Categories > Original > Romance > Flawless Illusion

Time to get ready for jail!

by Skye 3 reviews

Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-02-13 - Updated: 2007-02-14 - 754 words

"So, are you coming?", asked my best friend Annalisa. She sounded so excited she might bust threw the wall. "Coming where?", I asked. "OH MY GOD!! JENNA LORRAINE STARR! You have to be kidding me!", she said, flabbergasted. "Um......nope, sorry."

"How could you forget!?" "About what!?" So, you really have no idea what I'm talking about?", even thought I couldn't see her, I knew her jaw was hanging all the way down to the floor. "No, Annie. I really have no idea what you're talking about!" "But...didn't you get invited?", she asked. "Invited to WHAT!?", I yelled. She was really starting to annoy me! "Josh's party, duh!"

"Oh, that", I said. That obviously wasn't the reaction she was looking for. "Why aren't you excited!?", she asked. I think I was annoying her now. "I don't know. It's probably just going to be one of those boring popular parties where everyone gets drunk and the girls dance like sluts!"

"So! We're popular now! It's our duty to go to these parties!" "Well, maybe I don't like being popular!", I said. She was quite for a while. Then she said, quietly, "What happened to you?"

"What do you mean?", I asked. "I mean, last year you would've given anything to be popular, to fit in. And now you want to through it all away! I don't get you." "It's not that I don't like being popular, it's just that I miss all the 'unpopular' kids", I said, honestly.

"Why?" "Well, when we were with the other kids, we were accepted for who we were. With the popular people we're only accepted because we hit puberty and grew boobs!" "That is so not true! These people like us for who we are too!", she said. "Annie, these people are jerks. I mean, don't get me wrong, there are a few of them are totally awesome, but most of them are jerks!"

"Ok, well, are you coming to the party or not?", she asked. "Well, I don't know. I don't really know this Josh kid. Who's all going to be there?". I said. "Oh my God! Does it really matter! I swear you sound like my mom!", she said. "Yes, as a matter of fact, it does. And that's exactly why. Mom. She's going to want to know this stuff!"

"Ok, so tell her that Josh is one of your good friends, and that Emily, Ethan, Landon, Lindsay, Luke, and Sara are going to be there. You're mom know's all them. I think....." "Yeah, she know's all of them. Except for Landon. Who's that?", I asked.

"Ok, she doesn't know Landon. Don't include him in your list", she said. "Ok, I won't, but I still want to know who he is!" "Landon Summers! You don't know Landon Summers!?" "Nope, guess not", I said. "Are you kidding me!?" "What?" "He's only the hottest hottie of them all!", she said.

"Oh, ok", I said. "So, are you going?", she asked, again. "I don't know. What if there's beer and we get caught!", I said. "Oh, please, Jenn! You have to go to this party with me! It's the biggest one of the year! Just go to this one and I won't make you go to anymore!", she said. "Ok, fine. I'll go. But only if you pay for the taxi!", I said. "Deal. It's not my money anyways", she said. "Ok, where do you want me to meet you at?" "How about the coffee shop on Center Street?", she said. "Ok, that will work." "Great! Meet me there at seven!" "Seven!? How long does this thing last?", I asked.

"As long as you want to stay. He's parents are gone for the week", she said. "Ok, the coffee shop at seven", I repeated. "K, see you there!", she said, hanging up the phone. I did the same and flopped onto my bed. I couldn't believe I had just agreed to go to this party!

Am I insane! Don't answer that! I laid there for a while, letting my thoughts run wild. I'm going to be in so much trouble if my mom finds out that I'm going to a party with beer, slutty dancers, horny guys, and no parents. And not to mention if the police show up! I'm pretty much asking for trouble! I walked down to the bathroom and started the shower. Time to get ready for jail!


A/N: Sorry it's so short! I promise the next one will be longer!! Leave me a review!
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