Categories > TV > Stargate: SG-1 > Indiana Jones and the Stargate

Chapter 4

by SithJesto 0 reviews

Jacob Carter dying, an old tale of an artific maybe his only help. Will be able to convice Jack and his team an old archaeologist to help them? What will be the price the man will ask for his help?...

Category: Stargate: SG-1 - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-02-23 - Updated: 2007-02-23 - 1309 words

BETA: scottiedog

Chapter 4

Jack thought the road to Indy was boring, but it could not be compared the road back to Colorado. While Jack could admit he did not understand a word after the two archaeologist got engrossed in the details, he would even swore they even changed languages once or twice. So with one word: he was bored.

Of course there was Teal'c as well. On the second thought, no, not really was the Jaffa there. Well you see Teal'c cheated again, as the archaeologist seminary started on the back seats between the two doctors, he practiced his kel'nor'im or had fallen asleep. Jack sure couldn't tell which actually.

So he was bored, and obligated to listen to Daniel's babbling about his rocks, and ancient cities, and not so ancient cities, people they met along their exploring and places they visited. He heard Indiana's inquisitive and even his keen questions, with an observation here and there.

This highly intellectual debate made him think as well, about the places they had found. There was a thing he always wanted to know, a question he wanted to ask. Why the hell the place they found always collapsed just when they were inside it????

Jack knew that they were old things, places but for God sake, they stood there hundreds, maybe thousands of years, and they always managed to fall apart when they arrived. See there was Ernest's planet, where the whole damn castle went to the sea. Not when Ernest arrived, neither that fifth some years while he was there but the damn day they, the SG-1 arrived. It was not the only place. No, no sir. There was hindered other planets where this disaster occurred again.

Well if you take out the once, where Daniel accidentally touched something which triggered the collapse or those which was a trap set up by the Gou'lds or some other race. It significantly shortened the list, to about half.

".. N'Tril." Indiana's last word caught Jack's attention, and he concentrated on what was said. After all it was why they were here, to find the N'Tril and possible save Jacob's life.

"You mentioned the Abydosian is similar to the ancient Egyptian, and this Ancient, is more easily to compare to the Latin oldest forms." The old man's voice was deep, knowing Indy like Jack did he wanted to test one of his idea, to see if he got it right.

"Well yes, but only in the spoken language." Nodded Daniel, his voice momentarily confused, he did not knew yet where Indiana heading with his questions. Jack risked a glance at the duo, he saw Daniel pushing up his glasses up on his nose as he continued talking "The written is more alike to the Assir in some aspects, but could not be really compared to it while you translate it."

"Hm I see. Then, my young friend, I have no doubt we will find where N'Tril is."

"How so?" chimmed in Jack with some curiosity.

Indiana pulled out his brown leather covered diary, and searched out the place he wanted to show them. Jack could see the familiar forms written all over the pages, he was not exactly sure but they looked just like...

"Ancient, this is written in Ancient. Where did you find it? Jack you know what this could mean?" Why in 7 Hades asked Daniel questions liked that from him, when he knew well enough he had no clue what he was talking about, even if he had it would be a good opportunity to pull Daniel's leg to answer honestly.

"Nope, no idea." Supplied Jack.

"But,... how... " Daniel is really a very good fish imitator sometimes. He glanced back to see Indiana's eyes twinkling with amusement at the young man's reaction. Daniel did not notice their reaction to his frustration. "It could mean there is more Ancient relics, or technology on Earth then we thought at first. They could be hidden on Antarctica or, Africa or Australia, who knew. Look at the past how many legend's there about places we never found...." 'oho Danny was on the roll again, the young man's enthusiasm was really, really very noteworthy and annoying. No too much annoying, just after a time, say after a week or two.' Jack was desperate, and desperate men usually act on their instincts. He jerked back the stick and the small aircraft jerked up from it.

"Oo." moaned Daniel as he was throw back to the set's back, his head painfully collide with craft's side. "Jaack, what was that?" Daniel whined in a pained voice.

"Oh nothing, nothing at all."

"Nothing?! Jack I almost have a consciousness here."

"It was the wind." Jack said with a smug voice.

"The wind?!" exclaimed Daniel.

"Yep." Seeing his best friend disbelieving gaze he hastily added "Daniel look it's a small airplane, and slip-streams could've easily jerked and thrown a plan this small."

"Uhm alright." Daniel still looked suspicious at him, but for now the young archaeologist would stop questioning him. Maybe if he could reach Sam first and bribe her and maybe the Doc, Lou and Hammond and, and... okay too long list with too many people on the Air force base who know about flying. For now he would concentrate the most likely targets Daniel would ask about slip-streams.

The rest of the trip was uneventful, Daniel with the help of Indiana started to translate the missing pieces. When they reached Peterson only a sentence or two was left. Jack called ahead for Hammond, to tell him they may had found a solution. The General asked them to meet up with him at the infirmary, he felt it would be good if Jacob and Sam could hear it as well.

At first Jack did not understand why, but when he saw Jacob's pale appearance, he understand. They were not gone more than 7 hours and the Tok'ra's estate/statue had gotten worse. They didn't have too much time left.

"General Hammond, we may have found a way to save Jacob's and Selmac's life." He addressed it to Hammond, but his words were directed toward all of the occupants in the room. He nodded toward Indiana to step forward. "I like to introduce Doctor Indiana Jones, he was the one who made the discovery, and with Daniel's help they managed to translate the missing information which hinder Doctor Jones so far. Daniel?"

"It was written in a dialect of the Ancient which we had not came across yet, it was a bit of cross by several language I assume ...." Bt he was interrupted again, this time by Indiana.

"What he means is the language was Ancient, it talked about a gate. How you call it? Ah yes, the Stargate. The Stargate was close to the East pole it told the road their from Peiros, one of the Mycenae town and how was it used to walk among the stars."

"So we knew where it is?" asked Sam with a new found light in her eyes.

"Well, no not really. There was not any coordinates or address given." Daniel said ruefully. Jack narrowed his mind, something occurred to him, an elusive memory about a chain, or clock. He was not sure when he was younger and Indiana first showed him his finding that was when he first showed him the object.

"Indy, when you first showed me this legend, you showed me an object as well, something shiny and a bit metallic but not. I don't really remember, but..." he trailed off when he saw Indiana's eyes light up with recognition and started to open his shirt and pulled out a chain. On it was, Jack's memories elusive object, a ring and on the ring was their possible salvation.

As the ring slowly turned Jack could clearly saw the symbols of a Stargate address.
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