Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Change of Pace

Sleeping over...

by jonesy56 1 review

Video games, Movies, Naps, Bob... All very good things...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-02-23 - Updated: 2007-02-24 - 610 words

I own Nothing...

Ray came by the shop everyday that week. Everyday we sat on the couch next to the Japanese manga, sipping coffee and talking about life. Life as he knew it anyway. There was NO way that I would let him see the shambles in which I was living.
Finally, by the end of that first week, he had convinced me to come over and hang out at his place; to play video games and eat Chinese food. I chain-smoked the entire day that I was supposed to go over to Ray's. I never remember being that nervous in my entire life. I was excited because he seemed so nice, but also scared to death, because of the relationship I had just ended.

I left for his apartment around 7:00 that Friday night. It was sort of dark, but he didn't live too far, according to the directions he had scrawled on the back of a Starbucks receipt. He had already ordered Chinese by the time I got there, so we went in to play some Super Smash Brothers. Before we knew it, three hours had passed and his roommate was just getting home.

"Goddamn Ray! I want to watch my movie! You had better be done with that TV!"

I looked up from the game to see a tall, muscular man with a lip ring passing by the door into the kitchen only to emerge a few minutes later with a few beers. Obviously, Ray had not informed him that I would be coming over, as he just stood there staring for a moment.

"Hi, I'm Ana," I decided to keep it simple.

"Hey! I'm Bob. How's it going?" He handed me a beer and opened his own, leaving Ray empty handed.

"Hey, I want a beer!" Ray threw his game controller towards Bob's head.

"Well, then I would suggest getting off your sorry ass and getting one," Bob smiled and winked at me as Ray groaned and headed for the kitchen. "You don't mind if we watch a movie do you? I just picked up 'Interview with the Vampire'..."

"Oh sure, I don't mind at all." I couldn't help but smile back. Even though his appearance was intimidating, there was something about his manner that put me at ease.

Wedged between Bob and Ray, the lights dimmed and the movie started. It was only a few minutes before I was out cold...

I awoke the next morning in an unfamiliar room. Realizing that I must still be at Ray's I stretched and lay back down. Sometime after I had fallen asleep, and after the movie had ended, someone had taken my shoes off, placed a pillow under my head and covered me with a soft, old blanket. I could smell coffee brewing and decided to head into the kitchen to grab a cup before I headed home.

"'Morning Sunshine!" Bob smiled as he handed me a steaming mug.

"Thanks!" I yawned and inquired as to the whereabouts of Ray. He had apparently had an interview this morning with some company, and wasn't expected back until later. Bob offered to give me a ride home, and I accepted. Climbing into his truck, I sighed and moved to the center seat (carefully avoiding the random drumsticks on the floor and seat) giving Bob a semi-hug for the ride home.

Putting his arm around me, I felt genuinely safe as he kissed my forehead and said, "It's ok sweetheart. Don't be shy to call us if you ever need anything."

I thanked him again and headed into my cold apartment.

A.N. Sorry it's short- I'm a very busy person!
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