Categories > Books > Warriors > An all new Warriors


by RainPaw 0 reviews

After Fern wakes from her dream she finds that everything is not how it was before and everything she's ever know is starting to go down the drain.

Category: Warriors - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-03-03 - Updated: 2007-03-04 - 1333 words

Okay I'm back, but only for a little while. I don't plan to update any of my other stories so for yous who read them don't get excited. I just read over the first part to this story and wanted to add the next chapter, so here it is...

Disclaimer: I do not own Warriors but I do own my characters and clans

Fern jerked a wake from her dream with a terrified mew, tangled up in the small rag that lined the box she and her family had slept in. But the warmth of her mother and siblings was gone; she stared around in the gloom to see only that it was fog outside. Sitting up quickly she padded across the damp cardboard to the entries. Gazing out into the fog she couldn't see a tail length in front of her. She cried out for her mother but there was no reply. Fear started to creep up on Fern, she had never been alone before, usually she had her brother Tig or her sister Hem to keep her company while there mother was out looking for food, But now all of them were gone and Fern was be herself. She knew that her mother had told her if she ever got lost that she was suppose to stay where she was, so with a sigh she walked over to the corn of the box pulling the rag with her and curled up facing the opening in the box and waited...

...And waited, it must have been close to sunhigh by then and some of the fog had burned off. Fern stepped outside the box to see the two ends of the narrow area the box was located. At one end it opened up to a large area covered by the Blackpath and it was where the Tallwalkers roamed, fern herself had never gone close to that end. On the other side was a wooden wall, over it was where her mother always went hunting, and at night there was always strange noise coming from behind it. Her mother had banned them from ever go over or near it so for of her life Fern had stayed in the area around the box. The sun was right overhead, between the two huge stone towers, which signaled that it was sunhigh. The sunrays dried and warmed the silver fur on Fern's back as she lay out in front of the box.

A yowl came from the other side of the wooden wall causing Fern to jump. Gazing over at the wall for a second she neither heard nor saw anything. After a while Fern was about to sit down again when another yowl came from behind the wall, this time a lean she-cat jumped over the wall shortly after. Fern recognized her as her mother. Her troishell coat was dull and was streaked with mud and to Fern's horror, blood. Many angry cries erupted after her.

"Mother!" called Fern, "What's going on!" Her mother who before looked like she didn't even see Fern and was going to run right past her stopped wildly, her eyes rested on Fern for a second.

"Fern! Fern Run!" she cried,

"But mother, what's going on?"

"Not now, we have to run!" a look of terror in her eyes as more yowls came from behind the wall.

"But what about Tig and Hem?" she asked desperately, pain entered her mother's eyes

"No, we most run now!" she said her voice full of sorrow,

"But mother..."

"No! We most go!" At this her mother dazed forward and grabbed Fern by the scruff and started running. More yowls sounded and this time Fern saw three dark figures jump over the wall and start running towards them. Ferns mother skidded out in to the open area, Tallwalkers everywhere. Some made loud noises like a yowl while others made high pitch sounds that hurt Fern's ears but her mother kept run as fast as she could, zigzagging her way through the crowd.

One of the Tallwalkers lashed out at Fern and her mother causing them to flee down a narrow path, dogging large green boxes that lined the walls. As Fern swayed from her mother's mouth she could not just see but feel her mother slow and weaken, Fern was no longer a small kit she was now five months old and heavy to carry long distances. As they came to the end of the path they turned right and ran straight onto a Blackpath.

The large Tallwalker monster's screamed in protest but all Fern's mother could do was run, on the other side of the Blackpath Fern could see a river, not a huge river but it was about twenty tail-lengths wide. Tallwalker's had built wooden platforms into the water with lines of other lager contraptions of the Tallwalkers. Fern's mother headed for the wooden platforms, taking great bonds, which cause Fern to swing back and forth violently.

As they reached the platforms Fern's mother had slowed to a brisk walk, and as they turn the corner onto one of the outstretching platforms Fern looked over her mother's shoulder and her heart stopped. Behind her were the three cats that had chased them, Fern didn't know how they got across the Blackpath but that was the least of her worries.

Her mother had finally seen what was behind her and set off down the platform, the other cat close behind her, but they did not out run her only drive her on. To the dismay of Fern and her mother they found the platform ended and past it was the fast moving waters of the river. Turning around they faced their pursuers. One was a large gray tom with only have his tail, his fur matted and mud streaked, the second was a tabby tom with both his ears torn and matted and mud streaked fur like the first, but the third cat which stood between the other two did not look anything like his companies. The tom's glossy jet-black pelt gleamed in the sunlight, and caws with were sevthed looked longed then normal claws.

"Give it up Tails" sneered the black tom, "There's no where to run, just hand her over" Tails, Fern's mother placed Fern down but put her paw in front of her.

"She is not going with you," snarled Tails, her tail slashing violently behind her.

"You know she belongs to Shadowpack, she will make a great fighter along with her brother"

"Never, she belongs to herself! She will never join you after what you did to Hem!" cried Tails, Fern looked up at her mother seeing the same pain she had seen earlier she feared the worst for her sister.

"Your other kit was not strong enough to live with the Shadowpack"

"'My kit!' 'MY Kit!' she was as much as my kit as she was yours! And you sat there and watched her die!" yowled Tail, the pit of Fern's stomach suddenly disappeared, and her world started to spin, Hem was dead, her sister was dead!

"How could you Hunt, how could you, your own kit" mewed her mother as she bowed her head, then it struck her, the black tom that stood before her had let her sister die, her sister who her mother had just said was his kit, which meant this cat was her father.

"Now Tails let's try this again, hand over the kit and no one will be harmed" he smirked as he and the two other toms stepped closer and closer.

"Never!" Tails took and step back resting her paw on the edge of the platform,

"There's no where to go Tails"

"Or is there?" whispered Tails, in one quick moment Tails grabbed Fern and launched herself into the rushing water's of the river and was quickly washed away.

Okay, still doesn't sound like Warriors I know, that'll come in in the next chapter. I will update soon! R+R!
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