Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Don't Know How You Do It

Sincerity's In So Dont Just Sound Like You Mean It

by -LoVe-CaNt-SaVe-YoU- 2 reviews

i know its been what two weeks since my last update? i suck i know.. whoa this thing has had over 1000 reads! thanks everyone! :D

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-03-02 - Updated: 2007-03-02 - 845 words

She ran out into the pouring rain and quickly pulled her hood up .She didn't get far from XO before Patrick stopped her, pulling at her arm and turning her to face him. They were both soaked through to the skin but he could still see her red eyes and knew she had been crying.

"Bree stop walking away from this. Please cant we talk about this without you running away?" he exclaimed.

"What do we have to talk about? You cheated, we're over full stop." She snapped back, her voice horse.

"Yes I cheated. You will never know how sorry I am. I didn't want to tell you because it didn't matter to me I thought I'd-"

"-spare me the heartache. That worked out great didn't it?!"

"Please just don't leave. I want to fix this." He whispered and Bree looked up to see that that his eyes were welling up. Her barrier she had built up in the past few days she had spent trying her best to hate him broke down, she felt a tear roll down her cheek as the corner of his lips formed a small smile seeing her eyes soften. He took this as a sign to le lean down and lightly brush his lips against hers. He pulled away to look into her eyes and she smiled through her tears, which for once had nothing to do with pain or hate, and she pulled his face down to hers and kissed him passionately. Bree could hardly remember a time when she was this happy. When she was with Patrick it was like nothing else mattered. Not her Dad. Not LA. Nothing. Neither of them knew how long they had been standing there before Patrick broke away.

"So I'm forgiven??" he asked knowing the answer.

"Yes! Now can we go find somewhere warm and dry??"

"Last time I checked my place was pretty dry..." Patrick replied suggestively.

Bree slapped his arm playfully then nodded and he kissed her cheek quickly before grabbing her arm and running to his car pulling her behind him. He paused when they got to the car opening the door for her. Patrick ran around to his side practically jumping into the car after her. At this Bree started laughing uncontrollably.

"What?" he asked confused.

"A little overeager aren't we?" she asked sarcastically he grinned before leaning across and kissing her quickly, yet deeply, stopping her mid- giggle.

"What are we waiting for?! Move goddamit!" she laughed as Patrick turned the key in the ignition.

They pulled up outside Patrick's house five minutes later. They both rushed into the house. As soon as the door shut behind them Patrick pulled her body close to his and meeting her mouth with his. She moaned into the kiss as Patrick slid the hoodie off her shoulders.

"Wait your parents?" she asked pulling away.

"Gone for the weekend." He replied letting their lips meet again. Bree knocked his hat off and smiled into the kiss. He broke away and picked it up and placed it back on his head.

"Are you sure you want this?" he asked looking into her eyes.

"More then anything." She replied surely.

She woke up the next morning to Patrick singing in the shower.

"Me and You setting in our honeymoon..." he belted out from across the hall. Bree smiled the one thing she loved more than Patrick was his singing. She rolled over to the nightstand taking a look at the time on her phone she saw it was noon already. She reluctantly got up and pulled on her clothes that were scattered across the floor. After Chris she never thought she'd be alright with this sort of thing again. You know putting herself out there, but something about Patrick made her want to trust him. Even though he had cheated on her, which she still got a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach when she thought about, for some strange reason she knew she could forgive him. One of the only things that was steady in her head right now was the fact that she loved Patrick everything about him, his laugh, his smile, his music down to every single hat he ever wore.

Patrick walked into the room in nothing but a towel leaving very little to the imagination. He was still whistling but stopped when he saw she was dressed.

"Leaving?" he asked.
"Yeah I should be getting back. My dad is probably wondering where I am right about now."
When she mentioned her Dad Patrick suddenly remembered the whole LA thing. He wanted to talk to her about it but knew that now was probably not the best time./ Best not ruin the moment / he thought.
Bree crossed the room giving him a quick kiss before exiting Patrick's bedroom.
"Bye!" Patrick called after her.

"Love you!" she called back before Patrick heard the door slam after her.

Bree approached her house and stopped suddenly seeing a moving van parked outside. Reality hit her in the face.
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