Categories > TV > Stargate: SG-1 > Escape to Atlantis

Chapter 2

by SithJesto 0 reviews

Lidea poiton caused for a whole planet to lost their memories and their age. What it can do in wrong hand? What if General O'Neill is the target for his Ancient legacy? Who will be able to save him...

Category: Stargate: SG-1 - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Sci-fi - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-02-23 - Updated: 2007-02-23 - 1373 words

Chapter 2

It was a good thing that shadowy characters like to meet in shadowed places. It would have been quite a surprise to be called by a fifty year-old and meet instead with a fifteen year-old. Maybe Jack was only a clone but he had his original's memories. It was frightfully easy to slip back in his black ops mindset. He swore when he get the old man back he won't do it ever again. Of course it was the same excuse he, or more likely his original, used every time he needed to awoke these skills.

So he stood in the shadow and waited for Night Fox to arrive. He did not need to wait for long, the woman did not change much over the years, her blood-red hair and lips were in vivid contrast to her pale skin and light blue eyes. She carried herself with grace and flexibility. She was an epitome of her name deadly, dangerous and beautiful.

"Scarecrow." She called out his alias. He could not help but smile, the name had grown on him over the years.

"Night Fox." He tried to deepen his voice, it gave a gruffly edge to his young voice, made it sound a bit like his older self's.

"We heard you died."

"Mh, yes I heard it too. I need to know who stand behind this?"

"Gunny heard about some rough NID group, you ran into them a few years ago if we heard right." Jack nodded, it occurred to him Night Fox couldn't see his response but his silence was confirmation enough. "They are playing around with a lot of technical stuff and have a scientist, his name Dreyfus."

"Marc Dreyfus?"

"Yes. You know him?"

"Just his reputation." It was not good news, the man had no ethic, he experimented with drugs to alter or destroy memories. His test subjects died whitin days. He heard whispers about his madness. Dreyfus was convinced that he can reproduce the Ancient technology. Some of his subjects, who were found dead, were carriers of the ATA gene. If this man managed to get the NID's support and get his hand on Jack, he needed to hurry up before it was too late.

"Did you hear anything where I can find them?"

"Yes," her blue eyes studied him, like she tried to see through the shadows. Her face was concerned, but hard and professional the same time. "Not far from Canon City, 2 miles at East. There is an old abandoned research complex."

"Thanks." He turned to leave, when her soft voice stopped him on his truck track.

"Be careful, Jack." Her voice had a soft quality, she was saying goodbye to a friend.

"Hey you are talking to me." He looked back above his shoulder, his feather features were covered by the shadows. He felt himself smiling; his smile was reflected on her face.

"Yeah. That's why." She nodded to him and turned away to walk back where she came from and Jack made his way to his bike motor. He had the clue for where to look, he just hoped his older self would be there, and be alright when he found him.

The abandoned research complex did not look too deserted from close up, armed guards patrolled the fence, scientist-look-a-likes and other staff moved in and out from the central complex. He suspect the place he saw was the underground science lab.

He bought some black BDUs and hat and other gear he might need in one of the military shops. He liked his old clothes and stuff better but they were in his original's possession and he had no time to waste to gather it from Jack's place. The clothes he wore at the moment would be good for now. He snaked around the wood line to find the best place where he could get through the fence without anyone noticing. It was not easy but he managed.

Luck was with him, he found an old ventilator shaft which was big enough for him, would be even if he was in his old body. He fastened the rope's end to the entrance and prayed down the bars. He climbed inside and carefully placed back the bars so not make easy to the guards to notice that something was up. After a few feet crawl when the shaft turned vertical he let the rope down and swung his feet over the ledge. He eased himself down with his back pressed to the wall while he climbed downward, it was an easy climb. He was happy for this new body; his old damaged knees would have bitched all the way down.

He searched through two floors and found nothing, well not Jack anyway. There were lots of gadgets; he recognised some as goauld and even a few he had never seen before. He suspected this things came back to Earth before he could stop Maybourn's group. The 3th and lowest floor was almost empty, but he felt sensed his older self. He was not sure how, or why but there was the feeling he observed two days ago. Oh my god was it just two days ago, it felt like a lifetime.

He moved toward the presence, then he felt soft humming, vibrating in the air. He remembered this feeling. It was the same when he touched the ancient device in PX-whatever, where the knowledge was placed in his mind. He crawled faster, a deep unsettling feeling seized up his soul.

When he looked through the ventilator shaft's bars he saw Charlie, no, no Charlie. Charlie had blue eyes like his mom's, this boy's were the same brown eyes as his own. Jack's eyes. The colour drained from his face as it dawned on him that this boy was Jack. He was not sure how this happened, but he could feel it. The young boy was strapped down to an exam table, his face pale, his eyes glassy, his lips had a bluish colour. There were electrodes placed on his body, and a breathing mask over his mouth.

The room was vacant of life beside the boy, not boy Jack, he reminded himself. He opened the bars and eased it back into the shaft. He turned over so his legs pointed toward the opening and climbed out. Nobody attacked him nor came anyone running into the room. He sized up the room and walked up to Jack, he shaked his shoulder, but the boy still stared at nothing not responding. He unbound the restrains and unhooked the electrodes and mask.

Taking the limp body in his arms, he faced a new problem: how to escape? The easiest would be to snake back through the ventilator shaft, but it would take too much time, and any minute they could notice the boy was missing. On the other hand he could just walk out and take the lift, but he was not too mobile with an unresponsive child in his arms.

Neither option was good, but he choice chose the first one. It was less risky, and maybe they could gain a few hours if their escape went unnoticed. It was as good a plane as any and with a sigh he shifted the child in his arms.

He noticed a yellowish liquid on the far table, there were some medical tools and a hypo filled with the same yellowish substance. He manoeuvred the young body in his arms so one of his hand became free. He gathered up the glass container and placed it in his pocket. He looked around one last time hoping to see something he missed, but all other things in the room looked earthly, and ordinary. He moved back to the ventilator and climbed up.

He made his way slowly, carefully through the narrow place. They just managed to get outside the fence when the alarms sounded. The whole base came alive, guards ran to their posts, scientists hurried back to the bunkers.

Jack watched the activity for a moment, before he felt like he was being watched. He looked down and chocolate brown eyes looked up at him. At first he thought the boy was still comatose, but then he blinked.
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