Categories > Anime/Manga > Weiss Kreuz > Strange Times


by fireun 0 reviews

Aya was not one given to acts of compassion, especially not towards one who had had a hand in the kidnapping of his beloved sister.

Category: Weiss Kreuz - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Characters: Aya, Schuldig - Warnings: [!!!] [?] [X] - Published: 2007-02-26 - Updated: 2007-02-27 - 543 words


Schuldich woke up wanting M&M's.

He yawned, stretched, reveled in the fact he could yawn and stretch without coughing, hurting, or having to fight one restraint or another, and then looked around for delicious, colorful, candy coated bits of chocolate. He had taken his medicine, now he got a treat.

His mind cycled on someone else's determined chocolate fixation, and the closest he came was a nibbled on, discarded Hershey bar sitting beside an issue of National Geographic.

An old issue, with some sort of mostly naked tribal fellow on the cover.

It was almost artfully arranged in the center of the table, next to a slightly crumpled napkin with a strategically placed coffee smudge. Schuldich smirked around a piece of pillaged chocolate. How cute, Aya was trying to have a nice normal apartment to reflect his nice normal life.

Too bad no one had told Aya that a bachelor his age needed more clutter. Maybe at least one empty dish in the sink. A sock sitting somewhere awkward. It's a good thing Aya had someone like Schuldich to help him out. Schuldich was feeling better, was in a good mood, and was feeling helpful.

"I take back anything that wasn't violent I thought about you this past month."

"Hey, I opened a window."

"It's not the smoking." Aya glared in a sort of baleful resignation at the dorm room appeal his nice, neat apartment had gained.

"I admit, While You Were Out it is not, but I think it has a sort of testosterone appeal." Schuldich grinned. "I even got you a Playboy calendar."

"I'm going to kill you."

"You had your chance."

"Is that..."

"A tacky hula girl doll? Yup."

"I should have left you tied to the bed."

Aya winced at the mental image Schuldich sent his way. He considered leaving, maybe coming back later in the hopes this nightmare had ended and things would be back to normal...

'You don't do normal.'

Schuldich leered, and Aya tried to ignore the particular intonation the telepath put on the word 'do'.

"I just got back from talking with Omi."

"Aww, how is the kitty?"

"Pleasantly convinced Schwartz is dead."

"You lied for me! How sweet!"

"You're healthy, and irritating. Time for you to leave."

All of Schuldich's manic energy huffed out. "And where, pray tell, do you suggest I go?"

Flip answers really were Yohji's domain. Aya managed an abrupt shrug and went to clean the dishes Schuldich had stacked artfully in the sink. The whole damn place smelled of ramen...

And that spicy smell that seemed to cling to the telepath.

"Clean the porn off of the kitchen table. There is a futon in the closet, unless you prefer the couch, but I am taking my bed back."

Aya pretended not to feel the rush of elated triumph that surged through him in a distressingly pleasant wave. This was the most damn fool idea...could only lead to disaster...

'With me involved? Of course.'

"That doesn't help keep me from changing my mind."

"Arent you guys all about taking in strays?"

"Not psychotic killers."

"That was Farfie. I am more of a sociopath."

"You are very bad at selling youself."

"Actually, no, I am rather good at..."

"Quiet. Clean."
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