Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Napoleon Complex

Jack And Coke

by blue-flame 5 reviews

"So the 6 other glasses in front aren't yours then?"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-02-25 - Updated: 2007-02-25 - 502 words

Frank was your average guy. Heavily tattooed and pierced, but a great friend if you could earn his respect. He made up being vertically challenged with impressive strength from going to they gym every week. His need to prove himself was well known, feeling the need to compensate for his height. It was another cold fall night in Jersey. Mikey his flat mate had taken him to an album launch. Mikey being an intern at Eyeball Records got Frank into the best gigs. New London fire was the first band Mikey had signed. Frank spent most of the night propped at the bar downing jack and coke, whilst Mikey mingled with the band, meeting and greeting industry reps. By midnight Frank was delightfully wasted and slumped on a bar stool. The basement club was stating to empty and a glowing Mikey bounded across to his inebriated friend.

"Hey Frankie, got someone to introduce to you as soon as she returns from back stage. What did you think to NLF?"
"Yeah man, great. Not usably my taste but they are defiantly headed somewhere. Not like the usual scene kids who think jus cus' their from Jersey they will be the new Misfits. Ha! It kinda' sounds like a new sport. And tonight all the action from the latest rounds of the NLF....."
Noticing the array of glasses surrounding Frank, Mikey quirked an eyebrow from behind his thick rimmed glasses.
"How many had you had?"
"One for two...."
"You mean one or two? So the 6 other glasses in front aren't yours then?"
"Nope. Must be someone else's" Frank looked up from heavily lidded eyes and gave Mikey a lazy smile.
"I'm calling you a cab. I have to stay here and help the band pack away and sort out a few things"
Frank hopped from the stool, gabbing he bar to stop his knees buckling. Mikey grabbed Frank by the shoulders.
"M'fine. It's only a few blocks. I can walk it"
"You don't look fine"
"I can handle myself. I'm fine. The air will clear my head. Ill sees you later"
Signing in defeat Mikey let Frank go, knowing you can't stop Napoleon. He would just have to introduce Jamia another time.
"Alright, just take it easy. Be back by around 3"
Frank made his was on unsteady feet out of the door, his spinning head giving him a kaleidoscopic perspective.

After covering about half the distance to his apartment in twice the time a rough hand reached out and grabbed Frank by his leather jacket, jerking him into a dark alley.

Frank stumbled to the ground from the force of his adversary. A tall built man loomed over Frank's small frame. Staggering to his feet Frank clawed at the grimy brickwork of the alley walls trying to compose him. Eyes finally adjusting to the darkness, he saw the man had a shaven head, with small blond beard. A lip ring similar to Frank's glinted in the moonlight. Icy blue eyes pieced through the shadows.
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