Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Perfect Things

Chapter 10 The Devious Devil Named Blaise Zabini

by previously_recorded 0 reviews

Draco likes Harry but can't get him. Blaise likes Draco and can get him, but want to be more than a fling. So he thinks up a plan to become the blondes equal by doing something he never could. Sedu...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor - Characters: Blaise Zabini, Draco, Harry - Warnings: [!] [X] - Published: 2005-09-02 - Updated: 2005-09-03 - 5024 words

Perfect Things

Chapter 10 The Devious Devil Named Blaise Zabini

~~ Blaise ~~

Okay so he was a bastard. You heard it right here. There was no way that you could have been at that party last night and knew all that was going on and not have thought yourself a bastard. It was just plain scary how well that plan had worked out, and it was even scarier how bad he felt about it. But he wasn't supposed to feel bad, he was bred to have no remorse, you were weak if you held remorse. That's what his parents had always tried to ingrain in his head anyways. Though they didn't have to see Draco's face at the party last night. He would doubt even his bastard of a father could keep a stoic expression if he had.

It was just too much, and sure he had ultimately got what he wanted, but he didn't even know if Draco was ever going to speak to him again, let alone want to fuck him. He had expected the blond to get mad. He had expected the blond to go crazy. What he hadn't expected was for Draco to look around the room as if he had been betrayed by everyone he had ever cared about, which of course now that he thought about it was the truth, and then solemnly walk back to his room and shut the door.

Why hadn't he yelled at him? Why hadn't he hexed him? Did that little brat really mean so much to him? Blaise scowled at the very thought. That was another thing, Draco had told Harry he loved him while under the influence of a truth serum. Now he wouldn't put it past the blond, but he didn't even think he was that good to lie while under that kind of influence.

It wasn't supposed to be love. It was just supposed to be some ruddy infatuation that he got out of his system after fucking him a few times, or of course being fucked by him, which was another thing that was seriously grating on his nerves. Draco was the bottom in that relationship. Draco was never the bottom! It was the one thing he refused to do, and believe him he has tried. Draco always rejected him. Had said something along the lines of that he couldn't break his principles, said people don't standards anymore. Then he just goes and lets Potter fuck him? He'd be pissed if he didn't feel so sorry for the hypocrite.

Wow that was just strange to think. To actually feel sorry for someone like Draco. It was definitely a new thought to get used to, and one that he was sure if the boy in question heard about he'd probably get his ass kicked. He didn't have to see that face though, although now that he thought about it Draco is definitely one of those people that would look in the mirror to see just how depressed they look. You know as if that makes you feel any better.

Draco was probably still stewing over what every part of the plan could have been, and it was a damn good plan if he did say so himself. Step one was for Ron to persuade some Gryffindor named Katie Bell to write and ask Wood to come down for a visit. All the while planting the seed of doubt into Harry's mind. Then when the Scottish Quidditch player arrived Pansy would have a go at him, showing him that nice little picture and explaining just what his little boy toy had been up to while he was away. Oliver would be so upset that he would listen to any sort of plan of how to get back at the one who had hurt him so bad, and that's where Blaise's handy little bottle of veritaserum was put to good use. Pansy would suggest a little game of I've never, and everybody (including Hermione who was just super pissed that Harry would actually sleep with Draco) got there own little question to ask. The plan was fool proof, and the best part was that he never had to get his hands dirty once. He had got all he wanted, and nobody was the wiser.

So alright he didn't exactly get what he wanted, but he did make damn well sure that the person who had the object of his desires was as miserable as possible. Revenge can always put a smile on your face. That old saying that revenge is a dish best served cold might be true, but it just wasn't any fun to wait.

He had no doubts in his mind that although Draco might be depressed now, there was no way he was going to get away with his little stunt. When Draco got back at someone, he got back at them hard. An easy example would that for just hitting on Harry he had humiliated him to the entire school. Those pictures were still hanging up like pretty much every abandoned corridor. He had even seen one stuffed underneath Crabbe's bed. Blaise shuddered at the thought. That little tid bit of knowledge still gave him nightmares.

"Umm Blaise?" This shook his back to reality, and he looked up from his seat on the common room couch to see a very skittish Pansy Parkinson standing in front of him.

The girl was biting her bottom lip, and she kept her head down as she grinded her foot into the ground. "Panse what's wrong? Why do you look so miserable?"

She turned her brown eyes up to look at him, and he could see the sadness in them. The weird part was is that the girl was never sad. She was pretty much the bouncy happy go lucky kinda person, and it took a lot to get her this emotional. Whatever the reason was he hoped it wasn't because of him. "He won't talk to me Blaise. He won't even acknowledge that I'm there." Her voice started to get more frantic. "I sat outside his room all night talking to him, and he never even said a single word back!" Well that explained the bags underneath her eyes at least. "I feel terrible! I just want to take it all back!"

This was so not turning out to be good. Blaise rolled his body off of the leather sofa, and walked over to where Pansy was now shaking, laying two hands on her shoulders. "Pansy listen to me it's going to be fine." It was funny, he was just debating in his head on this very issue, and yet when he said it to Pansy his voice was full of confidence. "It's Draco...he's not one to loose it so easily. He's probably just trying make us feel bad is all...Don't sweat it."

She stopped shaking, and turned her big doe eyes towards him. "You really think it will be alright?" Pansy had always been one of his closest friends, and seeing her in this state did nothing for his already frazzled nerves. Pulling the girl in close he placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"Of course it always is." He pulled her out to arm reach. "Now why don't you go get some look absolutely exhausted." The whole exhausted thing really was an understatement. Her hair was unbrushed, and her eyes were dark and puffy. Giving him the inclination that she had most likely been crying.

Pansy didn't seem to want to leave, but he could see how appealing the prospect of sleep was to her. "Promise me you'll try to talk to him?" He was about to say of course again, but then the girl's eyes narrowed. "And by trying to talk to him, I don't mean trying to fuck him. He's upset enough without you trying to butt your way back into his pants." Now he wanted to say that he was offended for the very thought, but it was probably the truth.

"You're a real ball buster you know that?" Pansy was still giving him that same look, and so he just simply rolled his eyes. "Fine I promise I won't try to get into Draco's pants." She seemed satisfied with this answer. "Now will you go get some sleep before you keel over." With a nod she made her way back to her dormitory, and Blaise resisted the urge to slap her ass as she walked away. So he had promised not to try to get into Draco's pants today, that didn't mean that he couldn't try to get into somebody else's.

Alright so maybe he didn't feel quite so bad about the whole mess as he was leading everyone to believe. He might have felt a little bad, but mostly what he felt was pissed. He wanted to know what was so special about that Gryffindor brat that could have changed his Draco so drastically. He wanted to know what made him so special, and dammit he was going to find out.

Blaise sauntered down the halls towards Gryffindor common room, fully intent on consoling the no doubt devastated boy that was probably sulking inside of it. Now he didn't really know how he was to come about getting into the common room, but he figured his luck was good enough that something would come along.

"Hey Blaise wait up!" Damn he loved being right all the time. He tried to hide the grin that was creeping into his features as he slowly turned towards Ron. The kid looked every bit as bad as Pansy had.

"What's up Weasley?" The red head's breathing was ragged, and his face was red and blotchy. Apparently he had seen him coming down the hall and had ran to keep up. Whatever he wanted to talk about obviously was pretty important.

"Blaise I don't think we should have done that. Harry looks terrible, well I really don't know if he looks terrible because he won't even see me!" He resisted the urge to point out that he wouldn't talk to him before now, and instead let him continue. "Hermione says she talked to him for a little bit last night, and that he's an emotional wreck. It's just I feel really really bad."

What did he have a big sticker on his head that said 'come to me for all your consolation needs'? First Pansy and now him, did they not know that he isn't exactly the best person to come to for comfort. You'd probably have better luck with a fanged teddy bear, and by that fanged teddy bear he of course meant Draco. Though the thought of Weasley going to Draco for comfort was just rather scary.

This time he didn't really mind being the one to consol, because it got him exactly what he wanted. "Oh...that really sucks." He put on a concerned face, and pretended to be deep in thought. "Well maybe I can try to talk to him. You know try and explain some things so that he doesn't think the whole world's against him."

"You think that would help?" What he really wanted to say was 'I think you're an idiot for falling for this so easily', instead though he said.

"I think it would be worth a try." Ron looked towards his portrait hole, obviously debating on whether or not to let him in. What was really going on though was that the dumb part of his brain, and the smart part of his brain were battling.

"I guess I could let you in to go talk to him." Apparently the dumb side won. It really amazed him how some people could be so fucking stupid.

If it were Ron asking permission to get into his common room to talk to Draco there would be no way he would give it. Of course that might have something to do with that fact that he hated Weasley, but still. "Great!" He looked down at his watch, as if he actually cared what time it was. "I'm not doing anything for another half why don't I just talk to him now." Okay so it wasn't the most subtle thing, but this kid was really dumb so he probably bought it.

Ron began to walk over to the portrait of the fat lady, and he trailed lazily behind him. The red head opened his mouth to say the password, but there was really no need because at that moment the door swung open of its own accord. Well that wasn't entirely right, someone opened it. The exact someone he had been wanting to talk to.

"Oh hey Harry. I was just about to let Blaise here in to talk to you." Harry didn't even acknowledge that he had even heard Ron, instead turning towards the brunette.

"There's really no need for that. I'm perfectly alright." It was so funny how much Ron looked like someone had just pissed in his cereal. His bottom lip trembled a little, and instead of saying anything he simply clamored through the entrance to their dorms. Oh and it was so upsetting to, because he was having such a fun time with him.

Now that all the distractions were gone, he thought he aught to get to business. "I don't see how. I sure as hell wouldn't be alright if all of my friends...not to mention lover..." He saw the fire light in his eyes at the smallest mention of the blond, and knew this was going to be a lot of fun. "did something like that to me."

Harry just continued to walk down the hall, and Blaise had to practically run to keep up. "Yeah well as fun as this little recap had been...Is there something you want, or are you just here to rub salt in the wound?"

"I thought you said you weren't upset?" That didn't slow Harry's pace down any, in fact he just walked faster.

"Yeah and I thought you were annoying....oh wait you are." Seriously the kid had definitely been hanging around Draco too much lately. His little quips were almost as bad as the blond's. "There is one thing I'd like to know though." Harry stopped in his tracks, and turned a serious face to the brunette. "Why didn't you tell me that it wasn't you in the picture?"

It was like his luck was outstanding. He had thought that after all the crap he had pulled fate would be pissed with him, but apparently that whole rule of karma didn't apply to him. He sheepishly rub a hand on the back of his hair. "Would you have believed me?"

"Of course!" Blaise gave him a look of 'like hell you would' and Harry seemed to rethink his outburst. "Well I would have at least listened, and I wouldn't have gotten involved with Malfoy."

Oh so he was back to Malfoy now? Not Drakey Wakey, or whatever stupid nicknames that undoubtedly had for each other. "Believe me I do feel bad about that, but I really had no choice."

"Yeah, and how's that?" Now here was the tricky part. He had to decide just how badly he was going to screw Draco over, and he figured he might as well go all the way.

Leaning against the wall, he waited for Harry to lean against the other. "Well as I'm sure you've already realized Draco..." Harry flinched at the name, and he had to bite his lip not to smile at the sight. "can be pretty scary sometimes."

"Oh so you're a coward, is that it?" Well that was a little harsh now wasn't it?

Blaise tilted his head to the side. "I wouldn't go that far, but I'm sure I could have been a little more straight forward." Harry didn't seem at all convinced, so he decided he might as well play his hand. "It's just that Draco pretty much just ruined my life for flirting with you, and he has something about my family hanging over my head that I really didn't want to get out."

So it was a lie. But desperate times call for desperate measures. Plus there was a good chance that the blond did have something like that to use against him. What did it matter that he hadn't actually threatened to use is?

"Oh so he lowered himself to straight out blackmail did he?" Harry scoffed. "Somehow I'm not at all surprised." Now to the casual observer they might think that Potter was pissed, well he probably was pissed, but that wasn't all. If you looked close you could see his hands shaking at his sides, and how his bottom lip kept trembling, giving the inclination that he was still generally upset. If Draco could fall in love, then there was a good chance Harry had also fallen hard without knowing it.

He walked over, and gently placed a hand on the trembling boy's shoulder. "Are you alright?" Now he had been expecting the normal of course I'm alright shit, but he didn't get that.

"No...I'm very fucking far from alright." When Blaise actually heard a sniffle, he pulled Harry against his chest. In the state he was in the Gryffindor did little to protest.

Not really knowing how to comfort, Blaise just slowly pet his messed up hair, hoping that he was kind of like a puppy. "Hey it's'll be okay."

Harry continued to sob into his chest, and the brunette was seriously hoping that the fluids that were no doubt covering his expensive shirt weren't going to stain. "How will it be alright? How could he do that to me?"

Somehow he didn't think the reply of 'cuz he's a bastard' would make him feel any better, so he just kept quiet until Harry stopped crying. When the Gryffindor finally pulled away, his eyes were streaked red from his tears.

Wiping his eyes on his own sleeve, Harry gave him a small smile. "Sorry."

Blaise looked down at his sopping shirt, resisting the urge to ask Harry for the 250 galleons he had paid for it. "Oh don't worry bout it...I've got plenty."

"I just can't believe I was so stupid to think that he actually cared about me." The thing that really should be clicking with Potter's mind was that Draco did care for him. Maybe it was because he wasn't born in the wizarding world or whatever so he didn't know, but it is impossible to lie under veritaserum. Now he was undoubtedly stupid about other things, but about thinking Draco cared he was right on the mark.

"Trust me you wouldn't be the first one to call yourself stupid after one of Malfoy's plans." As an afterthought he added. "At least you found out about...even if it wasn't in the best way."

Harry scoffed. "Yeah that's an understatement." It was then that he realized would be a good time to ask something that had been bothering him.

"So where did Wood go?" He had been worried about that. Because he knew Pansy and Ron would keep their mouths shut, but he wasn't so sure about Wood. Now there was no reason the Scot should even know about him being in on the plan, but he had mentioned earlier that Ron was really stupid and might have let something slip.

At the way Harry's face darkened he had an idea that that person wasn't a friendly subject. "Hopefully burning in hell somewhere." When he saw that that really hadn't answered the question he added. "He went home this morning." Well at least that was one last thing he had to worry about.

"You know I get why you might be a little pissy, but don't you think he had a right to be mad?"

"Of course he has the right to be mad!" He jumped a little at the outburst, but he did his best to hide it. "But he should have talked to me about it. He shouldn't have embarrassed me in front of everybody!"

"So you guys are over I take it?" Harry looked up at him glaring.

"Do you even really need to ask that question." Last night Blaise couldn't help but think that except the fact that now Harry couldn't stand him, Draco would have gotten everything he wanted out of that. Harry wouldn't be with Wood, his little confession of I love you would have been out there, and the two of them would probably have more sex, which if you think about it is always on Draco's list of wants.

Harry's eyes lost their anger, and then once again went back to that melancholy dullness. "I really do feel bad about how I treated you." He gave a half laugh. "I can't believe you're even talking to me right now, let alone trying to make me feel better."

Blaise walked over to where Harry was staring at his feet, and tipped his chin up to look at him. "Don't worry about it. I'd hate me too if I did that to myself." Now he was fairly sure that made sense. Not that mattered though, because Harry was too caught up in his eyes to really notice anything he was saying.

He could kiss him right then if he wanted to, and he was sure that he would receive no objections. "Blaise I don't want to get involved with anyone right now." Okay well maybe a objections.

Removing the finger that he had placed under his chin, the brunette gave him a smile. "Of course Harry. Don't worry I wouldn't think of making this relationship anything but platonic until you're ready." That wasn't exactly the truth. The truth was that he was looking to score today. But he could deal with one little upset, as long as when he finally did it was worth it. He could always say he slept with Ron, but somehow he didn't think it would have the same affect.

With a smile, Harry turned to walk away. He waved over his shoulder. "See ya Blaise...I'm really glad you understand." Oh he understood alright, he understood that that entire conversation had pissed him off. What's the use of being all nice and shit if you don't even get to fuck the person afterwards?

"No problem...always glad to help." He watched Harry go off down the hall, and then take some passageway he never even knew existed. He put it on list of things to deal with later though. He was way too disappointed to want to figure that out now.

"You know I'm beginning to hate you for your face, not just the things you do." Shit. Had he been listening the entire time? From the murderous expression on Draco's face he would have to guess that he had.

The blond walked from behind the statue he had been lurking behind, giving him the dirtiest look imaginable the entire time. He had to admit he was surprised. Even though he knew it wasn't like the Slytherin, he expected him to seem more upset. He didn't have bags under his eyes, and they were not in the least bit blotchy. In fact nothing seemed to be wrong with him. He looked as if nothing life shattering had even happened the day before.

Well it did suck that he had probably heard everything he had been saying to Potter, but at least he didn't have to go to his room to talk to him now. He had promised Pansy that he'd try to see what was wrong with him after all.

"So how's it going Drake?" That pissed off face never left as he walked over so that he was within arm distance.

"Let's just skip the foreplay Zabini, because the longer I talk to you the lower my intelligence gets." Ouch. "Now just tell me why you want to fuck him still?" You just had to love that about Draco, he never missed a beat.

Oh well, there was no use trying to lie anymore. Draco wouldn't buy them anyways. So why would he even bother to try? During his years with the Slytherin he had realized that it was always best to just be straight with him. "I want to see what the big deal is. If you're so head over hills there's got to be something special."

For a second there he was sure he was gonna get punched, but then Draco reeled his anger back in. "'re pathetic."

Normally he wouldn't get so upset by a statement such as that, but there was just something about the tone it was said in that sent him off. "Oh I'm pathetic? Looks who's fucking talking. You're the most the pathetic creature I've ever seen." Now he really was scared he was going to get punched, but he had already started so he might as well finish. "Just take a look at yourself. Pining over some nobody who doesn't give a shit about it. You were fucking stalking him Draco!"

"Oh he doesn't care about me? And I suppose that you do?" He would have found it strange that that was what he had picked up out of his last statement, but then again it was Draco.

"Yes! Of course I care about you. I would do anything for you!" Damn, he really hadn't wanted to say all that. He had never actually told Draco that he had legitimate feelings for them, and now that it was actually out in the air he was feeling a might bit vulnerable.

Draco seemed shocked at the revelation, but then his features once again turned stoic. "Then leave him alone Blaise." He just had to add the whole he would do anything for him thing didn't he?

"No." It was simple, direct, and to the point. He wasn't going to just leave Potter alone, because he had to know what was so god damn special about him that Draco would ask him that in such a pleading tone.

Blond hair was cascaded across his face, making reading his eyes impossible. "I see." A pale hand traveled up to the gray sweater he was wearing, lifting it above his head and throwing it to the floor. Blaise, very much shocked, looked on at his perfectly sculpted chest that he had no idea why he was seeing.

"Draco?" But he didn't respond. Instead his hands this time went to the clasp of his pants, making sure to kick his shoes off first, before sliding them off. Now he was just standing there in his boxers, and he asked again. "Draco?"

He did look up this time. His face was a total unreadable mask, and he had started to move forward. "This is what you wanted wasn't it?" At seeing the confusion in Blaise's eyes, he added. "To fuck me."

Blaise's eyes widened so far he was sure they were going to fall out of their sockets. "Why are you doing this?" Draco didn't respond, instead leaning against the nearest wall and spreading his legs. This is what he had wanted, but the blond was acting really weird. "Draco are you serious about this?"

Draco stretched his arms above him, letting the skin on his ribs pull taught. "Of course I am. You can fuck me as much as you want as long as you leave him alone." Oh so that was it.

It really was quite the dilemma. On the one hand he could have Draco, but he would have to leave Potter alone. Whatever convictions he might have had flew out the window when Draco threw his head back in a moan after he had stuck his own hand down his boxers to stroke himself.

Blaise immediately rushed forward, and pulled Draco's lips to his. Two legs wrapped around his waist as he forced the blond further into the wall. He was working on removing his own clothes when he realized how far away Draco seemed, and how he was slightly trembling.

He let up, and let Draco fall to the ground. Confused, and a little bit pissed, gray eyes looked up at him. "What's wrong? Am I not good enough for you anymore or something?"

Leaning down, he gave Draco a quick peck on the lips. "Oh it's nothing like that Dray. It's just I promised Pansy I wouldn't try to get into your pants today." It wasn't a complete lie, he had promised Pansy that.

The blond's fists were clenched at his sides, and now he had really started to shake. "What do you want from me Blaise?" Wow. Now see he really had some nice intuition to know that he was going to ask for something.

"I want you to go out with me. Me and only me. As in exclusive, as in dating, as in you'll only be mine." This day was going better than he could have really ever hoped.

Draco slowly looked up into his eyes, as if trying to read his soul to find the right answer. "If I did this do you promise to completely leave Harry alone?" He tried not to get disappointed. He was getting what he wanted after all, but it still pissed him off that it always had to come back to Harry fucking Potter.

"Anything you want Ko." After the confirmation, Draco slowly nodded and reconnected their mouths. Blaise was in heaven. Draco was really his now, and he would be sure to take full advantage of that. Okay so he had pretty much had to weasel his way into such a position, but hey no relationship was perfect.

A.N- So an entire chapter through Blaise's POV what did you think? Was it good, terrible, depressing, evil...okay it was all those things...well except the terrible thing...I actually thought it was pretty good. Lol...sorry I'm mumbling now. Please review and I'll be sure to update as quickly as possible.
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