Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Jay and the Golden Fleece

In The Cabin

by twiinklestar 7 reviews

Will Atlanta forgive Archie?

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-03-03 - Updated: 2007-03-03 - 558 words

Chapter 17 :

Archie watched Atlanta go to Jay to ask him if she could take a rest. Jay looked puzzled and nodded. Something was wrong, didn't Archie just say she had been sleeping? He shrugged it off. Atlanta ran into the cabins. Archie waited a couple minutes before running past Jay telling him he was going to rest.

"But Atlanta-" he didn't even finish because Archie was already gone.

Quietly, Archie opened the door and jumped down. He landed so quietly you could have heard a pin drop. He saw Atlanta looking at a photograph and brushing her fingers over the surface. Archie looked at the photo frame. It was a golden frame with swirly designs engraved on it. It was a frame that Archie knew, held a picture of the team.

"Miss Theresa?" he asked startling her a bit.

Atlanta jumped a bit at the sounds of Archie's voice. She hadn't even know he was there.

"I miss them all. But most of all Theresa. I hope that she is okay. I feel so scared for her,"

Archie smiled.

"What are you smiling at? This isn't a happy matter," Atlanta frowned.

"I'm smiling because you are still talking to me,"

"Oh. But that was a silly thing to cry about," Atlanta covered her mouth. She had not just admitted to crying. Not to Archie.

Archie laughed.

"It's okay. I heard you. Even you, Atlanta, need to cry sometimes,"

Atlanta smiled and patted the spot beside her. Archie sat down.

"Atlanta, I'm really sorry. I tried to make her go away but she wouldn't go,"

"I know you didn't do it to hurt me and I know you didn't do it on purpose. You'd never do anything like that to me,"

They sat there in silence until Archie broke the silence.

"So...where you jealous?" Archie grinned.

Atlanta punched him but that was way to cliché. He grabbed her wrist.

"You really need to learn something else,"

"Like this?" Atlanta said, flipping him to the floor and pinning him to the ground. She was sitting on him holding his wrists above his head with one hand and pressing down on his chest to hold him down with the other hand.

Archie was taken by surprise but then flipped her over. They started to have a wrestling match. In the end Archie had won. He lay beside/on her. He had both her arms pinned above her head and he had one hand on her hip. Archie took deep breaths.

His head was facing the ground in the small space by Atlanta's neck and shoulder. Atlanta could feel Archie's warm breath on her neck.

When Archie regained his breath he brought his head back up but still had Atlanta pinned. They could both feel the warm breath of each other on their faces. Archie stared into Atlanta's hazel eyes and Atlanta stared into Archie's gray eyes. Slowly, Atlanta's leaned closer to Archie and closed her eyes. She brushed her lips lightly against his and brought her head back.


Archie cut her off and leaned in and kissed her. They both came back for a breath at the same time.

"I think we should go back up," Archie suggested.

"Yeah," Atlanta agreed.

Archie stood up and pulled Atlanta up. They both went upstairs to the deck.

Brittany McMillan - 2007 -©
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