Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > save a life

a twist in time

by frenchfish 3 reviews

they find a way to bring the whole gang back together! but will they have enough time?

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-02-27 - Updated: 2007-02-27 - 1235 words

"Hey seasons" Theresa greeted the seasons, Archie and Theresa had snuck into Persephone's room "Theresa! Where's your friend, youknow, the cute one" said the spring season
"we need you to find him" Archie said
"So, he's lost in time then?" the spring season presumed, Theresa and Archie nodded
"okay, sisters" the spring season said, they took hands, they started to hum and there eyes turned white.
Theresa felt her back stiffen, and a shiver went up her spine. Archie had common feelings, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, they felt the enrgy around them connect with the seasons.
"He's in a bad time, a bad place, and unfortunatly, in the war he is in, he is on the wrong side" the spring season said as they finished
"Is he hurt?" Theresa asked
"I don't know, but if he wasn't before, he will be soon. Jay is Jewish is he not?" The spring season continued, Theresa nodded
"Then you must hurry, Jay is in much danger" teh spring season said, she placed a flower from her hair to each of them.
"I will give you two days, i will send you right to him, but you must last two days, you can travel to any time in tie that you wish just by saying it, but be warned, whoever you are touching when you leave, will return with you, everything is real, you will feel pain, everything, do you have weapons?" the spring season asked
"Yes, we are ready" Theresa said
"i will see you in 2 days" she said and clapped her hands together, there was a blinding light, They closed there eyes tight. They stayed that way till they were sure the light was gone.
"Where are we?" Archie asked, Theresa opened her eyes and almost cried "world war 2" she said "WORLD WAR 2!!!" Archie repeated loudly, before them were buildings collapsed, people on the ground blood all around them, dead. Planes over head were fireing bomb and guns were shooting everywhere. "JAY!" Theresa called "Theresa?" asked a quiet voice, Theresa and Archie turned around to see Jay, in a cage with many other people, he had a yellow star on him "Of all the days for you to be a jew" Archie said as they ran to the cage, a man walked in front of them "Back away!" he said in German, Theresa (thank god) spoke german and replied "may i please speak with him, the bloody writched man almost killed my husband" Theresa lied, the guard smiled "absolulty, i must depart for a minute, make sure he doesn't go anywhere" said the guard, Theresa smiled "with pleasure" she said (still in german).

"Jay" Theresa said going to the side of the cage, Jay looked like he had a broken arm "Are you alright?" Archie asked "i'm fine, how are you two?" he asked weakly "peachy" Archie said, Theresa couldn't manage to say anything 'he's alive, he's alive....he's still here' Theresa thought as she let tears roll down her face "don't cry" Jay said a little stronger |now, are you gonna spring me or not?" Jay asked, Archie took outhis wip and wipped the lock to peices "nicely done" Jay said climbing out "Let's get out of here" Theresa said noticing the guards running their way "um, er, Theresa's house august 5th 2003 5:00 PM" Archie said, teher was a flash of the blinding light and they were soring threw time again.

"NIce place" Archie commented "Archie, you shoudn't have" Theresa said weakly as she helpped support Jay along with Archie "why?" Jay asked
"this is the day-" Theresa was cut off by a shreiking sob from a girl. The door opened and a younger version of Theresa ran out, a women on a ambulance table came behind her, the younger Teresa wouldn't let go of her mother, the ambulance man put his hand on her neck and gave a short push and Theresa was on the ground unconcious. The women wasn't saying anything, she looked to be...dead.
"This si the day my mother died" Theresa said slowly and quietly, Jay looked down at her "we can't stay here, we have to sleep" Archie said.

"um, any money there guys?" Theresa asked, she was still a little in shock cause Jay was alive "er, no" they both said "we could always go to elysian feilds?" Jay said "ya! Stay there till we have our two days up, then we just get a hold of Herry and Neil, and we can bring them back! It's perfect!" Theresa said "what is it that your both talking about?" Jay asked, he let go of them both as he had regained his composure
"the spring season gave us these 'time flowers' and we have two days till the flower will automatically bring us back to our time and place, but whoever we are touching, comes back woth us" Archie explained
"So you can bring people back form the dead? Cause in a sort i am dead" Jay said, Theresa almost cried at his words "no your not! Don't say that! You don't know how bad it was without can't leave us again Jay" THeresa said allowing silent tears to flow down her pale face, Archie nodded in agreement "everything fell apart, everyone left, everyone that lived left that is" Archie said "So Herry and Neil are dead" Jay said "not if we get a hold of them" Archie said, Theresa was regaining her control. "This is a one shot, we might evenget to meet our ancestors with the time we still have!" Archie said "then let's go" Jay said "one minute, i um, have to go to the bathroom" Archie lied so that Theresa and Jay could have a moment.

"Did you really think i was dead?" Jay asked Theresa
"yes....and no, i didn't in the end, so i got Archie to come with me to help look for you" Theresa said looking anywhere but at Jay
"So you did get my call" Jay said
"What call?" Theresa asked
"I text Archie and i sent a bit of a vision to you" Jay said
"How'd you manage that?" Theresa asked
"I didn't think i could actually, but i felt your presence in my head so i tried, guess it worked" he said, he was now no longer looking at her, so Theresa took this moment to look at him
"I thought at first it was cause i didn't want to let you i couldn't" Theresa said
"Good thing you didn't let go" he said showing her the numbers tatooed into his arm.
"Never get tatoos, bad idea" he said, she laughed
"I'm really gald your alive Jay....i wasn't quite sure what i'd do with myself if you were really gone" Theresa said
"What do you mean by that Theresa Jones?" Jay asked
"I-" Theresa started when she was cut off my Archie.
"well best get on the road guys" he said, Jay gave him a nasty look, as did Theresa. Theresa took Jay's hand, and Archie took Jay's other "this is so gay" Jay said noteing that he was holding hands with a guy
"Suck it up, now, let's go to elysian feilds present time" Archie said, the light came once more and when they opened their eyes, they saw the most wonderful place they'd ever seen: Elysian feilds.
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