Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Perfect Things

Chapter 8 I Know You Know

by previously_recorded 0 reviews

Draco likes Harry but can't get him. Blaise likes Draco and can get him, but want to be more than a fling. So he thinks up a plan to become the blondes equal by doing something he never could. Sedu...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor - Characters: Blaise Zabini, Draco, Harry - Warnings: [!] [X] - Published: 2005-09-02 - Updated: 2005-09-03 - 6216 words

Chapter 8 I Know You Know


"Pretend you're me Harry." Green eyes flicked up to the cornflower blue eyes of the Scottish keeper. "Pretend that the hero of the wizarding world just walked up to you and told you that they wanted you more than anything they had ever wanted in their lives." Harry didn't know whether he wanted to blush or grin at the statement. Oliver really did look like he was waiting for an answer.

The Quidditch world cup had just gotten over and now they were sitting in Wood's tent on two plush pillows drinking. The statement had just sort of come up after they were on their second bottle of firewhiskey, and Oliver had touched his cheek and told him he looked beautiful. The rest was really just his hormones talking.

"I would tell that hero that whatever they wished was my command." Harry said this with a grin, and was answered with a similar expression.

Oliver leaned forward then and slowly touched their lips together in what would be Harry's first kiss, because really that whole depocle with Cho never really counted. She was crying for fucks sake!

Harry pulled away and gave Oliver a small kiss on each cheek. "I think I can get used to this hero business, if it gets the likes of you to kiss me that is."

Oliver had the good graces to look offended at that. "What exactly does that mean? The likes of me." Harry bit his bottom lip and quickly glanced towards the floor. But his gaze didn't stay there long because the sandy haired brunette lifted his chin to meet his.

Just the site of the beautiful eyes caused Harry to once more lean forward and connect their lips. "It means that I never thought anybody as perfect as you would ever want to be with someone like me."

Wood placed both of his hands on either side of the raven haired boy's face, and slowly shook his head back and forth. "Harry that...that's just the stupidest thing I've ever heard." Harry's eyes widened a little, but he kept his mouth closed and just listened to what he had to say. "You think that you're not good enough for me? Anyone would kill to be with you...I would kill to be with you! Don't ever think you're not good enough Harry, because just having would be everything I would ever want."
Great, just great, now he was dreaming about the reason for his suddenly guilty conscience. Of all things to dream about why was it the night they had first been together? As if just thinking about Oliver wasn't enough, now he had to see him in the only escape he had left. It's just not fair is all. Everyone hated him, that was just the gist of it.

Harry rolled over onto his side, and tried to squash the large lump under his hip. Seriously when had his blankets gotten so lumpy? Though of course at the sound of the wince he realized that he might have been a bit mistaken about the lump in the blanket.

He flipped over to Draco's side of the bed, getting the blond to wince once again, only this time louder. With an angry tug, Draco pulled his arm out from underneath Harry's body.

"Ow! Okay just ow!" Draco cradled his arm to his chest and pouted in a very undignified manner. "You slept on it all night long you bastard! God now it feels like it's gonna fall off." Harry slowly shook his head, and reached out to take the so called injured arm while Draco continued to prattle on. "And then you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to pick it up and start beating you with it."

With an annoyed sigh, Harry started to gently massage Draco's arm. "Shh you're fine." The blond quieted down and, with what sounded remarkably like a purr, leaned into Harry's chest. Harry nuzzled Draco's hair and lightly rested his chin on the blond's head. "Does it still hurt?"

Draco just shook his head and curled up even further into Harry's chest. With his uninjured arm, the blond slowly trailed his way up his lover's chest, bringing more and more of the t-shirt with him as he did. This left the opportunity for the once innocent mouth to kiss and lick all of the skin now exposed to him.

As his teeth grazed a nipple, Harry couldn't help but arch into Draco's almost eager touch. A moan escaped his mouth, and he was fully willing to enjoy himself, when what had made him think that he couldn't be enjoying himself anymore came back to him.

"Draco..." Harry pushed at the blond head which seemed to be fully up to a challenge. "Draco don't." This got a pause to come from him, and with another push Draco let up all together. Confused gray eyes were looking down on him.

"Why?" The question sounded almost like an accusation, and it was at the moment that Harry realized giving Draco an answer might not be as easy as he had once thought. It was also in that moment that Harry scratched that thought, because never had he thought anything involving Draco would be easy.

Harry pushed up on the bed sheets until he was in a sitting position against the headboard. His actions caused Draco to also sit up, although he was at the very end of the bed, and glaring rather heatily at Harry if he did say so himself. He placed both hands over his face and tried to hastily wipe the remaining sleep out of his eyes. The last thing he needed at this point was to be half asleep and undoubtedly say something incredibly stupid.

When he parted his hands, Harry saw through his fingers that Draco was still sitting on the end of the bed with his arms crossed and his eyes glaring. "Because we don't have time."

"And why pray tell don't we have time? It's Saturday Potter." Draco's voice was even, but you could still he was still a little pissy, mostly because he had called him Potter. What Draco had just said caught up to him, and he mentally groaned. He had thought that he had at least a week to figure out a way to stop himself from frying, but, alas, he was screwed. Damn Dumbledore! He had just had to go and give them Friday off to confuse him as to just what kind of weekend this was.

In a broken voice Harry mumbled his answer. "Because it's a Hogsmeade weekend." It was like admitting what was going to happen today was condemning him to his fate.

"Bullshit." Harry snapped out of his sulky world at that. Draco looked like he could kill, and Harry had to admit he felt a little frightened. Though as to why Draco was so pissed he still had no idea. He was telling the truth, it actually was a Hogsmeade weekend. In fact it was the last weekend before Christmas.

"What?" Seriously Draco looked like he could breathe fire, and he had no idea why.

"You're fucking pathetic, do you know that?" Harry didn't know whether or not to be shocked, upset, or offended by that. He chose the latter of the three.

"Seriously Draco you've gone nutters. Do you even know what the fuck you're talking about anymore?" Immediately after saying it, Harry wished that the words never left his mouth. This was going to get Draco screaming, and if by the small chance the rest of his housemates didn't know that the Slytherin was there, they sure as hell would now.

"Yeah well I must be crazy if I ever thought that I wanted to be with a coward like you." Harry's jaw dropped a little, and would of replied if Draco hadn't gone on with his rant. "For fucks sake Potter why don't you stop lying and hone up to your actions. Why don't you tell me the real reason you don't want me to touch you anymore has nothing to do with Hogsmeade, but in fact has everything to do with." Draco ducked over the side of the bed and pulled out the discarded letter from the night before. "This!"

At the sight of the letter, Harry couldn't help but feel sick. He jumped forward in the bed, and made a quick grab for the letter. He was however thwarted when Draco stood up on the bed. Harry looked up from his position of the bed. "Draco give me the letter. Don't read it." Harry tried to sound as calm and demanding as he could, but his calm exterior was kind of shattered when the blond began to laugh.

"Read it? I don't need to read it Potter." Draco's laughter began to slowly die down, and then stop all together. "I already know what it will say." With that a more dignified Draco grabbed for his sheet on the bed once more for his clothing, and left their safe little haven.

When the sun invaded his bed, Harry couldn't help but gasp from embarassment. Everyone except Ron was just sitting in their beds staring wide eyed at them both. Well he figured he had to be a pretty big shock to their systems, cuz really who would have thunk it? He did have time to think on this long though, because he saw Draco making his way to the door.

Harry quickly jumped out of his bed, and made a mad dash for the door. "Draco!" He grabbed onto the Slytherin's arm, spinning him back around. The site of the cold eyes that met him were enough to give the bravest man chills, but he shook it off. Their were more important things at stake here than his fear. "Where are you going?"

Whatever he had been expecting, it certainly wasn't the scoff of disgust. "I would have thought that were obvious Potter, now let me go." It was in that moment that he could see that if he didn't do something now, Draco would slip through his fingers.

With a yank to his captive arm, Harry pulled Draco to him and crashed their mouths together. Gasps were heard throughout the room, and Harry was mildly sure he heard someone faint, probably Neville.

Harry couldn't be concerned with outside distraction right now though. He pulled away from his blond lover, a little disappointed that he never felt him kiss back. Draco's eyes were shut, and his bottom lip seemed to be trembling. "Draco?"

"Tell me..." The quiet voice didn't sound like it belonged to Draco at all, in fact neither did the eyes that suddenly opened, only to be filled with sadness. "Tell me that if he were to walk through this door right now that you would pick me over him."

Of all things he could possibly have said, why did it have to be that? He knew he couldn't answer that, and he knew Draco knew that. It didn't stop him from trying anyways. "I...I..." Okay well trying and failing, because for the life of him he couldn't get himself to say anything more. Did he really have anymore to say? Apparently Draco didn't think so.

"Then let my arm go." He sounded so absolute. But it wasn't absolute was it? Harry dropped the arm he had held captive and watched Draco walk away. There had to be an answer, after all only foolish people deal in absolute.


The showers had really seen Draco's furry, and he had only really gotten to take about a half of one before all of the shower heads burst off and made it impossible to finish. There were also cracks all over the tiled floor and ceiling, where he had stomped his foot and punched the wall. He'd be impressed with himself if his magic wasn't going completely haywire, making everything he did destroy something else.

Now fully showered he moved on to his wardrobe, making sure to keep his temper in tact while messing with his clothes. Feeling in a particularly somber mood, he grabbed a pair of black slacks and a button down long sleeve black shirt, these were accompanied by black boots. So he wasn't in a cheery mood, giving the circumstances he was just glad that he had the will to get dressed at all.

How dare that little prick do that to him, and in front of other people no less! Now he could deal with Harry's little mood swings, but a tease he could just not abide by. Why would he come to him if he had no intention of staying? Of course he knew he was being a hypocrite, but at the time he didn't care. When you're pissed off you have the right to be a little irrational.

"Ah what's the matter champ, are we having a bad day?" Of all the people, why the fuck did he have to bother him?

Draco looked up from his chair in the common room to glare at the brunette who in his opinion had started this whole mess. "Fuck off Zabini." Who was he kidding? Like that would actually work against Blaise.

His theory was proven correct when the brunette in fact did not fuck off, but plopped down right in his lap, wrapping his arms around his neck. Draco really would have pushed him off any other time, but he was just too emotionally upset at the moment to get the will to do that.

"What do you want Blaise?" There was no venom in his voice, in fact he couldn't really get his voice to show emotion since this morning.

"Oh I just wanted to ask you how good he was." Draco's fist clenched. "Was it everything you could have hoped for?"

"Don't" Blaise stopped at this and got what could best be described as a triumphant grin on his face.

"Oh I see, he dumped you." Draco's eyes narrowed, and this time he actually got the will to push Blaise off his lap.

The brunette landed rather painfully on the hard floor, and really Draco didn't hold any sympathy for him. "Don't ridiculous Zabini...the thought of that cretin dumping me is just laughable."

"Then why aren't you laughing?" Blaise slowly made it back to his feet, doing his best to rub the soreness out of his ass. At that response Draco was really wishing he would have pushed him harder.

"I'm not laughing because that would never happen. I don't date people Blaise, you should know that best of all, so tell me how it would be possible for him to dump me." He casually left out the part about how he had been thinking of dating Potter, because really what good would that do. He was just a good fuck and nothing more, just like all of his other little flings.

Blaise pulled up the chair that was beside him, and leaned in as far as he could with that same damn smirk on his face. "So he doesn't mean anything to you then?" Narrowed gray eyes turned towards the brunette, giving him the simplest possible answer he could spit out.

"No." The worst part was not only was that the biggest load of crap ever, but Blaise looked as if he wanted to laugh at the answer.

"Oh. So you wouldn't mind if I took a shot at getting into his pants then?" Draco's first reaction of course would be to decapitate Blaise with his bare hands for the very notion, but then he realized one simple thing. Blaise was trying to test him, and he would not fall victim to the sneaky brunette's tricks. He had taught the bastard everything he knew after all.

"Be my guest." As if Blaise didn't look shocked enough at the statement, Draco thought overkill might be best. "Oh and he loves it when you bite his inner thigh." The blond said this all with a smirk, and was proud when Blaise's eyes looked like they could bug out of his head.

Draco had to admit he was proud of his protégée when his mouth closed and his eyes returned to normal. He had figured it out. Well good for him, it didn't change anything though.

"Oh? Did Wood tell you that?" Draco's eyes immediately narrowed, and his hand went straight for his wand. That was just low, and yet the bastard just kept talking. "Too bad that tonight it'll be the Scott biting Potter's thigh, and not you."

Draco was just about to attack Blaise for having the gall to even think of saying that to him, when something quite disturbing occurred to him. "Zabini how the hell do you know about that?" Judging by the fearful expression on the brunette's face he hadn't thought this all the way out, and now he was fucked.


God he was fucked. Oliver was going to be here in less than an hour, and he had no idea how he was going to cover up the fact that he had not only slept with Draco, but there were pictures of him and Blaise making out scattered all over the school. Not to mention the fact that his brain wouldn't come up with a decent plan due to the fact that he kept feeling the same nagging guilt that had overcome him ever since Draco left this morning.

That's another thing, if you ask him Draco had completely overreacted. It's not as if he hadn't known that he was involved with somebody else. Wait, had he ever even told him about Wood in the first place? The more he thought about it the more he couldn't place when he had told him in the first place. Of course Blaise could have told him, but were Draco and Blaise even on that good of speaking terms?

Harry glanced at the clock and watched as the seconds to his death slowly ticked by. He had made a small haphazard attempt at getting ready, and he basically looked worse than when he started. He had thrown on a pair of khakis and a plain maroon hoody, seriously it looked as if he wasn't even trying to put on a good show for Oliver, which was just wrong. He loved Oliver...didn't he?

He shook his head in disgust. How could he be having such treacherous thoughts? How is it possible that he could be thinking he was no longer in love? They were happy once, they were so happy that Harry had forgotten all of the pain. Where had that gone? Why couldn't he feel it anymore? Was there still love between them at all?

"Are you really going to see Wood in that?" At the sound of his former friend's voice, he couldn't help but pause in his thoughts. Harry sat up from his bed to glare at Ron's for some reason smiling face.

"What do you care what I look like?" The venom in his voice didn't seem to faze the red head at all. In fact he seemed all the happier to hear his discontent. "Why are you even here at all?"

Ron made his way forward and sat down next to Harry on his bed, not seeming in the least bit offended when Harry moved over as far as he could get. "I'm here because we're supposed to be friends, and after I heard about what happened this morning I thought you could use some moral support."

"Moral support? Is that what this sad attempt of mocking me is?" Harry ran a hand through his still wet hair from the shower he had forced himself to take. "Is that why you weren't in the dormitory last night Ron? Too afraid to see us in bed together in the morning?" Okay so it was a low blow, but it's as the old saying goes: misery loves company, and he was plenty enough miserable for the both of them.

The red head's eyes went far away, and he looked as if he was trying his hardest to keep his cool. He knew Ron was up to something, and he was going through a great deal of trouble to hide. Ironically though it was because he knew Ron so well that he could tell he was up to something in the first place.

"I didn't come here to fight with you mate." Harry glared head on at his so-called friend and patiently awaited whatever excuse Ron might come up with.

"I came here Harry because I don't want us to fight anymore, I miss being your friend mate." Harry let out an undignified scoff at that. Was he seriously trying to pull the friend card?

"Please Ron you should realize that for that not to sound like bullshit you should at least wait a few more days. I mean fuck Ron we've only be at odds for a day and a half." That at least wiped that ridiculous smile off of his face.

Ron stood up from the bed and made his way to the dormitory door. "Think what you want Harry but I only wanted to help you." Oh he only wanted to help him? By what actually fucking Draco this time?

"Really and how exactly do you plan to help me?" It seemed like the smile was once again going to come back, but the red head bit his bottom lip to stop it. What a bastard.

"I was only going to tell you that Blaise Zabini's betrayal of you might not have been his own." Disgusting! It was like somebody else's words were spewing out of the person he once called a friend.

Harry calmly looked at the red head, and tried his best to keep his anger from spilling over. "What are you trying to say Ron?"

"What I'm trying to say mate is that your newly acquired boy toy might not be as innocent as you think." It was a shock to the system he would give him that, but not in the way Ron probably hoped. Instead of getting bent out of shape over the no doubt lie, Harry just got really really pissed.

"Get out." Ron's eyes widened a little. Apparently this wasn't what the big shot was hoping for.

"Do you even hear what I'm trying to tell you Harry? I'm trying to tell you that Draco..." Harry was in no way about to let him finish that sentence.

"I SAID GET OUT!" Ron flinched at Harry's outburst, but didn't hesitate in scurrying even closer to the door. He did however need to get the last word in before he left.

"Fine don't believe me Harry, but I did come here to reconcile with you. At least let Hermione help you get ready." He gave her a small smile. "She's just outside." With that he left the dormitory, only to be replaced a moment later by a nervously smiling girl. Harry quickly glanced at the clock. It wasn't long now before he would be seeing Oliver, and now he was just even more confused than before.


"Answer me Zabini how the fuck do you know about Wood seeing Harry today." Draco was now standing up overshadowing Blaise. He grabbed a fistful of the brat's shirt and tugged him forwards. "Tell me."

To his surprise, and immense annoyance, Blaise actually started laughing. Causing Draco to yank all the harder on his shirt. Blaise placed a hand over Draco's a gently patted it. "Relax precious." Draco sneered at the nickname, he had always hated it. "Don't get your knickers in a twist. Ron told me about it."

Apparently this was supposed to make him feel better, but all it did was make him angrier. "You're consorting with the weasel! What the fuck did you tell him Zabini?" It all became clear now, that deceitful smile, that exceeding arrogance, that bastard was up to something.

Blaise put his hands up in defense. "Relax Draco I didn't tell him anything. All of your dirty little secrets are safe with me." Draco was about ready to punch the bastard on principle alone, when a hand on his shoulder distracted him.

He turned around to see Pansy standing there in all her glory, and he did mean all her glory. She looked absolutely stunning. She was wearing a very strappy satin silver dress that parted down each side of her legs and came down to her knees. This outfit was accentuated by the silver shoes she wore that laced all the way up past her calves. God the girl might be clingy at times, but damn did she know how to dress.

But one has to ask oneself at this time what this fancy dresser would be doing interrupting his fight. The smile she wore led him to believe that she was innocent, but Draco knew better. He knew her better though, he knew that she could be more venomous than the rest of the Slytherins combined. Well all except himself, and maybe Blaise.

"Ah leave him alone know Blaise doesn't know any better." Pansy wrapped her arms around his shoulders and led him away from the Slytherin in question.

"Yeah but Panse he won't get any better if we don't beat some sense into him every once in awhile." Draco glanced back and saw Blaise straightening himself up, and figured what the hell, he might was well leave him alone for the moment.

Pansy once again smiled, and led him towards the door. "Dray babe I was wondering since you blew me off for Potter the other night." Draco unconsciously flinched, but it didn't seem like the girl noticed. "So I was wondering if you would take me today on a date."

As the words spilled from the girls mouth an unbelievably brilliant plan began to form in his head. A wicked, deceitfully evil plan, one that would most surely get him everything he desired. With a smirk on his face, Draco set upon the first action of his brilliancy. "Why Pansy I would love to go out with you."


"So how have you been love?" Oh where to start? Should he start with the fact that since last time they had met he had not only cheated on him, but he had cheated on him twice. God how could he even look him in the eyes?

"I've been good...and you?" God did he sound as nervous as he felt? Here they sat in the three broomsticks, sharing a pitcher of butterbeer, and Harry still had the gall to look him in the eyes. Hermione had come in right after Ron left and fixed his hair and eyes. Yeah imagine that, he didn't even wear glasses anymore.

Oliver was wearing a jersey from his quidditch team, and he looked as good as ever. "I'm fine baby, I just missed you is all." It was like everything he could possibly say drove yet another knife of guilt through his heart.

Harry gave a small smile, and took a huge gulp of his drink. It was times like these when he really wished that butterbeer had alcohol in it. He slammed the glass on the table, and couldn't help but jump a little when Oliver grabbed both of his hands.

Wood gave a small smile, but you could tell that he was confused. "What's wrong with you today sweety, you seem so nervous."

Green eyes quickly snapped forwards. "What of course not. I'm not nervous I'm just..." He had wanted to say fine, but at that moment that thought seemed to fly straight out of the window. Because at that moment Draco walked through the door with Pansy Parkison hanging off of his arm, and his answer didn't come out as fine but more as "distracted."

"Distracted? Why are you distracted?" Because Draco fucking Malfoy was sitting in the booth right in front of him whispering sweet nothings into that whore's ear. What was he doing here? More importantly what the fuck was he doing here with her?

"Oh nothing of any importance." Like hell it wasn't. "Just school and quidditch and stuff." Draco leaned his head close to her ear, and then actually had the audacity to laugh at what she said. He had heard Pansy talk and nothing she could of possibly said could have been that funny.

"Quidditch? Have you guys Slytherin yet?" Harry watched as he touched her, as he twined his perfect fingers into her disgusting hair. How could he touch her like that? How could he do this to him?

"No, they're our last match of the year." Draco tilted the whore's chin upwards and slowly connected their mouths, and it was in that moment Harry began to see red. He watched as the kiss deepened. He watched as his tongue snaked out of his mouth and parted her ever eager lips. He watched this all with a barely suppressed rage, and then he watched Draco get up to leave.

Harry turned regretful eyes towards Wood. "Oliver will you excuse me for a moment? I have something I have to take care of." Without waiting for a response Harry fled from the Three Broomsticks. At the moment determined to kill a certain Slytherin.


Draco escorted Pansy through the door to the Three Broomsticks, and immediately the first thing that caught his eye was Potter, him and his disgusting disgrace for a boyfriend. Seriously what the hell did he see in that Scottish brute? Though this wasn't the time to be contemplating that, now was the time to put his plan into action.

He led Pansy over to the booth right next to Harry's, making sure the Gryffindor had a good view of what he was about to do. He peeled the white petticoat off of the girl's shoulders and took of his own black coat.

Madam Rosemerta came over to order their drinks, and seeing as how Draco's face was well known he ordered two fire whiskeys without even thinking. The woman gave him a look, but not wanting to cross Lucius Malfoy's only heir, just nodded and went to get their drinks.

"He is pretty cute you know." Draco glanced over to Pansy who was practically drooling at the site of Wood. His first instinct was to glare at her, and maybe even curse her so that all her hair fell out, but then he thought of something even better.

Leaning over so that he was as close as he could possibly get to Pansy without sitting in her lap. He nipped slightly at her ear, and gave a seductive smile that he knew she wasn't able to even see, but that didn't mean other people weren't. "Pansy love would you do me a humongous favor?"

Draco's hand came up to brush her shoulder, and he gave a smile when the girl nodded yes. This would go even better than he could have ever hoped for. "If what I think is going to happen happens..." He paused for dramatic effect and gave a small laugh. "and believe me you'll know hen it happens."

Pansy slowly shook her head and smiled. "Draco Malfoy what are you planning?" See that was why he liked Pansy, she always could see a plan cooking.

"Oh by the looks you were giving that wanton brute you'll definitely like this plan." Her eyes immediately brightened, and Draco knew he already had it in the bank. "Panse I need you to distract Harry's little play thing once Potter is otherwise indisposed."

"Can I make out with him?" Leave it to Pansy to think about her own sexual desires at a time like this. Though he couldn't really blame her, all he ever thought about was his sexual desires.

"If that kinda thing tickles your fancy Panse then who am I to argue?" The girl smiled and then hastily nodded her head. "Seal it with a kiss?" At the offer her brown eyes glazed over, and her face unconsciously leaned towards him.

The blond was practically skipping with glee on the inside. He felt those gorgeous green eyes boring into his face. There was no way this could have possibly gone better. He pulled Pansy towards them and softy connected their mouths, practically hearing Harry snarl from the booth over. He deepened the kiss even more, sliding his tongue into the girls mouth, making it last excruciatingly long before he pulled away.

With that Draco grabbed both of their coats and pulled Pansy out of the bar, leaving their drinks untouched on the table. The bait was set, and if his instincts were correct the prey would soon follow. As he stepped out into the snowy village and began walking towards the Shrieking Shack, he hoped that his bait was enough to draw that certain prey in.

Draco pushed Pansy up against the fence leading to the old manor, and crashed their lips together once more. He felt the girl's bare leg wrap around his waist, but that was the last thing he felt before the warm body and lips were ripped away from him.

He tried not to smile as he saw angry blazing eyes glaring at him. Harry was so predictable, well anyways he was now. After he had found that jealous button it was only too easy to find ways to push it again.

Harry was glaring at them both, but mostly at Pansy. Damn the girl really did have bad luck. "Get lost bitch." Pansy tried to look offended, but it seemed like she was struggling just as hard as he was to stop from laughing. The girl stumbled up the hill, and probably back towards the Three Broomsticks. Leaving him all alone to deal with an obviously furious Gryffindor.

"Harry love, so good to see you." Okay so try as he might he couldn't keep the smile all the way off his face. But seriously if looks could kill Draco would be a pile of ashes by now.

"You're such a bastard! I know what you did." Draco backed himself against the same fence he had Pansy pressed up against.

He could try to deny what he did, but really what good would that do? "Do you care?" It seemed like he was thinking about the answer, and yet he looked just as pissed as ever.

Harry began to walk towards where Draco had expertly positioned himself. "No." Draco didn't have time to respond because his lips were devoured by his lovers. God he had missed this! Harry pushed him hard up against the fence, and his lips broke apart to harshly bite his way down his neck. He would have been complaining if it didn't feel so damn good.

Draco moaned as his coat was pushed off of his shoulders and his shirt ripped open to shreds. A hand was thrust down his pants, and the blond couldn't help but whimper. "Do you like that love?" Draco could do nothing at the moment but nod his head, and to his immense disappointment the hand retreated. "Well you're not supposed to!"

Harry fell back, leaving Draco there sitting on the fence. His hands were in his hair and he was hastily pacing back and forth. "For fucks sake Draco I was on a date! I wasn't supposed to come after you and bugger you in the snow."

Draco uncomfortably shifted on his fence post, Harry had just left him with a rather large problem, but he didn't think this was the exact moment to bring it up. "Then maybe you should go back to your date Potter and let Pansy come back here to finish off the job."

That apparently was either the wrong thing to say or just the right thing, because Harry's mouth was on his yet again. "No." kiss "She won't" kiss "ever" kiss "Touch you." kiss "Or kiss you, or fuck you" extra long kiss "again."

His eyes were closed and his head thrown back after such affection, and Draco really felt like he was flying. "Do you understand me Draco? You're mine, and you can never touch anybody else again." Draco smiled and gave a small nod.

"Well if you say it Harry then I guess I don't have a choice." Harry slowly pet Draco's cheek.

"Damn right you don't." Harry took the coat the was slightly hanging off the blond's shoulders and laid it on the ground. "Now what do you say we follow through with my earlier plans." Draco slightly gasped as he was lifted off the fence post and set on top of his coat.

"I'm assuming you're talking about the part where you bugger me into the snow?" Harry got on top of him and begin kissing down his neck, nodding his head on the way down. "Why not? You obviously have to top sometime." Harry kissed him again, and started to remove his clothes. Leaving Draco rather cold in the snow. This was going to be one cold fuck, but what the hell it was worth it.
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