Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > To the end

Chapter 3-Monkfish

by Xxnemo-propriusxX 1 review

...and the temper is lost

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-02-10 - Updated: 2007-02-10 - 572 words

The next morning, Bob dropped Megan and me off at school as he was on his way to band practice at Gerard's (his band mate). We wandered in and parted ways in the English corridor. I had history first. Not only did I despise history, but also I had to sit next to Hugo Monkfish, the toughest kid in school. He hated me and I hated him. Miss Harper gave us back the reports we'd had to write over the weekend. Of course, Hugo got an A+ as usual, but when I was given my grade, I wasn't so overjoyed.
"C minus Jennifer. Just a bit of detail you missed out. And illustrations. And a conclusion," said Miss Harper.
Don't beat me over the head with it! C minus. Oh well, it wasn't the end of the world. That was to come later that day.

Break was unbelievably miserable. I was sitting with Megan outside until she saw some of her friends and abandoned me so I was left on my own. Hugo and his gang of pathetic thugs saw me as prey, and attacked.
"Happy with your C minus, Ryder?" they jeered.
"Well I'm not disappointed," I said, trying to psyche them out. Mocking them was the only thing that made me feel better.
"Someone did fall out of the loser tree,"
"And hit all the branches on the way down,"
"So that's why she's so hideous!"
I mumbled, "Well you ain't so great either."
"What was that?" asked Hugo.
I stood up, easily being four or five inches taller than him. These are the times when I like being tall for my age.
"I said I thought you weren't so great yourself."
"Don't push it, Ryder. You can't talk. You ain't good enough for anyone, not even your own family. Don't I remember something about your daddy running away and killing himself?" he laughed.
"He did not kill himself! He died to save me!" I shouted at his face, heads turning.
"Why would he do that? You don't deserve it," he said. That was it. I'd had enough. He'd taken it way too far this time.
"You're gonna regret that," I said.

Slap him!

I hit him. The split second where my fist met his face was brilliant. But then he hit me back. So there we were, full blown fight in the middle of the schoolyard. Mr Garrett, the principal, saw us and came over to intervene. He picked Hugo up by his collar. I stood up. I think we were both pretty badly damaged, but I didn't care about the way he looked, nor did I care how I looked.
"What do you think you're playing at?" hissed Mr Garrett.
"Nothing, Sir," I said.
"Into my office,"
He dragged Hugo along, with me trailing behind. I didn't feel clever or unbeatable, I was just so angry. He had no right to speak to me like that.

Two hours later, Michelle and Hugo's father were sitting opposite us in the principal's office. We'd both been given three days suspension and if anything like this should happen again (to quote), we'd be expelled. Frankly, I think Monkfish deserved it.

That afternoon, I lay on my bed and cried. Mum had given me enough scolding to last a lifetime, but Michelle saw it from my point of view. She seemed like the only person who understood how I was feeling.
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