughing so hard it was amazing he could still hold himself up let alone the baby, 'What happened?'

'He pissed on me.' Spencer said looking down at his former white tee shirt.

'Watch your language around him.' Chelsea scolded while walking over and taking the baby out of Jon's arms as he shivered a bit, 'What did that mean boy do to mommy's little man?'

'What did I do to him?' Spencer said as he pulled the shirt over his head.

'don't be mean to him Spencer, he's just a baby.' Chelsea walked out of the room to go change his clothes.

'So how was the making out?' Jon asked while Brendon picked up the baby clothes putting them into the container of dirty baby clothes they'd wash next time they could do laundry.

'Amazing, I love her so much.' Brendon smiled

'She loves you too man.'

'I know; I'm a pretty lucky guy.' Brendon smiled.


Brendon sat in the middle of the hall way of the bus, after that night's show, while the three guys sat in the back and Chelsea was a sleep in the bunk. Thomas lay wide awake in his bouncer chair with Brendon directly in front of him strumming on his acoustic guitar. Thomas smiled up at him every so often when Brendon played a new cord.

'You know Thomas, you and I look exactly a like; but something is telling me that you're going to be a lot like your mom.' Brendon smiled, 'Either way, it's okay with me because I love you so much.' He smiled, 'Wanna hear a story?' Thomas obviously didn't answer but he did look up at his dad, 'This is my favorite story so you'd better listen up, got it son.'

Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl. She was by far the fairest girl in the land. She had beautiful brown hair and amazing green eyes that were as deep as the deepest ocean. Her name was Chelsea and let's just say she was so beautiful boys came from far away lands just to see her beauty. One day as she was out on a family outing with her parents they came upon a house. Chelsea's parents were curious to see who lived there. After knocking on the door; Chelsea's parents became anxious, they were new in the big city and they were frightful for what they might find but lucky for them the people who came to the door were sweet, gently, and equally as beautiful as they. They invited the small family into the house. The beautiful girl, Remember her Thomas? The pretty one named Chelsea? Well you're about to meet her, Chelsea walked out to the back yard only to find a huge castle in the trees. Now obviously being a ten year old this was the coolest thing the little girl had seen. In this castle lived a drop dead gorgeous prince by the name of Brendon. Brendon was famous for his lips. Well let's just say as he heard the doors open, he took a peak out the window and found and angel looking up at his castle.' Brendon smiled up as he saw Chelsea watching him and their son with a soft smile on her face, 'The young prince descended the long latter that crossed fields and meadows, seas and oceans just to witness the beauty that was so famous through out the land. Although Brendon was only ten, he swept Chelsea into a breath taking kiss. As if it were magic they found themselves ten years later sitting on a tour bus in the middle of America with a beautiful son as the prince told his story. The beautiful princess got out of her bed wearing a beautiful black tee shirt with a pair of Brendon's boxers. She looked down at their perfect son as her heart melted. The prince picked up his guitar and began playing the song that would forever last in the hearts of the couple as they lived happily ever after.' Brendon said as he began strumming the guitar just before he began singing the song as his son fell asleep and Chelsea's eyes welled up with tears as she sat above him.
he strands in your eyes
That color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath
And emeralds from mountains
Thrust towards the sky
Never revealing their depth

And tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated; I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows of heartache
That hangs from above

I'll be your crying shoulder
I'll be love's suicide
I'll be better when I'm older
I'll be the greatest fan of your life

Rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed
And you're my survival
You're my living proof
My love is alive and not dead

And tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated; I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows of heartache
That hangs from above
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