Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Im Not OK ... It's A Thing Called HIGH SCHOOL

Chapter 4

by leitchy 1 review

a fight, and a kiss goodnight.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-02-15 - Updated: 2007-02-16 - 1276 words

Finally, the end of the day had come. I could escape the tortuous classes and the tormenting of my friends, and return to my own little world. I can't believe they know! It's so embarrassing. "Am's! Walk home with us!" Frank called as he passed by my locker, heading towards Gerard and Mikey's. Shit! That would mean my secret could possibly be let out. I walked towards the Way's lockers hoping that he would not find out yet, "Oh damn! I forgot. I have detention. I can't walk home with you guys today!" Frank said, turning to go to the principal's office, winking at me as he did. Damn. He isn't really going. He just did that so Gerard and I could be alone. Actually, that's really sweet. I smiled. "Would you like to some over this arvo?" Gerard asked me. I smiled and replied. "Yeah, that would be great." He grinned and held out his arm for me to link mine through. I think I melted. He's really such a gentleman.

"You know that song that you wrote in music today? Am I allowed to read it?" He asked me as we turned into his street. I answered by shaking my head. He pouted. "I didn't know you pouted!" I said, laughing. He smiled at me. "Please?" He said, fluttering his eye lashes. I couldn't help but laugh. He looked so cute! "Well, let me work on it and fix it up. And when its finished, you can read it. How's that?" He nodded in defeat. "Mikes! Hurry up or we'll lock you out!" Gerard called back to his baby brother who was tagging along behind us. He ran to catch up and only just walked through the door, Gerard and I laughing as we tried to close it before he got there.

"Let's play X-box Amy!" Gerard said after we had had something to eat. "Err, you know I suck at that!" I replied. "That's the whole point!" He winked. I lost in Halo to him about 10 times before I handed the remote over to Mikey, which gave Gerard some actual competition. Pretty soon, Gerard had been defeated and he gave up and dragged me to his room to show me some song he had been working on. It was pretty sad, but was very good. He called it Helena, and I really liked the chorus. "Gee! That's awesome! You're heaps talented!" He smiled shyly at me and asked; "Would you sing the chorus with me? I reckon we do a pretty good harmony. We will do it with the band, but if we ever perform, I'd really like you to come with us." "Oh Gee, I'm not that good. But I'd love to." I replied, starting to get really excited. "Guys! Mum says that dinner is ready!" Mikey called from the other side of the door.

"Hey Gee, where will I sleep?" I asked him, noticing that after the fight his parents had, his Dad took the spare room. "You can have my room and I'll sleep on the couch." He replied. "I'm not gonna kick you outta your bed!" I said, not wanting him to be uncomfortable. He laughed. "Why not the both of us stay in my room and then we don't need to fight over it?" He replied slowly, as if thinking it through. I nodded, not wanting to say anything in fear that I would sound too eager. He fished out some extra blankets and 2 pillows and placed them on the spare side of his double bed. "You can got through my draw and pick out something to put on if you want." He said as he turned to the door to go and get changed. "If I want?" I questioned slyly. He blushed. I heard him mutter something under his breath and he bounded out of the room, still red in the face. I couldn't help but giggle at his reaction.
I picked out some silky black boxers and a plain black singlet that I recognized as the one I had left here last time I was over and we had gone to the beach. Whoops! "Can I come in?" He called. "Yep! I'm decent." I called back, laughing. He walked in with just his boxers on. Oh God. I don't know how I will make it through the night without pouncing on him. Then I noticed the bruise. "Oh my God Gee! Is that from the railing?" I asked, motioning to his side where a large purple bruise had formed. He waved it off. "It doesn't really hurt anymore. I'm fine." "Oh. I'm just worried about you. And to be honest, that does NOT look like you tripped. Are you sure that's what happened?" As soon as I said this, I realized I probably shouldn't have. He had a look of anger on his face, which certainly beat my look of annoyance. "DO YOU REALLY THINK I'D FUCKING LIE! OF COURSE I FUCKING TRIPPED! OK! YOU GOT THAT?" He looked like he was about to blow. "Gee, it's just that it looks like someone is hitting you. I just don't want you to get hurt again. It looks bloody painful!" I was sure I was yelling by now, and I knew the whole suburb could probably hear this fight. 'STAY OUT OF IT! FUCK! It's none of your FUCKING BUSINESS! Stay out!" He yelled, his voice cold. I looked down. I could feel tears in my eyes. Shit, I'd really done it this time. "I think I'll go and stay with Mikey tonight." I muttered as I passed Gerard and headed for the door. "Wait. Amy ..." I felt him grab my wrist and I flinched, expecting something bad. But I realized is voice was gentle. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. You were just making sure I was ok, and I blew. Will you forgive me?" He asked sadly. I looked up into his hazel eyes. "Of course, I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm just worried about you." I said softly. He smiled gently. "Well, now that we have sorted this out, I want to do something."
Before I could say anything, Gerard had leant down and was pressing his soft lips against mine. I didn't kiss back at first, I was too shocked. I heard him let out a soft, sad sigh, and just as he was about to break the kiss, I came to my senses and moved my lips gently against his. I felt him smile, and he cupped my face with his hands. I wrapped my arms firmly around his neck, and pulled him down to deepen the kiss, groaning softly as I felt his tongue run along my lower lip. Parting my lips a bit, he instantly gained access to my mouth, and we had a battle. He won, and pushed me back onto the bed, still kissing me fiercely. He was such a good kisser, and his lips were full.
Eventually, he pulled back and took a deep breath. Panting slightly, I blushed as I realized he was fully on top of me, and my arms were still clutching at his neck. "That was ..." He left the sentence hanging, as if unsure of how to describe it. "Sweet?" I suggested. He laughed and held my hand, lacing his fingers with mine.
"I think that's enough excitement for one night. Let's get some sleep." He pulled me close to him, and I cuddled in to him, resting my head on his chest. He wrapped an arm around me, and I fell asleep to the steady beating of his heart.
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