Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Panic Meets Justin

The Tour Begins

by magicforsmokey 2 reviews

*Sigh* Can we just forget about this part?

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-02-10 - Updated: 2007-02-11 - 482 words


It took less than an hour to explain how they were going to work together. Justin had a tour coming up and it was decided that Panic was going to go along and open up all the shows. Once they got to know each other, there was no longer discomfort and they were all on the same level as far as talent went. Justin found the guys really easy to talk to and Panic thought Justin was fun to be around and not the stiff guy that had made an impression on them at first. The best part about all of this was that neither of the managers were in charge. It was completly on them. In other words, they were free to do what ever.

"I still don't see how we're gonna be good enough in less than a two weeks to open up for /him/." Ryan complained. Brenden stared at the sky. "C'mon even Justin said that we were talented." They walked towards their van in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

They weren't that bad. Justin thought, as he returned to his car. At least, they weren't as obnoxious as new performers usually were. Another tour coming up. It seemed like the last tour had just finished, though it had been a year and a half since Justified/. He was getting lazy though. After all, winning the award for the best come back with /Futuresex/LoveSounds was pretty difficult. Especially since there were so many come backs this year. Justin sighed. He had another evening at the recording studio today.

A week and a half later, Justin and Panic met at the center of New York City to start their tour. It was crazy. There were screaming girls (and boys) everywhere. Jon laughed nervously. "I wonder how it's gonna be on tour." he asked Justin. "You can't even begin to imagin." Justin replied, signing one fan's arm. The tour bus was huge. "Go Bus" was printed on both sides. It had a good reason to be big. They were going to be traveling to 11 cities during their tour. Security guards guided them through the large crowd and towards the door of the bus. "Ow!" Brenden exclaimed. "That was my foot!" Spencer laughed. "Oops."

The inside of the bus was just as amazing as the out. There were six different rooms. One for each of the performers and one for the band. The crew camped out in the living room. Justin hopped onto the kitchen counter. "Can any of you cook or bake?" He asked, looking through the cabnets for a cooking book. Panic all shook their heads. All except for Ryan. They turned to him. "Dude, you can bake?" Spencer asked, holding back a snort. Ryan nodded and blushed. "Long hours at your grandma's house teaches you that." He replied, staring at the floor. Everyone burst out lauging.
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