Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Don't Know How You Do It

The really short chapter i rushed in twenty minutes....

by -LoVe-CaNt-SaVe-YoU- 2 reviews

reviews!! plz!! :(:(

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-03-04 - Updated: 2007-03-04 - 608 words

Oh shit, what the fuck am I going to do Bree thought feeling as though she was about to be sick. She walked past the movers who were carrying the couch out to the van and into her house (for now).

"Melody! Dad!" she called out to the rapidly becoming empty house.

"Yes?" Melody replied coming downstairs into the hall where Bree was standing.

"We cant move!" Bree exclaimed frantically.

"What? What happened I thought you didn't mind? I thought you wanted to move?"

"That was before this is now and I don't want to!!"

"What changed?"

"Things ... situations..." Bree mumbled looking down at her beat up chucks not wanting to go into the full story with Melody.

"Well it's a bit late now.."

"You can't make me go!"

"Yeah I kind of can... you cant live by yourself!" Melody started to raise her voice while the movers removed the last remaining piece of furniture from their hall.

"Well I'm 17 I've been looking after myself practically my whole life I think I could handle it!"

"Get out of my sight I don't have time for this I haven't even packed half my own stuff I don't have time for your melodramatic martyr attitude!" Melody yelled stomping back upstairs.

Bree stood there in the middle of the now empty hallway before turning and waling out of the house. Once outside her house she took out her phone and called Patrick.

"Pick up, pick UP!" she muttered into her phone.

"Hello?" he answered on the fourth ring.

"Hey its me. What are you doing?"

"Just band practise why??"

"Well can I come watch you guys.. I'll explain when I get there I just don't want to be at my house right now"


"Ok be there in a few. Bye!"


She hung up and started walking to Patrick's. Damn its cold... she thought hugging her thin hoodie to her body and shivering. I'll miss these cold ass Chicago winters... NO WAIT! I wont miss anything cause I'm not going anywhere she cursed herself. After more debating to herself she found herself outside {Patrick's door. She rang the doorbell and his mom answered telling her to go straight to the basement where the guys were practising.

She got there in time to hear the end of a song she'd never heard before.

I was born under a bad sign,
But you saved my life
That night on the roof of your hotel
"Cross my heart and hope to die,
Splinter from the headboard in my eye"
Photo-proofed kisses I remember so well

Trade Baby Blues, for Wide-Eyed Browns
I sleep with your old shirts
And walk through this house in your shoes
I know it's strange
It's a strange way of saying that I know I'm supposed to love you
I'm supposed to love you

She walked in clapping and Patrick immediately looked down and blushed.

"Wow!" she exclaimed.

"That's it?!" Pete asked pretending to be shocked.

"Ok that totally kicked major ass!!"

"Better.." Pete replied smiling and taking his bass strap from around his neck.

"Break??" he asked and the other guys nodded in reply.

"So Bree whats the big explanation we were promised?" Joe asked sitting down on the beaten up couch putting his legs up and making himself comfortable.

"WEl.." she started but was cut off by Pete's ringtone.

"Sorry I should take this" Pete excused himself.

Bree explained t the guys everything that had happened between her and Melody that morning and her sudden change of heart not to go. She was just about finished when Pete walked back in.

"Guys, you will never guess what!!"
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