Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Surreal

1. Dawn

by panda_1418 2 reviews

Remove yourself.

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-02-15 - Updated: 2007-02-16 - 832 words

Before I start really begin this fanfic, I just want you all to know how personal this is to me. For one, my friend used to be a druggie, and lots of her friends are using. And my other friend's mother is dying because of her addiction.

For you, this may be just a story. But for me, it's life.


Chapter One - Dawn

The day had started out horrible, from the time when her alarm woke her up at 6 in the morning, instead of 8. From when she walked out of her room to meet Julius, only to find that her shirt was on backwards. But the worst part came at lunch, when she and her partner were called down to Al's office. As she munched on her ham sandwich, Al explained to them a new student had arrived at the Academy. His name? Roger Davies.

"He's from, like, Alberta, dudes," Al had informed them. "He was training to be an officer in the army, one of those kamikazes that shoot each other to bits. Only, his talents were more suited for-"

"Spying," she finished, rolling her eyes. "So let me guess. Julius and I have to play babysitters?"

"Right on, man," Al answered, nodding. "Just let him tail you for a week. Show him the ropes and all that jazz."

Julius had a question. "But what about missions? We can't bring an FNG on-"

"No worries, man. Ursula and Emmet will cover all your missions until Mr. Davies has got the hang of things. Now, in the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, that's all, folks."

As they walked out of the room, she turned to her partner. "Ursula and Emmet cover our missions? That's a bigger threat to the free world than Dr. Dismay with a death ray."

Julius nodded. "But, if you think about it, Ursula and Emmet training this guy could be even worse. We don't need another three bimbos in the Academy."


Around suppertime, a black limousine pulled up in front of the Academy. It was dark enough out so no one could make out the features of the man that stepped out of the back. The only thing that caught her eye was his hair: dreadlocks, inky black dreadlocks.

Ursula turned to her and whispered, "Do you think he's really hot?"

"I dunno," she mumbled, twirling her fork in her spaghetti. She decided even if he was striking, she wasn't going to give him a second glance. She wanted to get this damned assignment over with so she could go back to saving the world. And there would be a lot to do when Ursula and Emmet were through with it.

However, as soon as the new boy walked through the door, Delilah forgot her decision. He was so incredibly hot - with his dreads, his intensely blue eyes, and his eyebrow piercing - that every girl's peepers in the room were glued to him. Ursula nudged her in the side.

"God/! You are /so incredibly lucky!" Her eyes narrowed to slits. "I hate you!"

Scarlett called Delilah and Julius up to the front. Both spies were totally aware how many eyes were on them now.

"Roger, this is Delilah Devonshire and Julius Chevalier. They'll be your guides for the next week or so."

Roger's eyes twinkled as he smiled. He stepped past Julius and took Delilah's hand. In a way that resembled an old school knight, he kissed the back of her palm.

"Such a pretty face," he murmured, so only she could hear.

Blushing madly, Delilah turned away. Julius rolled his eyes and groaned. Elbowing Emmet in the side, Ursula grinned. "Looks like somebody is jea-lous!"

"Um, Julius, why don't you show Roger his room?" Scarlett suggested. "It's number 62."

"Oh, that's okay!" Delilah interrupted, sounding all-too eager. "I can do it! ... I mean, if that's okay with you, Jay,"

Shoving his hands in his pockets, her partner turned to leave. "Whatever."


Outside Roger's room, Delilah found herself fidgeting with anything she could lay her fingers on. This wasn't normal. On the way to his dorm, she twirled her hair, pulled at the end of her shirt, rubbed her hands together, anything to keep her busy. And as Roger spoke to her, she was very conscious of her replies.

"Well," Delilah said, breaking the awkward silence. "This is room 62. I guess I'll go now,"


She turned back to face Roger as he grabbed her wrist. "I have something in my suitcase. Something I think you'd find interesting."

Eyes widening, Delilah did what she had always been taught, and tried to remove herself from the situation. "Um, I'm fine, thanks."

Seeing the fear in her eyes, Roger blushed. "Oh! No, no! It's nothing like that. Come on. I swear, it won't hurt you."

Glancing around to make sure no one was watching, Delilah allowed herself to be lead into his room. What was in his suitcase would completely change the Academy.



Synonyms for /Dawn/: originate, start, begin
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