Categories > Original > Drama > Alone with Len

The Stray

by Neoluna_Dark 0 reviews

A strange man. A drunk mother. And a very frightened young girl. Rated for later chapters(that may or may not be longer for the sake of time).

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2006-09-25 - Updated: 2006-09-25 - 399 words

Chapter 1

Here I am. I wish I was some where else. I just don't feel safe alone with this guy. He's terrifying for reasons even I don't know. Though he's made no move to harm or threaten me in anyway he's still such a strange guy...My mother brought here five days ago. She came stumbling in here drunk as ever dragging him behind her.
"S...see this guy here," She stammered her speech slurred by whatever she had been drinking, "He's gonna be renting a room us. Show em' where the...hic...the spare room is". Then she stumbled into her room leaving him standing there in the door way. He looked like a lost pup that had been kicked one too many times. I pitied him. The poor thing, standing there in the doorway, looking so lonesome and forgotten. But that feeling of pity was short lived.
His name is Len. Twenty-five. Beautiful and fragile like a porcelain doll. His hair is filament fine and black as ebony wood. It hangs down his back in a long strait ponytail stopping just below the waist. His eyes are deep blue pools so clear and unnerving, they stare right through me. It's as if he's looking into my soul itself. A long, slightly pointed nose is paired perfectly with thin lips. He has a muscular yet lanky body standing 6'4 with soft golden bronze skin. I don't know his race, or even where he comes from. All I know is that there something so terrifying.
I am Katrenia Dinera, but everyone calls me Kai. I am sixteen, and a high school drop out, though not by my choice. 5'5, scrawny, and small breasted my figure is practically non existent. My hair is hard and stiff like wire and the color of dead grass. I just let hang down to my back in a coarse braid. My skin is smooth and brown and my face is almond-shaped with eyes the color of mud and a blunt nose. But despite my lacking appearance that guy is always staring at me. He just watches me all day, as if there's no one else in the world. Following me around the house coming in to whatever room I happen to be in. Making up some phony excuse for being there. It's so creepy and I can see through his lies so easily...
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